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Big Joke crackdown: Foreigners under the spotlight nationwide as visa extension changes suggested


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3 hours ago, jaiyen88 said:

A simple way to have assets and protect oneself. Thai partner owns land and gives 3x30 year lease to foreign partner and transfers ownership of buildings. So foreigner has exclusive lease plus ownership of buildings.

Thailand Civil and Commercial Code
Book IV: Marriage

Chapter II
Section 1469

"Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not affected thereby."


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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

The OP mentions being able to use collateral in Thai wives name, thats actually about making extensions easier.

That would be nice. My wife is richer than me with her own house and rice fields. Just a couple of hundred wah makes up easily the 400K. I cannot imagine this but that would be so cool. I have the 400K in the bank so no problem but again, I cannot see this happening. 

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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

There isnt any mention of a crack down on people using agents etc, the OP is about a crackdown on illegal workers. People appear to be commenting on what they "want" the crackdown to be, not what has been announced. 

There is in a link to the paper whose name we cannot mention, but British Petroleum initials might give you a clue!!


PM me if you haven't already got it.

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1 hour ago, PoorSucker said:

Thailand Civil and Commercial Code
Book IV: Marriage

Chapter II
Section 1469

"Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not affected thereby."



1 hour ago, PoorSucker said:

Thailand Civil and Commercial Code
Book IV: Marriage

Chapter II
Section 1469

"Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not affected thereby."


It may be the contract needs to be signed before rather than during the marriage. And I believe gifting funds to buy the land can work if it is an outright gift and not a loan.. I will ask a thai lawyer and report back.

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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

The OP mentions changes to extensions, nothing about making extensions more tough. and nothing about changing the amount. The OP mentions being able to use collateral in Thai wives name, thats actually about making extensions easier.


We do not know what he is planning to do and how he is planning to do it. 


Taking into consideration past changes and him going after agents, I really do not see him making positive changes to make it easier or more simple 

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3 hours ago, DipStick said:

Possibly Thailand have realised that a large number of foreigners residing here actually give very little back as they can’t rub two baht together

True but they also do not take much as there is nothing given for free.

 While work permits have been made easier , business visa extensions remain a headache with tonnes of paperwork and visits.

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2 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

Thailand Civil and Commercial Code
Book IV: Marriage

Chapter II
Section 1469

"Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not affected thereby."


Also see my post #13.

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A simple way to have assets and protect oneself. Thai partner owns land and gives 3x30 year lease to foreign partner and transfers ownership of buildings. So foreigner has exclusive lease plus ownership of buildings.

No such thing as a 3x30 yr lease. I know where you’re coming from or, more to the point, whom you have listened to with that oh so gullible ear of yours. Basic Thai law allows for a 30 year lease, period. The rest is I-wish-it-were-true nonsense. The renewal is up to the lessor and the lessor only regardless of “promises” to renew. Yes,that is what they are: promises, just that. You can’t make a promise a legal obligation.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


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Just a cautionary word for those posters congratulating themselves on being legit. (as I am) and thus having nothing to worry about.Just suppose the crackdown proceeds successfully...who will they look to next to make up the massive shortfall in income it will cause?Think about that before smugly patting yourselves on the back..
Every country went through a developing stage. At some point corruption was tackled, toes were stepped on etc and it's gonna take a long long time but I'm really surprised that TV posters want it to continue with no attempt at all to even try

Simply unbelievable but then again it's is TV posters
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8 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I know several people who live here on extensions but claim the never have to visit the immigration office at all. I'm not referring to 90 day reports here, but the once a year application process. And, they say they don't have to have proof of monetary funds either. 

Yes, I think it will be squeaky bum time for all those people who brag about never having to visit immigration in person or have no proof of monetary funds. And hopefully it will put the rogue agents these people use out of business. Good on you Big Joke.

The Visa company that offers these bogus services has been advertised many times on this forum

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8 hours ago, BestB said:

It’s interesting to note that all surrrounding countries in the region are easing up on immigration and granting long stays visa’s fairly easily, while Thailand is moving in the opposite direction.


Can nlt help but wonder why?

Maybe Thailand is trying hard to push the ‘undesirables’ to other host countries .... 

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5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

True, but still easier than Thailand.  Vietnam is easy.  They do not seem to care too much about frequency of travel. 

Every country will make the passing grade higher over time.

They cannot be beggars forever... better quality tourist and residents to replace the masses....

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4 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Just asking, but how many people would like to see a visa based on ability to assimilate which included a reading and writing section that was only in Thai?

You can’t be serious !  My missus discourage me from learning Thai. 

We communicate with mandarin . She is a Chinese staying long time in Thailand. Her reason ? Learning Thai would make me more susceptible to Thai ladies’s wiles...... 

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4 hours ago, CLW said:

Vietnam seems to be a good choice.
I met a few foreigners there who said that the situation about working (may it under the radar or legal) is much more relaxed than Thailand.

Like I said before.. once a  country has enough economic growth, they would take a hard look at the all those long stay foreigners in their country. If you don’t qualify for a long stay in Thailand, that would put you in a precarious position in any country .....

Edited by Ctkong
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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

They already have those requirements for migrants obtaining PR and Citizenship.


For non-immigrant visas there's no requirement because you are only a temporary resident. 

I was told by my lawyer some years ago that if you want a citizenship. Pay 2 million baht to the minister of the interior and you are good to go. Wonder if that is true? 

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27 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Every country will make the passing grade higher over time.

They cannot be beggars forever... better quality tourist and residents to replace the masses....

Boy these quality tourist better start working overtime to have any hope of visiting all the countries who say thats the kind of tourist they are looking for.....In the mean time lets pitch the expats we already have shit..While we wait for these elusive quality tourist to show up..

Edited by fforest1
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3 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Like I said before.. once a  country has enough economic growth, they would take a hard look at the all those long stay foreigners in their country. If you don’t qualify for a long stay in Thailand, that would put you in a precarious position in any country .....


In fact the 'proposal' is that the assets of the wife AKA the business that you bought for her, will be eligible proof of founds for your extension of stay.

Anyway I don't see anything new, he proposes something but police don't make the laws and, as somebody was saying, every chicken got is coop, every coop got his rooster.

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I believe that everyone is barking up the wrong tree on this. Before you all jump, just think about this. 4 years ago there was a coup where the elected government was overthrown by the military. There was no sign of Big Joke, 2 years ago or even 1 year ago, he has only been on the scene since the date for the election was decided for February. The coup promised to clean up corruption and if they had done that at the start then the people would have forgotten about it so it is being done now plus there has been 6 military ministers formed and registered a new political party and I would guess that in the not too distant future the PM and his little watch mate will resign from the military and become heads of this new political party. I would say that all this is going to continue until after the February election just so they can stay in power as a democratic government
You must be daft If you think big joke will win the election for them. That's just a farang fantasy. The Thais won't give him a second thought
If the pm stays on then its because the Thais want him
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