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Banking coming next month to every 7-eleven


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18 hours ago, Thian said:

I 'm the stupid idiot who always picks the wrong line where somebody is paying bills for 15 minutes...


I wished the 711 would have atm's without the 220 baht extra fee for foreigners only.

Why don't you get a proper account with no fees or fees reimbursed?

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19 hours ago, JemJem said:

I have mixed feelings about this. It will be annoying to have to wait longer at the queues sometimes, but as The Manic had written above, the decentralisation of the banking stuff is good.


Oh, and by the way, if only the plan to sell draught beer at 7-Elevens wasn't shelved ; it would have been nice to get draught beer from them ?


Especially to enjoy a few pints whilst waiting for Manic to do his banking and pay all his monthly utilities bills...??

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Does anyone recall the topic trending just recently which was about being ripped off at the 7/11. Can't recall how many thousands of replies that had but it certainly became very apparent that being ripped off was alive and well. How is banking at the 7 in your soi going to be a safe and secure thing, I wonder....? Just asking...

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27 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Why don't you get a proper account with no fees or fees reimbursed?

What I think he means is ATM cards from our own country's, I have a card, you load money on the card, and you can use an ATM machine anywhere, but, the but is the 220 baht commission charge.

I have one from the UK post office, the UK  PO  website says for Thailand, 80 baht commission on a 17 000 baht withdraws.I wanted to withdraw 10 000 baht at our local   Siam Bank, ATM machine said   220 baht commission, Thai banks, Robin Hoods brother, Robin Basterds.

I can not see this being a big problem, a lot of Thais I know use the GSB bank for big-ticket items, buying houses or land, cannot see them using a 7-11 to pay off an installment, from one of these.

Our local Dairy  Co-Op borrowed 150 million baht from  GSB , do not think they will be paying any of that off at 7-11 while buying a can of beer and a packet of crisps. 

The problem will be if the other major banks start using 7-11.


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you wait if mr p stays in power the 2 chinese brothers who own cp group/true will next try to use 7-11 as a new national bank financed from their chinese state bed fellows


i know that i will never ever use such a service at this kind of business; its bad enough at the normal banks

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An amazing thread full of the usual miserable posters. Facts:


  • 7-Eleven is a convenience store.  It provides convenient services.
  • They don't only sell toasties and cans of cheap lager to tight farangs, they also let you pay bills.  This is convenient.
  • They provide a convenient service to a great portion of the population.  Well done convenience store for your convenience.
  • You can pay your cheap arse flights there.   Good for the moaners although most of them don't go anywhere - they just moan about the airport.  If you want a cheap arse flight because you can't get a credit card due you being close to death and a cheap arse you can pay in a 7-Eleven.  This helps people. especially cheap <deleted>.
  • 7-Eleven staff are nice and try their best.
  • Expanding services helps most Thais.  Most Thais can't do internet banking for many reasons.    You expect farmers to be paying their bills by a mobile app?  Buying feed by a few swipes of an iPhone?  No.  But now they can handle their daily business through 7-Eleven, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Good for them, good for 7-Eleven.


I fail to see the negatives in this.  


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That’s great. 7-11 staff manage to screw up basic bill payments , I wonder who will be brave enough to trust them to deposit money into correct account .


banks do not need more branches , just more ATM’s that do deposits and withdrawals 

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23 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

I am a retired shop owner.  From time I get all optimistic and try something like that and have yet to find any retail sale assistant in the land who can do that.  They invariably hand the 20 baht note back with a pained and sympathetic look, ("What an idiot this Farang is") and then hand me a fist full of small notes & coins.  In shops that do not have a computer register we see them get calculators and pencils & paper out to calculate the total of sales like 99 baht and 29 baht.  I might offer 140 baht and say "Loy Ye Sip baht:  Sip Song baht change" and they don't even give me a funny look and say "yeah" (or whatever) like (most) shop assistants back home do. They have to do the whole thing on a calculator.  Sometimes a second calculation is necessary to work out the change.   140 - 128 = 12 baht.   I hate to think what my old Dutch bookkeeping teacher Mr Fris would do.  Probably try to put them on detention or demand to see the manager. 

Another example of how appalling the Thai education system is!



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15 hours ago, CantSpell said:

CP extending its monopoly in the country...


Soon to take over the bank and petrol stations ...

Not only in Thailand but internationally. It is one of the world's largest conglomerates with businesses in financial services, food, industrial manufacturing, real estate development, telecommunications and "diversified investments" to name a few. Subsidiary companies include CP ALL, CP FOODS, True Corporation, Siam Makro, Chester Grill Restaurants and Dayang Motors. Franchises include 7-11 stores, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Honda and Heineken ( both in Shanghai, China). In 2016 the company's revenue was US$45 billion.

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On 9/19/2018 at 12:18 AM, Thian said:

I 'm the stupid idiot who always picks the wrong line where somebody is paying bills for 15 minutes...


I wished the 711 would have atm's without the 220 baht extra fee for foreigners only.



"I wished the 711 would have atm's without the 220 baht extra fee for foreigners only."


That's scheduled to happen  the same day cows are seen flying in the skies.


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On 9/18/2018 at 8:20 PM, Catkiwi said:

Agreed Happy Enough. Many people already holding up the queues paying water, electric, ToT, AIS and whatever. I sorry sir, please wait 10 minutes while I process this international bank transfer...last time I looked there was no shortage of banks in most areas.


I wonder where you and Happy enough use 7's?


Those I use always have an army of employees to man the cash registers and have me out of the store quickly.    


In all my years in Thailand I've probably only spent more than a few minutes at the cash register a couple of times.


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46 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


I wonder where you and Happy enough use 7's?


Those I use always have an army of employees to man the cash registers and have me out of the store quickly.    


In all my years in Thailand I've probably only spent more than a few minutes at the cash register a couple of times.


one hour ago. went to my local seven. one girl is doing the books on the back shelf. group of 5 girls all ordered ice coffees. that's one cashier taken out for a good ten minutes. cashier on the left had some old dear with a pile of bills and people gave up waiting behind her. one till open and he is working the till, the microwave and the sandwich maker.

in front of me was a large group of burmese fishing dudes with all manner of drinks and snacks, a couple of school kids and others. just left in the end as did many other people. pretty normal here. at our house in bkk not so bad as it's much more middle class so hardly anyone eats heated up seven food and most pay there bills online, rarely wait there for more than a minute or so.

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48 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

if you can trust some 7/11 kid who can't even warm up a ham and cheese properly with your banking stuff then ok?

I trust them as much as I trust the banks. Maybe more so. We've seen stories with video here of bank clerks swiping cash deposits into a drawer and failing to record the proper deposit amount. I don't think I have ever been cheated in a 7-11 in Thailand. I have three of them within 200 meters of my house. Each time I pay with a 1000 or 500 baht bill, they count the change three times (I assume out of self interest because they probably have to make it up if the till is short). But beyond that, I have had them run me down half a block when I've left some change on the counter in order to give it to me. That has happened two or three times. When they forgot a couple of times to bag some item I bought or I have left I bag because I was in a hurry, they had it waiting for me the next time I visited the store. In each of these cases it was my fault, not theirs. They seem like competent honest people to me. And one thing I know for sure: I would rather do business with them than with the snarling, angry, impatient types who bash them for no other reason than to feed their own sense of self esteem.

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1 minute ago, zydeco said:

I trust them as much as I trust the banks. Maybe more so. We've seen stories with video here of bank clerks swiping cash deposits into a drawer and failing to record the proper deposit amount. I don't think I have ever been cheated in a 7-11 in Thailand. I have three of them within 200 meters of my house. Each time I pay with a 1000 or 500 baht bill, they count the change three times (I assume out of self interest because they probably have to make it up if the till is short). But beyond that, I have had them run me down half a block when I've left some change on the counter in order to give it to me. That has happened two or three times. When they forgot a couple of times to bag some item I bought or I have left I bag because I was in a hurry, they had it waiting for me the next time I visited the store. In each of these cases it was my fault, not theirs. They seem like competent honest people to me. And one thing I know for sure: I would rather do business with them than with the snarling, angry, impatient types who bash them for no other reason than to feed their own sense of self esteem.

great sense of humor you have there. think you take some comments and life too seriously but i am glad you praise your seven staff, i've found them all to be honest too, wouldn't trust them with my banking though, not a chance.

i'll stick to my online banking

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On 9/19/2018 at 12:18 AM, Thian said:

I 'm the stupid idiot who always picks the wrong line where somebody is paying bills for 15 minutes...


I wished the 711 would have atm's without the 220 baht extra fee for foreigners only.

Then open a Thai bank account ?

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