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Thai armed forces instructed to ensure order in the country


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Armed forces instructed to ensure order in the country



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BANGKOK, 27th September 2018 (NNT) -- All units of the Thai armed forces have been instructed to ensure order is maintained across the country. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwon on Wednesday chaired this year’s ninth meeting of the Defense Council, which was the final gathering before all armed forces leaders retire. 

Gen. Prawit has urged all leaders to provide support to the general election to make sure it takes place in an orderly, transparent and fair manner in order to be accepted by all groups within and outside the country. 

Meanwhile, regarding measures to tackle problems associated with informal debt, Gen. Prawit asked all units and related agencies to assist farmers and low-income earners by preventing them from being exploited by unscrupulous money lenders. 

On this issue, the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) and the Anti-Money Laundering Office are already working together in directing their local offices to set up an arbitration committee in each area, to work with lenders and borrowers. 

Gen. Prawit also asked for support for ISOC to implement the National Strategy on security affairs so that there will be order in the country.

-- nnt 2018-09-27
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This may be pointed at stopping any fair campaigning until the last minute. Certainly can’t be about the nice young Thai billionaire who addressed an international crowd in New York talking all bad about them. When he gets to be a civilian again after the junta leaves power (hopefully), that is if the junta doesn’t get in 100%, then he will probably have all immunity stripped and then they go back after the watch scandal. That is not done just dormant for the time being. 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Gen. Prawit has urged all leaders to provide support to the general election to make sure it takes place in an orderly, transparent and fair manner in order to be accepted by all groups within and outside the country. 

smooth generalizations adding up to nothing this time; i cringe every time this guy talks

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60 years of this organised crime syndicate being in charge by the barrel of the gun, time for a longlasting revolution. Once the next financial crisis hits,it will ignite a new round of protests against these murderers which will grow into yhe destruction of the 'junta'

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1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

smooth generalizations adding up to nothing this time; i cringe every time this guy talks

I'm too old not to read between the lines and there his statement reads like: Hey guys it's time again to roll out the tanks.


"OK ladies, get out it's time to vote now, and better make sure you make your cross at the right place!"

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Gen. Prawit has urged all leaders to provide support to the general election to make sure it takes place in an orderly, transparent and fair manner in order to be accepted by all groups within and outside the country. 

Thus ordering the military to violate the 2017 Constitution with regard to the independent organization Election Commission's responsibilities:

  • The EC's responsibilities include the organization, management, and counting of all elections and voting in the kingdom.
  • The commission has legal powers as a law enforcement agency to investigate and indict those who compromise election laws through bribery, corruption, vote buying, or blackmail.
  • The commission has the power to investigate the finances and donor lists of all political parties. It informs the public of elections and their importance.


But after four years of military governance under absolute powers, it comes as no surprise that the military under junta leader Prayut exercises direct control over all aspects over the Thai People's alleged sovereignty.

The Thai People are not a free society.

Where are the three pillars of Thai society that say - enough.

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3 hours ago, PatOngo said:

When 85% of the population bend over and cop it up the blurter from the 15% with their snouts in the trough I have little sympathy for them. No pain, no gain, and they are not willing to suffer the pain to make their lot better!

Plenty of examples throughout recent Thai history of what the military are capable of doing to their own population when it gets ideas above it's station in life.

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

So the judiciary are subservient to the military. Might as well abolish the civilian branch, then. What's the point in having it or a civil police force too, for that matter?

Don't think the current police force, as in force to pay tea money, would be missed. 

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2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


Who is returning in October?

Let's hope he does so he can face the numerous outstanding charges waiting his return, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on the return of  messiah Thaksin 


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15 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Let's hope he does so he can face the numerous outstanding charges waiting his return, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on the return of  messiah Thaksin 


Don't think that will worry him. When it finally made it to the highest courts, it will be years and then the appeals. Lots of time for him to do another runner. However he may not come back as he may affect negatively on his party chance for the election. He may not want to take that chance and become a lightning rod for his enemies to exploit.  

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