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What do you like and dislike most about Thailand?


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9 hours ago, hobz said:

I was trying to use the word in the sense that what attracts women.

Women don't want the money, they want a life style, that money buys.

I'm not talking about legitimate prostitutes. 

Where to draw line, blah blah.

But I meant like, what attracts women. Looks, confidence, personality, being able to provide.

Being able to provide means you need to afford a satisfactory level to make up for the stuff u might lack in looks or personality or whatever.. chemistry. 

And this takes less in Thailand than in 1st world places.. so ofcourse it attracts certain ppl..  makes shitloads of sense to me.




You may observe that there is a strong tendency from very good looking Western women to "offer" themselves to the highest bidder.

In other words, you won't see many very good looking women marrying, say a postman, even he has the looks of Brad Pitt!

In fact, very good looking Western women would rather marry a Kissinger, despite his age and the fact that he looks like a sack of rotten leaves, because he offers more "security" ( he is only dangerous for foreign countries).

Of course, what these very good looking women prefer is to get their hands on a young, rich and famous guy, but there are only so many Ronaldos...


So, yes, it is obviously much easier for a foreigner to find a good looking woman in Thailand than in the West, because, with a few exceptions, they are much less demanding...and also more numerous...


And in return for their kindness, Thai women often get much more than their Western counterparts.


Indeed, how many Western guys living and working in their countries, do offer a house or condo, a car, a tractor or who knows what to their girlfriend?


None that I know, but in Thailand it is very common...

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:


So, yes, it is obviously much easier for a foreigner to find a good looking woman in Thailand than in the West, because, with a few exceptions, they are much less demanding...and also more numerous...


And in return for their kindness, Thai women often get much more than their Western counterparts.


Indeed, how many Western guys living and working in their countries, do offer a house or condo, a car, a tractor or who knows what to their girlfriend?


None that I know, but in Thailand it is very common...

Less demanding and also more giving of themselves. I can't imagine a Western wife or GF who would voluntarily cut my toenails or put my socks on. I won't go into the other stuff, this is a family forum.

The other aspect is a house or condo here is far less of a drain on a Westerner's finances than elsewhere. Comparative figures for a 36 sqm studio apartment:

Thailand: 40000 - 50000 USD

Melbourne, Australia 400,000 USD

Hong Kong   1,000,000 USD.

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8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

36 sqm studio apartment


Thats literally a box (or rectangle) smaller than the hotel room im staying in right now. 


8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Melbourne, Australia 400,000 USD


8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Hong Kong   1,000,000 USD.


Why do you guys have to lie all the time? A "room" in HK costs a million dollars? Almost half a million dollars in Melbourne? 



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Like: Most Northern Thai people.


Dislike: The worst visa regulations in the world. 24 hr. address registration (no online system) every time you enter the country or leave your residence for more than a day. Having to apply and pay for an exit permit even though I have a valid visa. Visa's sometimes denied regardless if you are following the letter of the law but on the whim of the officer at the moment. 90 day reporting. Having to leave the country to get or switch some visa's, all visa's should be able to be applied for or switched in country at local immigration.

Edited by vinegarbase
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36 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Thats literally a box (or rectangle) smaller than the hotel room im staying in right now. 




Why do you guys have to lie all the time? A "room" in HK costs a million dollars? Almost half a million dollars in Melbourne? 



They dont lie, they are on too much weed or alcohol. ?

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2 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Thats literally a box (or rectangle) smaller than the hotel room im staying in right now. 




Why do you guys have to lie all the time? A "room" in HK costs a million dollars? Almost half a million dollars in Melbourne? 



These places (Australia, Hong Kong) are in a major real estate bubble, so it is possible...but they are not representative of the market at large.


There are still many countries, notably in Central and South America, and even in Central Europe, where real estate is affordable.


In fact, prices in some places in Thailand are not competitive at all anymore...just looking at the advertisements on this forum, one might think we are in California!

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28 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

"People who are too lazy to find things out themselves and just ask on thai visa".

That's nonsense. You will find out a lot more from Thaivisa posters than you will googling.

The vast majority of posters are good at replying to anything you want to find out, and many

other posters will get the benefit of it rather than just googling things.

I doubt very much Google will come up with knowledgeable resources such as Ubon Joe, Crossy and Sheryl.

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On 8/31/2018 at 4:28 PM, Saladin said:

I have many likes about Thailand which is why I have been living here happily for nearly 5 years.

But I never miss an opportunity to air my gripes. Here are 10 that immediately come to mind >


1. The lethargy and incompetence of the traffic police, which is quite obviously the main cause of the appalling number of deaths and injuries on the roads. They make no effort whatsoever to enforce the traffic rules.

2. The dreadful driving and riding habits of the Thais (which is the result of the above).

3. Motorbikes, which are noise and air polluters, as well as being downright dangerous.

4. The disgraceful state of the footpaths/sidewalks, particularly in Nimmanhaemin Road, the favoured area in Chiang Mai for visitors from China. In many countries, local governments and those who are responsible for such a sorry state of affairs would be sued for Criminal Negligence.

5. No rubbish bins are provided for tourists, even in major shopping precincts, and no wheelie bins are provided for the disposal of shop-keepers' garbage.

6. Plagues of rats, as big as cats (due to the above).

7. Parked motorbikes, street vendors, advertising signs, and assorted detritus that obstruct the footpaths.

8. No parking areas are provided for motorbikes, necessitating their parking on the footpaths.

9. Coils of hanging electrical and communication wiring, which are both an eyesore and dangerous

10. The excessive passivity of the Thais. While this makes them lovable, they never seem to complain about the shortcomings of the municipal authorities and, as a consequence, there is no incentive to correct the aforementioned problems. 'This is Thailand' is a common expression that is well past it's 'use by' date. 


3 Nothing wrong with motorbikes in the hands of responsible people.


7 Nothing wrong with parked motorbikes and vendors as long as they are not obstructing the footpath.

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19 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

In short they were intelligent.


Women are "affordable".What are they-slaves?

Would you be OK with saying hookers are affordable?  Some men like to lease houses and autos and hookers.  Of the 3 only autos are reasonable in the West (In my experience). I am comparing country towns (Ponca city OK) in the USA with country towns in Thailand. 


Edited by marcusarelus
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6 hours ago, Brunolem said:


You may observe that there is a strong tendency from very good looking Western women to "offer" themselves to the highest bidder.

In other words, you won't see many very good looking women marrying, say a postman, even he has the looks of Brad Pitt!

In fact, very good looking Western women would rather marry a Kissinger, despite his age and the fact that he looks like a sack of rotten leaves, because he offers more "security" ( he is only dangerous for foreign countries).

Of course, what these very good looking women prefer is to get their hands on a young, rich and famous guy, but there are only so many Ronaldos...


So, yes, it is obviously much easier for a foreigner to find a good looking woman in Thailand than in the West, because, with a few exceptions, they are much less demanding...and also more numerous...


And in return for their kindness, Thai women often get much more than their Western counterparts.


Indeed, how many Western guys living and working in their countries, do offer a house or condo, a car, a tractor or who knows what to their girlfriend?


None that I know, but in Thailand it is very common...

In Thailand, there are as many goodlooking men as unattractive women. Easy to work out.


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5 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

Like: Most Northern Thai people.


Dislike: The worst visa regulations in the world. 24 hr. address registration (no online system) every time you enter the country or leave your residence for more than a day. Having to apply and pay for an exit permit even though I have a valid visa. Visa's sometimes denied regardless if you are following the letter of the law but on the whim of the officer at the moment. 90 day reporting. Having to leave the country to get or switch some visa's, all visa's should be able to be applied for or switched in country at local immigration.

Couldn't agree more. Yet so many western men stick up for them, that I will never understand.

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5 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

Like: Most Northern Thai people.


Dislike: The worst visa regulations in the world. 24 hr. address registration (no online system) every time you enter the country or leave your residence for more than a day. Having to apply and pay for an exit permit even though I have a valid visa. Visa's sometimes denied regardless if you are following the letter of the law but on the whim of the officer at the moment. 90 day reporting. Having to leave the country to get or switch some visa's, all visa's should be able to be applied for or switched in country at local immigration.

That's just not true.  You don't have to get an exit permit or tell anyone if you leave your house for more than 24 hours.  The guy in the bar told me is not a reputable source. 

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2 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

Would you be OK with saying hookers are affordable?  Some men like to lease houses and autos and hookers.  Of the 3 only autos are reasonable in the West (In my experience). I am comparing country towns (Ponca city OK) in the USA with country towns in Thailand. 


Geez, is that what's on offer? Butt ugly. Ugh. You'd need to roll them in flour to find the wet spot.

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On 8/31/2018 at 6:32 PM, faraday said:

Yup, 300 baht for Gillette shaving gel.

Makes me wince every time I buy it .


Maybe, Laser Hair Removal is the answer......:laugh:


Not sure I want a laser anywhere near my balls.

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22 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Thats literally a box (or rectangle) smaller than the hotel room im staying in right now. 




Why do you guys have to lie all the time? A "room" in HK costs a million dollars? Almost half a million dollars in Melbourne? 




I'm from Hong Kong, a 360 sq/ft flat would be one or two bedrooms and would rent for perhaps 70,000 - 80,000 THB per month.   

10 years ago I was paying 50,000 THB for a 2 bedroom place that was 400 sq/ft in Sheung Wan.   Great neighbourhood but the building had zero facilities and despite being on the 11th floor absolutely no view (unless you count looking into the next building as a view!)

That is why I love Bangkok so much, it's so much cheaper than back home.


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On 9/1/2018 at 4:33 PM, possum1931 said:

3 Nothing wrong with motorbikes in the hands of responsible people.


7 Nothing wrong with parked motorbikes and vendors as long as they are not obstructing the footpath.

The point is that even in the hands of responsible people they still pollute the air, are an assault upon the ears, and are dangerous to everybody. In major cities in China they are electric and silent.


And parked motorbikes and vendors DO obstruct the footpaths in Nimmanhaemin Road, making them impassable and necessitating risking life and limb walking on the road.

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22 minutes ago, Saladin said:

The point is that even in the hands of responsible people they still pollute the air, are an assault upon the ears, and are dangerous to everybody. In major cities in China they are electric and silent.


And parked motorbikes and vendors DO obstruct the footpaths in Nimmanhaemin Road, making them impassable and necessitating risking life and limb walking on the road.

Read #7 again. Also, no one hates the idiots on noisy motorbikes more than me, and they are not dangerous to anybody when the riders are responsible, which of course is very much in the minority.


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1 hour ago, Alisa2233 said:

I heard about the awful road safety, and of course, I don't like it. But I know two Thai people and they are very friendly and easy-going, so this is the most wonderful thing about Thailand, because if you feel comfortable in other country, you want to return there again and again.

I think that just the shear number of motor bikes is the real reason more deaths and accidents. The traffic in USA where I moved from was terrible due to so many people. Here they seem to me to be more courtesy from Thai drivers and even safer.

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