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Germany's Merkel visits Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, vows to fight anti-Semitism


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4 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Let's cut to the chase.


You  have totally failed to show that any of the data in the material I quoted is incorrect. 


It is not "scaremongering" or "hyperbole" to point out some of the numerous, demonstrable deleterious consequences of the Islamisation of Europe.


In the case of my homland, these include an increasing number of terror attacks (recent targets have been the Prime Minister, Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament); industrial-scale rape of British children by Muslim gangs; thousands of cases of female genital mutilation and forced marriage and - you couldn't make this up - a new demand for blasphemy laws to be used against anyone who dares to criticise Islam! 


I have grandchildren, so cannot afford to be complacent. Fortunately, this also applies to an increasing number of Brits and Europeans who are waking up belatedly to the unwelcome bi-products of mass Muslim immigration and demanding a change of policy.


For far too long, governments have taken your suggested "nuanced" approach to Muslim immigration and the seemingly hopeless tast of integration and it clearly hasn't worked. Perhaps the time is ripe for some clearer, "black and white" thinking - and appropriate action to counter further attacks on our European culture, tradition freedoms and way of life..


To quote George Bush Jr when he launched the "war on terror" (now stalking OUR streets), "You are either with us or against us".




Let's cut to the chase indeed, your posts are hyperbolic nonsense scaremongering rants.


I have made a point regarding the source you chose to use, supported by several links detailing issues. Apparently, you can't handle that, hence the lame deflection. If your assertion were actually as strong as you claim, there wouldn't be a shortage of less controversial sources confirming it.


You claim there's an "Islamisation" of Europe. In effect, there are currently no European countries in which Muslims are a majority, or even a politically effective and unified force. Same goes for them Sharia Laws. There is no wholesale denial that elements along such lines ought to be addressed.


There was nothing in my posts (on this topic and others) which denies unchecked mass Muslim immigration to Europe is not problematic. There was nothing whatsoever which denies security issues involved or stemming from this.


Refusing to buy wholesale into your extreme views does not denote either complacency or being complicit. Same goes for your assertions and interpretation of "nuanced" - not really what I was referring to and not really a good description of general European policies.


Your preposterous posturing is note helped much by either quoted person or choice of avatar. But if it makes you feel like a tough guy, carry on.


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3 hours ago, Morch said:


Let's cut to the chase indeed, your posts are hyperbolic nonsense scaremongering rants.


I have made a point regarding the source you chose to use, supported by several links detailing issues. Apparently, you can't handle that, hence the lame deflection. If your assertion were actually as strong as you claim, there wouldn't be a shortage of less controversial sources confirming it.


You claim there's an "Islamisation" of Europe. In effect, there are currently no European countries in which Muslims are a majority, or even a politically effective and unified force. Same goes for them Sharia Laws. There is no wholesale denial that elements along such lines ought to be addressed.


There was nothing in my posts (on this topic and others) which denies unchecked mass Muslim immigration to Europe is not problematic. There was nothing whatsoever which denies security issues involved or stemming from this.


Refusing to buy wholesale into your extreme views does not denote either complacency or being complicit. Same goes for your assertions and interpretation of "nuanced" - not really what I was referring to and not really a good description of general European policies.


Your preposterous posturing is note helped much by either quoted person or choice of avatar. But if it makes you feel like a tough guy, carry on.


I have no intention of replying to your pathetic ad hominem attack - except to point out that it is the classic last resort of someone who has lost the argument.


We shall just have to beg to differ and let history be the judge of who was right.











Edited by Krataiboy
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18 hours ago, simple1 said:

Not claiming it does, just stating the facts.


Other countries also have a rising threat from the the extreme right wing. France has a long history of anti Jewish sentiment from the nationionalst right wing; including now. How it compares statistically with the Muslim population, don't know



Edited by Opl
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" Muslim anti-semitism in Christian Europe" by Raphael Israeli

"As the author explains, the unique interaction of Muslim immigrants in the West with the host societies brought them into contact with local, traditional anti- Semites of the xenophobic fascist and racist Right along with the avowedly anti-Zionist Left, to build a formidable wall of hatred against the Jewish state and its people. To complicate this picture further, the same Muslim immigrants share with them minority status in a Christian majority society. They are engaged simultaneously in battle with both their host society into which they cannot integrate, and their Jewish compatriots who are a model of good integration. "



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