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Bodies of missing British expat and Thai wife found buried in garden, three men arrested

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, garyk said:

Wow,  I am curious.  Some of you long time expats here. Was this kind of violence been going on here 10-20 years ago?




It was a lot quieter then and Thais were much more respectful within society and of Ferang. So no I never heard of this type of thing happening then, aside from the isolated backpacker rape/ murder case. Its the new generation of entitled wannabe middle class Thais that are the game changer... Its high risk if anyone gets between them and the lifestyle they believe they're owed.

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So anyone that can afford to get a loan on a truck is in danger of being paid off by someone, anyone, who has an itch....

Sad sad day, and respect to all affected,   As a species, I thought we were going to be better than this... 

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2 hours ago, neeray said:

We all expected this outcome. So sad. You reach the golden age, build your little piece of heaven and then get murdered by greedy, low life family. 



No such thing as a 'piece of heaven' here, problems WILL arise later if not sooner. Better to find a hide-away thousands of miles away from the family-cum-hangers on, call them what you will.

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2 hours ago, MickTurator said:


To add fuel to the fire.

The family was 5 siblings.

The youngest sibling disappeared about 10 years ago. The body was never found.

The brother was the chief suspect but not enough evidence to charge him.

A cold case from 10 years ago! Just the kind of dangerous case for our expert private eye Mickturator to solve fearlessly.

Get to it, hero!

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a sad thing to happen to a loving couple.

Money creates so many problems here, how cheap is life here? 50.000 baht to commit murder.

Hope the bar stewards rot in jail, police need to get their ar++s in gear and find the b.i.l.

R.I.P. Alan and Nott.

Sorry, but Hogg, expectedly,  (and surprisingly his wife) misread the signs of the family feud? No random murders here, only targets. Why did he (she) refuse whatever the brother wanted? 

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2 hours ago, CanuckThai said:

Bailed for the car theft, of his "missing" sister and brother in law, that he was known to have squabbles with, and a personal history of violence.  Not normal.

But not jailable.. Which country do you come from? Iraq? 

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Police say Nott’s brother, Warut Satchakit, was involved in a fued with the couple and paid the three men 50,000 baht have them killed.Warut was initially arrested over the theft of Nott’s white Ford Ranger but was later released on bail. He has since disappeared.


No surprise there then!

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15 minutes ago, British Bulldog said:

I hope the brother suffers sleepless nights, fears every knock at the door, and every stranger who approaches him, until he gets caught no matter how long it takes


RIP Alan and Nott

If only hopes built castles. I'd be the Sutlan of Swat. But they don't. Talking to yourself and expecting a physical result is insanity. See your doctor. 

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Just a horrible crime.  RIP to the deceased.


Been in Thailand a long time. I would suspect that there is more than money involved and the wife's brother developed a real hate  . Possibly loss of face involved and  a rabid jealousy.


These type of things do not happen that often.  You did not hear of them decades ago because there was no social media or cell phones and most houses did not even have any phone.  The news media were not adept at getting reports back then.  Only word of mouth was the way things got reported.


If this was a contract killing paid for by the Brother- he will face first degree murder charges.  Sentence will be life. He'' be out in 20 years.

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

Police say Nott’s brother, Warut Satchakit, was involved in a fued with the couple and paid the three men 50,000 baht have them killed.Warut was initially arrested over the theft of Nott’s white Ford Ranger but was later released on bail. He has since disappeared.


No surprise there then!

Fight or flight reaction. Normal in all animals under stress. He'll give himself up or be caught. Wait.

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2 hours ago, ndfdjnd said:

So next time you're arrested for something you have nothing to do with, we'll keep you on remand in prison for a year before your trial, shall we?

It's clear that you have no idea what you are talking about or what Thailand is about so why not just STHU?

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