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Pheu Thai will ban military conscription if voted in


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5 minutes ago, brain150 said:

Divide and Conquer !!!

Looks like CIA textbook to me.

There is no way the Junta can allow this to happen but as a result there will be 

tensions that can be used to divide the people even more than they are already.


The Ukraine comes to mind - exactly the same situation and what happened there is well known.

Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria - the list is long. Always the same strategy used and by know pretty well



Be prepared for some ugly things to happen in the near future.

Unless of course people start to understand what is happening and who really pulls the strings behind the scenes.

It is not Thaksin ... he is just a puppet himself. It is also not the Junta.


There is a much bigger game played here and Thailand is just a tiny part of it.

"The grand chessboard" is a good place to start for anybody who wants to understand the connections !!! 

More than happy to see the bigger picture in this. The various conspiracy theories do go off on a bit of a tangent though. We can go right back to 1945 on this one.   if not further. The great still grate

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3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Are you privy to their accounts etc?

You are the one making the accusations so you need to provide the evidence.

Where is it?

You've got nothing but a head full of prejudices that have left no room for logic, facts and reality.

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5 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Are you privy to their accounts etc?

No. That's why I don't speculate like you and your like minded friends do. They are strict rules and regulations in the Political Party Act on funds accountability. Have a read and get educated. 

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5 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I thought the PM had set his 20 year strategy in concrete and it was illegal for anyone or any future government to change it; national service and submarines included.



The 2014 coup was illegal too. If the PTP win and the junta lose the only way they could stop the PTP would be another military coup and I don't think that would go down too well.

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Just now, pornprong said:

Another post, yet still no links.

I am beginning to think you have no proof to support your claims.


I'm not your researcher - nor do I feed the troll!


Perhaps you'll deny it's Wednesday tomorrow or ask for a link? 


End of conversation Shin shrill.

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48 minutes ago, GarryP said:

They should ban promotion to senior positions in the military until at least 3/4 of the generals have retired or gone their merry way.  Promotion could then be based on merit, not on whose butt you have been licking.     Together with an end to conscription, a more professional military could then develop. 

Good idea. A swathe of demotions and sackings would be a good idea too. They  won't be able to get this idea through without a massive clean sweep and they'll need to do it as a fresh newly mandated and elected government. Lots of room at the ministry of inactive posts for political generals

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

No. That's why I don't speculate like you and your like minded friends do. They are strict rules and regulations in the Political Party Act on funds accountability. Have a read and get educated. 


Yeah right. And PTP are well known for the adherence to the law, the rules, the protocols and their fastidious accounting!



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5 hours ago, Eligius said:

That's it. No chance for Pheua Thai now. Once they come out with this kind of policy (which is actually a sensible plan, in and of itself, in my view ), the militaristic Powers That Be will become apoplectic and pull every trick in the book to block Pheua Thai's inevitable march to victory (in a free and fair election - which will never happen here under the ju


Maybe.  You are absolutely right about the Powers that Be becoming apoplectic.  


But you are right in saying this does makes good sense, and in the long run I am optimistic that good sense will prevail.  I may be worm food by the time good sense prevails, but I think it will ultimately happen.

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1 hour ago, DavisH said:

My m4-6 boys waste a day a week for 3 years doing this military training. At the end now have even discharged a firearm in anger. Definitely a waste of time, and causes a big problem for any boy who wants to study overseas for high school. They risk conscription if they return and haven't done their military service. 


I was in the RAF for 25 years and I never fired a shot in anger either so what difference does that make?


If your M4-6 boys have done their 3 years they are exempt conscription anyway.

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7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yeah right. And PTP are well known for the adherence to the law, the rules, the protocols and their fastidious accounting!



Got a link to back up your accusation?

Nope, you don't, do you?

Nonsense again.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yeah right. And PTP are well known for the adherence to the law, the rules, the protocols and their fastidious accounting!



They better do or the junta will find another excuse to dissolve them. You know that well. 

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Conscription is a waste of money and the lives of young men.   The PTP are right, but the junta will lash out in their predictable fashion with threats.   The PTP is probably banking on the Thai people getting tired of threats from the military.  PTP has been given the high road.

The lives of young men? I'm the Thai military?  Hahahahaha 

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4 hours ago, scorecard said:


IMHO it's just another paymaster plan to create buy budgets troughs for the pt yes sir slaves to get their sticky fingers into.



The PTP have been accused of money spending populist policies that the present government are 10 times worse. They have come up with 2 wonderful policies that Don't require a penny and even will save money. Might even save a few lives .

Your comment is kind of confusing. 

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1 minute ago, greenchair said:

The PTP have been accused of money spending populist policies that the present government are 10 times worse. They have come up with 2 wonderful policies that Don't require a penny and even will save money. Might even save a few lives .

Your comment is kind of confusing. 


Read it again, there's no confusion whatever. 


Approve the building of a hospital, therefore create a budget (money), get into collusion to overprice the construction or whatever, corruption, noses in troughs.



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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


I was in the RAF for 25 years and I never fired a shot in anger either so what difference does that make?


If your M4-6 boys have done their 3 years they are exempt conscription anyway.

My point is they need to do it while at school, which hinders their learning opportunities if they want to study high school in another country, and then return. 

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