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Thailand - Not for me

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11 minutes ago, huawei said:

This is just ignorance...thailand for the majority of time only had young(er) people from the West here...there are good jobs out there, good international schools, Asia has been booming since the mid 80’s, the retiree is a new phenomena. 


It is just ignorance is it dunno where you come from mush, the salaries have always been rubbish compared to what many people earn in their own country,  unless your employed to work here for a western country.

Retirement is a new phenomena ? how old does it have be. 

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12 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Absolutely nothing wrong with rediscovering the joys of your birth country

Posting about it just just rattles those who claim to be in Thailand because their birth country has gone down hill. I've always found that a poor excuse myself.


The reality is, if there is nothing to really keep you somewhere, better to evaluate your situation, and if necessary make a change. More so, I would say, if your health is affected.


Your wife too is making the same choices, and has decided the attraction of Canada does not outweigh the security she enjoys in Thailand


Good luck, life moves on at pace, who knows what is round the next turn!







Well said-a very good post!

I must admit that I find the usual form of 'Dualism' on topics such as these to be somewhat puzzling as I enjoy living in my home country and(hopefully) will return to Thailand for a holiday someday.

Nevertheless I have certainly enjoyed various posts here...and what is good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander.It's all about respecting choice and opinions-not to mention life stages and facing stark reality at times.

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my country is not for me either.  too many old fat, old women and everything is far too expensive.  terrible weather too.  i enjoy far better purchasing power here in Thailand.  here, i have to fight the ladies off with sticks.  that doesn't happen back "home".  enjoy this little "phase".  you'll get over it and come running back in a couple years.

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10 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

If you hate Thailand ways so much why are you on the TV forums?

Why not?

If he has lived here then he most certainly can post here,I would think.

We  are all entitled to analyse,compare and form some sort of opinion of Thailand and,indeed,any other country in the world.

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Thailand is not for everyone. I do agree that by living here, we are giving up some things. For me, the culture part of the equation is a sacrifice. I would love to be able to have access to great live jazz, stand up comedy, the ballet, art museums, and other such luxuries. I definitely do not have them here, with the exception of MOMA in Bangkok, which is outstanding, but there are only so many times I can visit! 


However, some of us enjoy a very good life here. On my relatively modest income and savings, I live a whole lot better here, than I would in the US. I like most of the people here, and find most to be far more pleasant, light hearted, fun, helpful, and kind, than the average American I run into back there. I also like the food here, though I miss the sheer variety back there, and the ease of travel within the region. There are alot of other aspects of life here I enjoy. Granted, I have a wonderful wife, who is delightful to be around on a daily basis, and that is after many years of being together. Granted, we could live in the US. But we would both be bored to tears there, very quickly. As I said, Thailand it is not for everyone. You have to be able to overlook alot of nonsense here. And you have to be light hearted, and not take things too seriously. And be very adaptable. 


Though I do enjoy the cleanliness back in the states, much of the rest of the lifestyle leaves me cold. Just take the malls for example. Here, the malls are downright entertaining. I can spend hours at Siam, or Central in Bangkok, and just admire the gorgeous gals, the selection of foods, and the vibrant life within them. In the US the malls are dull, fabulously uninteresting, lifeless, devoid of flavor, sterile, and have horrendous food, overpriced cinemas, and alot of really unattractive people. Not much bird watching!


The sheer predictability of every day life back there is mind numbing for me. And the cost of living is staggering, these days. Whoever says inflation is low in the US, is lying through their teeth!  


I hope and I pray I never have to live in the US again. In my opinion the quality of life is dropping by the day. I love it here and hope to spend my dying days here. 

Very well said, spidermike007. I am in very "similar shoes", just substitute UK for US. As you said, Thailand is not for everyone, but I'm mightily glad that it is for me!

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Condos are way over priced in TO, in a big bubble. Not bad idea to sell IMO.   TO has gone way down hill, crime, traffic, it's an expensive place to live. And oh ya, feminists. One of the most feminist cities in the world. OP is lucky he didn't marry a Canadian women, she be owning that condo by now and he'd be stuck.

You need to earn 80k a year at least to live in Toronto or no point. I give the OP 6 month before he goes crawling back to Thailand. As for his wife, doesn't sound like a keeper if she could just turn her back on him like that.

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5 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Its a UK expression basically meaning being on the verge of doing something and then backing out at the last moment due to being unsure of afraid. After reading your post I don't think it applies in your case.

So it is both an obscure terms and misused?

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7 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I left my wife in Thailand


Lucky her ! I hope that she never have to live your $hit life in Canada...

If at least you where millionaire, I could understand that you wanted her to follow, but as you seem far to be, let her live a happy life in Thailand and just waste yours in Canada !



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To [OP] good luck ? You just gotta do it as you see it as far as I can tell. Life goes on. I have just come to terms with the decision NOT to even try and take the Thai-leap (not the balcony one lol)...but the relocate. It all comes down to what makes you happy as blase as that is...for me, a bit of fishing and golf and a walk in the hills in the neck of the woods i know and grew up with is what I want in my later years.


Sure, I have a wonderful Thai partner who lives in Thailand and who happens to be crazier than a tiger snake...won't compromise at all or do anything other than what suits her and her Family lol...and then there's the farang-ATM horror...why bother. Hmmmn. At a certain stage in life, other things start to matter more than a great r**t


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