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SURVEY: Should Thailand legalize prostitution?


SURVEY: Should Thailand legalize prostitution?  

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There was a recent thread on legalizing/decriminalizing prostitution in Thailand.   In your opinion, which of these options best expresses your thoughts on the issue?


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"Those that are vocal against prossies should be forced to explain how the girls will make a living and support their families if it is shut down."


Better yet,  they can tap into those old time religious values (and untaxed gains)  to pay the market rate to sustain the girls and their families. 

no more free sex (abuse)  for the clergy of any cloth!  


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1 hour ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

I answered YES to legalizing the boom boom industry since it's always been here and ain't goin' away as long as there's money to be made.  It is what it is.


Back when I was a young GI stationed here at Ubon RTAFB  in 1972-73 during the late Vietnam War, prostitution was apparently legal.  All of the 'for hire' women had to register with the government/police and had to undergo monthly IIRC medical exams.  Each wore a small numbered badge pinned to her shirt.  The number matched a small booklet/ID card that she carried, which was a record of the girl's examinations and treatments, if any.  We affectionately referred to this ID card as a VD card.  Gonorrhea was rampant in those days and syphilis was also present to a, thankfully, much lesser degree.  If we weren't too drunk or horny at the bar while engaging the prospective babe, we could ask to see her booklet to see how long since her last exam.  And if we knew of a girl who was spreading the 'clap', or worse, we could just give her number to the police and they would go round her up.  It was actually a pretty decent, but obviously not foolproof, system.


Gotta admit I was a bit shocked when I returned in 2004, my first visit since the Vietnam War, to find that none of the bargirls were sporting numbers and that the VD card system was long dead.  With the bargirls now possibly carrying HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis strains or ??? STDs the Thai government should resurrect the old mandatory VD card system.


/end history lesson

There was a sustained condom programme here in the 90s. Furthermore research discovered the rate of HIV shortly after that campaign was higher in the general population than in heterosexual  prostitutes. 

Also, if you're a sexually active adult chances are high you harbour HPV, and Herpes, even of you've never had an attack of either.  But that's just a nuisance -if you don't have a cervix. 

Super Syphilis (a drug resistant strain) is on the rise worldwide.

Sex work should be legal  as part of the UN Charter on human rights. But with charmers like Saudi and Indonesia aboard that gravy train,  don't told your breath. 

Happy Humping! 

Edited by Small Joke
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In Brazil it is legal, but not pandering.

Certain things manage to maintain an atmosphere of sleeze even after they become legal: booze, gambling, prostitution....

Legalized marijuana in the US does not have that, sort of impressive.  It would be difficult to take over a truly grass-roots industry. ?



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No it shouldn't as it is a steady source of income for the BIB and what we see is nothing. Back door bars for the Thais account for probably 75 to 80 % of the business. Without the income many families in Issan would starve and not have the cash to raise the girls kids as the fathers have disappeared. As well if there is no income from prostitution for the BIB guess who is going to be targeted. 

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I strongly believe legalizing it would make even more women would choose that route over wotking in offices etc... Not all but for sure the social stigma and the type of friends they have in those circles keeps many away.

More hookers than ever, finacial compensation for a ons would be normal. Desensitization to multiple partners per week would increase. 

There are a host of issues within common Thai girl behavior which lead me to believe that making it legal would bring problems people don't seem to take into account. 

A simple one.... if a girl is unemployed the local employment officer or... can u imagine, teacher, might suggest this is the way for her to go. I know that happens a lot anyway.... But imagine... Your daughter becomes a hooker!!!

A case example would be if she refused that job due to her morals... unemployment benefits could be withdrawn. 

Don't even start me on the mental health issues which are extremely common with girls in this industry. 

Reduction of this industry,  not expansion is a very obvious way to get more women and gay men living more meaningful lives and not enter into an industry which often destroys people from the inside

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3 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

I answered YES to legalizing the boom boom industry since it's always been here and ain't goin' away as long as there's money to be made.  It is what it is.


Back when I was a young GI stationed here at Ubon RTAFB  in 1972-73 during the late Vietnam War, prostitution was apparently legal.  All of the 'for hire' women had to register with the government/police and had to undergo monthly IIRC medical exams.  Each wore a small numbered badge pinned to her shirt.  The number matched a small booklet/ID card that she carried, which was a record of the girl's examinations and treatments, if any.  We affectionately referred to this ID card as a VD card.  Gonorrhea was rampant in those days and syphilis was also present to a, thankfully, much lesser degree.  If we weren't too drunk or horny at the bar while engaging the prospective babe, we could ask to see her booklet to see how long since her last exam.  And if we knew of a girl who was spreading the 'clap', or worse, we could just give her number to the police and they would go round her up.  It was actually a pretty decent, but obviously not foolproof, system.


Gotta admit I was a bit shocked when I returned in 2004, my first visit since the Vietnam War, to find that none of the bargirls were sporting numbers and that the VD card system was long dead.  With the bargirls now possibly carrying HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis strains or ??? STDs the Thai government should resurrect the old mandatory VD card system.


/end history lesson

Ever thought of using a condom?

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It should definitley be legalized with specific areas that they can work in.  In bangkok it should be kept to Silom saladeng area only.  NANA and of course soi Cowboy. Also a section of Rachada probably.


All workers in the industry from the bar owner to those working in the bar should be eregistered including the mamasan.


This would allow for beter control and ensure a better awareness of where tourists may not want to go as a family in the evening.


|For those working outside the area the fines should be huge including jail time she.  Also there should be mandatory medical exams on a monthly basis and workers should have their cards with them.

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1 hour ago, Xonax said:

Legalizing prostitution in Thailand will never happen, as there are way more money to be made for Bib and local officials, when prostitution remains illegal.

you are simply stating the obvious …..

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What could possibly be better than the government NOT running prostitution?


Apparently the great majority on TV think that having the government in charge of prostitution would be way better.


Elevates "be careful what you wish for" by another magnitude. Because that is exactly and precisely what  "legalise" means and it doesn't mean anything else.


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