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Gunman kills four at video game tournament in Florida


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5 minutes ago, SinCityGr8One said:

Criminals will never give up their weapons. Not is a Million years! Look at Chicago for instance. The City has the toughest gun laws in US. It is also Murder Central. How can you explain that? What are your ideas to make the City safer? I believe in Gun Control myself. To me it's a steady aim.

Come on.  You know darn well that tough gun laws in one state is meaningless when guns can be obtained so easily in another state.  But don't worry, the US Congress won't be doing anything about guns in our lifetime.  Which means Americans will keep killing Americans.  We elected them into office, so this is exactly what we deserve.

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Funny isnt it. Someone kills an animal and they are 'bad. But when someone kills someone else the gun is 'bad'.  Progressive hypocrisy.

Terrorist attacks killing many people with trucks has not resulted in the calling for trucks to be banned.  


The reality is that the problem is not guns, it is the mental state of some people and their ability to get a gun. 


There needs to be a far greater and a proactive assessment of people with mental problems.  If I think someone is a 'nutter' then how can I report them for assessment, like it was done up until the 60s/70s.  The answer is that I cannot, and to do so is 'discrimination' and a breach of their ''human rights.  Progressives in the 80s changed the system and got rid of the ability for society to protect itself from mentally damaged people who might kill others (with gun or whatever).  Sure, there were some that were unfairly locked up.  That is the price for being a safer society.  


And that is the main reason for so many gun attacks nowadays. Period. The other is terrorism - seperate issue.


The persons that do it are always mentally 'damaged', but if other people knew it, they couldnt do a thing about it. 

Switzerland has very open gun laws, but that is 'backed' by very strict mental health laws - very very few such killings occur there.

And the UN says the Swiss laws are a breach of a persons' human rights, because you cant prove that they will kill other people.

Which is true, so the Swiss lock up/detain anyone that might kill other people - and monitor them if/when released - and ignore the liberals in UN.

And they ban anyone who may be mewntally damaged from owning a gun, and they severely punish anyone who sells or gives such a person a gun - and charges them with manslaughter if they do  kill someone.


The problem is some people being able to get a gun, not every person and not every gun.   


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Thanks for the speedy reply to my post. Our views are obviously different concerning gun violence is US. However, I would like to point out that the is 26,000+ gun laws on the books concerning guns throughout the US. What more can be done? It is not quite as easy as you mentioned to obtain a gun in the US unless you are a Criminal. Sure, they are sold on the streets or given to like minded criminal individual. However, there is one Law that is constantly abused by Criminals. That is that a convicted Felon has a lifetime ban on gun ownership. That does not stop the criminal from obtaining one on the street. I also believe anyone that has had mental issues and treatment should also have a lifetime ban. In US, there are certain Cities that have enacted Laws regarding confiscation of weapons from those with previous or ongoing treatment for mental stability. I believe that is a step in the right direction. Most gun violence in US is gang related, robberies, home invasions etc. by the criminal minded. A competent individual with no prior law breaking should be allowed to purchase and maintain a weapon or weapons when obtained legally.

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58 minutes ago, SinCityGr8One said:

So your (7by7) idea about gun control is what? 

 As an example, from my home country: Firearms policy in the United Kingdom.


We do have gun crime here, as the introduction to that article and the recent shooting near Kingsbury tube show, but nowhere near the scale of the US. 


Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing, but handguns were effectively banned after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996 with the exception of Northern Ireland. Dunblane was the UK's first and only school shooting. There has been one spree killing since Dunblane, the Cumbria shootings in June 2010, which involved a shotgun and a .22 calibre rifle, both legally-held. Prior to Dunblane though, there had only been one mass shooting carried out by a civilian in the entire history of Great Britain, which took place in Hungerford on 19 August 1987.[7][8]

 Excluding Irish and other terrorist incidents, no mass shootings before 1987, three in the 23 years from 1987 to 2010 and none since in the UK; 25 in the last 27 days in the US!




Edited by 7by7
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Thanks for the speedy reply. And just how many of these shootings were gang related or drug deals gone southbound? I believe most killings in the UK are with knives. If that is true, do knives have to be registered by the owners? How about golf clubs? Axes? Cricket bats? My whole point is anything can be used as a weapon to injure or kill someone. Yes, the US has the 2nd amendment regarding gun ownership. Along with 26,000 Laws on the books throughout the US. That story has been debated countless times. No need to go further on that one. Most Americans don't realize that they lost their 4th amendment right in JAN 2018. That was when FISA was passed by Kongress and signed into Law by President Trump. FISA, just what is that? It is the Foreign Intelligence surveillance act. It included a provision for Domestic spying on Americans. That is old news because the alphabet Agencies of US government has been doing that for years. "Thank You" to Edward Snowden! Ok, the Fourth amendment is history now. Suppose, certain individuals take on the second amendment? It would be extremely difficult due to the fact The Supreme Court has held it in place after challenges were made to it. What would be the next amendment to be History? Perhaps the Freedom of Religion? or just about any other amendment. When will it stop if that were to happen? Sometimes, the Politicians need to take out the Constitution and read the three most important words......We The People. It is a Privilege to serve as a Politician and the right to govern Americans. The complex problems that American has unfortunately does not have simple answers.

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Eff'ing A-hole takes his gaming seriously and doesn't like losing. What a deranged piece of shit. Prob plays alot of "shooter games" too. Idiot kids today can't tell virtual reality from reality. Awful tragedy that would have been a much better story had he just offed himself. Good riddance!


Condolences to family and friends of the victims. :402: 

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7 minutes ago, SinCityGr8One said:

Thanks for the speedy reply. And just how many of these shootings were gang related or drug deals gone southbound? I believe most killings in the UK are with knives. If that is true, do knives have to be registered by the owners? How about golf clubs? Axes? Cricket bats? My whole point is anything can be used as a weapon to injure or kill someone

 Yes, knife crime is a bigger problem in the UK than gun crime; and measures have been introduced to combat that. See Selling, buying and carrying knives


Basic laws on knives

It’s illegal to:

sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less

carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less

carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife

use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)


Yes, almost anything can be used as a weapon to kill or injure; but what you, and those who use this argument, forget is that all those things are tools with a function and that function is not to kill.


A gun has just one function and one function alone; to kill.


As for the rest of your post, I thought America was a democracy. If "We the people" vote in a government which is in favour of gun control and so abolishes the 2nd amendment, as you say amendments have been abolished before, then that is what will happen.


It just takes enough politicians to have the guts to stand up to the gun lobby. If "We the people" don't agree with those politicians, then they can vote in a different lot.


But poll after poll shows that support amongst American voters for stricter gun control is increasing. Gun control support surges in polls

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8 hours ago, ravip said:

Yes, but why is it that the intellectuals in the developed world find it impossible to find a solution for this?

After all, they almost force their intellectual theories to the developing nations...

Intelligent people (or actually anyone with half a brain) already found the solution for it: in almost every 'civilized' country it's against the law - with some exceptions - to own a gun. But not so in the USA, unfortunately.

Edited by rudi49jr
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3 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Intelligent people (or actually anyone with half a brain) already found the solution for it: in almost every 'civilized' country it's against the law - with some exceptions - to own a gun. But not so in the USA, unfortunately.

Unfortunately its not only the USA that's to be blamed. Half a brain or not. 

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I think the families of those murdered and wounded in Florida might think this shooting is a big deal. 

stricter gun control would certainly be a good thing  -  on the other hand, individual feeelings and personal tragedies aren't a good basis for deciding a country's policy.

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16 minutes ago, manarak said:

stricter gun control would certainly be a good thing  -  on the other hand, individual feeelings and personal tragedies aren't a good basis for deciding a country's policy.

My post will make more sense if you read the appallingly callous post I quoted. 

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Of all the mass muders committed in the USA, not one was committed by an NRA member.

More proof that responsible gun owners and their guns are not the problem.


And in answer to all those who use a fish as a yardstick to measure a piece of wood.

UK and England have not had gun ownership rights for over 200 years.

Simply changing the laws (like in Aus and UK) will not solve the problem.

Otherwise there would be no shootings/killings in Chicago or Mexico - guns are illegal in both those places (and many others).


Pandora's box was opened in the USA many years ago - closing it now wont change things.

The horse has bolted

The milk has been spilt

That ship has sailed

You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube

The cat's out of the bag

You can't put the genie back in the bottle


The 'solution' is to reduce the rights to ownership.

Calling for a total removal of the right to own a gun in USA is 'failing to see the forest'.

And it wont remove the 265+ million guns in civilian hands already.


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On 8/27/2018 at 11:41 AM, ravip said:

why is it that the intellectuals in the developed world find it impossible to find a solution for this

Of course they know the solution (I know it), but with all the left-wing voters, it's a hard task to do.

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Forget about changing the gun laws, 2nd amendment is too big of an issue...........tax ammunition HEAVILY; that way the second amendment doesn't come into play......like it always does with this issue. People can have as many guns as they want, they'll just have to pay dearly to be able to shoot them.

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3 minutes ago, ross163103 said:

Forget about changing the gun laws, 2nd amendment is too big of an issue...........tax ammunition HEAVILY; that way the second amendment doesn't come into play......like it always does with this issue. People can have as many guns as they want, they'll just have to pay dearly to be able to shoot them.

This is actually a very good solution.  Have the government take over all production/distribution of ammunition.  Perhaps the military.  Not only make it very expensive (e.g., $100 per round, or some other crazy number), but have each round registered so you know exactly who that bullet belongs to.  But alas, the gun lobby won't allow it. 

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On 8/28/2018 at 5:53 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

Of all the mass muders committed in the USA, not one was committed by an NRA member.

More proof that responsible gun owners and their guns are not the problem

How do you know that "of all the mass muders committed in the USA, not one was committed by an NRA member?"


The NRA do not publish the names of their members, so what evidence of your claim do you have?


If a NRA member does committ a mass shooting, the NRA are hardly going to admit it!


On 8/28/2018 at 5:53 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

And in answer to all those who use a fish as a yardstick to measure a piece of wood.

UK and England have not had gun ownership rights for over 200 years.

Simply changing the laws (like in Aus and UK) will not solve the problem.

Otherwise there would be no shootings/killings in Chicago or Mexico - guns are illegal in both those places (and many others).

England is part of the UK; so much for geography teaching in American schools!


The UK does have private gun ownership, but it is tightly controlled; as detailed previoulsy. Which is one reason why we have had three mass shooting incidents in the last 40 years compared to 25 in just this month in the US!


Check your facts, guns are not illegal in Chicago nor Mexico. Gun control in Mexico looks at first glance to be tough; but when you look closer it isn't.

On 8/28/2018 at 5:53 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

Pandora's box was opened in the USA many years ago - closing it now wont change things.

The horse has bolted

The milk has been spilt

That ship has sailed

You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube

The cat's out of the bag

You can't put the genie back in the bottle


The 'solution' is to reduce the rights to ownership.

Calling for a total removal of the right to own a gun in USA is 'failing to see the forest'.

And it wont remove the 265+ million guns in civilian hands already.

An amnsety where those gun owners can hand in their weapons should work, as it has in other countries such as the UK. Of course, those who see their guns as an extension of their penis wont comply.


To paraphrase JFK:_

""We choose to repeal the 2nd Amendment and introduce proper gun control, not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because that goal will serve to protect the lives of our children and children's children, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win."


All it will take is the political will to stand up to the NRA and tell them "We don't want your blood money."


Will either party do that?

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I could answer the liberals questioning the facts with their rhetoric and personal insults, but I will not waste my time and state the obvious:


Guns dont kill - people kill.

Trucks dont kill - people kill.

Knives dont kill - people kill.

etc etc etc etc

The problem is not guns, the problem is people.


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7 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I could answer the liberals questioning the facts with their rhetoric and personal insults, but I will not waste my time and state the obvious:


Guns dont kill - people kill.

Trucks dont kill - people kill.

Knives dont kill - people kill.

etc etc etc etc

The problem is not guns, the problem is people.


 Because the lethality of the weapon bears absolutely no relation to how much damage a malefactor can do. Because there is no such thing as lethality.

Which is why modern armies are still fighting wars with knives and clubs.


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On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, ELVIS123456 said:

I could answer the liberals questioning the facts with their rhetoric and personal insults,

You claimed something to be a fact, I asked you for evidence. Your response indicates that there is no evidence to back up your claim.


There is on evidence that no NRA member has ever been responsible for a mass shooting, but there is also no evidence that any NRA member(s) have been.


Or to be exact, the evidence does exist, but the NRA were unwilling to release it by making their membership list public. I wonder why that is!


On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, ELVIS123456 said:

but I will not waste my time and state the obvious:


Guns dont kill - people kill.

Trucks dont kill - people kill.

Knives dont kill - people kill.

etc etc etc etc

The problem is not guns, the problem is people.

 Two of the three you list, and all those included in your et ectaras, are tools which can, unfortunately, also be used to injure and kill.


Guns, on the other hand, have only one purpose; to injure or kill (although I suppose if you really want to be pedantic, you could use a handgun to hammer in a nail, a rifle as a putter!).


The problem is people who cannot see that.


As for the personal protection argument: More firearms do not keep people safe, hard numbers show. Why do so many Americans believe the opposite?

  • The claim that gun ownership stops crime is common in the U.S., and that belief drives laws that make it easy to own and keep firearms.
  • But about 30 careful studies show more guns are linked to more crimes: murders, rapes, and others. Far less research shows that guns help.
  • Interviews with people in heavily gun-owning towns show they are not as wedded to the crime defense idea as the gun lobby claims.


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