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I disagree. Yabs has by no means posted the most intelligent analysis of Samui. He has simply reiterated what everyone else has said. Heard it all before.

It seems you are all lambasting Samui as a third world hel_l hole, simply because you don’t like the changes. I respect anyone’s opinion that they do not like an area in comparison to previous visits. I agree with many of Yabs observations actually. Where I completely disagree is the notion that the island, as a whole, is hel_l on earth owing to these changes which are by no means representative of the whole island.

Yes, it has changed for the worst. It is not as nice as it used to be. But it is still very, very nice. It is still a beautiful place.

As Noel Gallagher once said about his recent album release a few years ago; "It’s the worst album I have ever made and not a shadow of my first two". On being asked what was wrong with the album, he replied "nothing, it is perfect".

My point is, yes it has changed. It is not as nice as it was. But it is still very, very nice.

And LB.... Disappointed that you have jumped to the conclusion of other posters; the conclusion that showing support for the island and still recognizing it as a lovely place means that you are a Chelsea Headhunter who merely gets pissed every night @ Soi Mango, and seeks out the cheapest bar fine available. Not true.

Oh bugger. SKO likes Noel Gallagher. He must be a mango lager lout after all….

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Oh and by the way - ***edit***. I cant be bothered to continue posting on a site full of so much negative doom and gloom.

Ill save you the hassle of typing - just copy and paste below;

"That just about says it all dosent it"

Oh, Samui, you will like. it for a year or so, as long as you don't go in the ocean. With progress comes waste management, or doesn't that bother you?

Waste management is great. Its waste mismanagement I'll take a pass on.


All a matter of opinion Sticks. You are happy with your choice and I am happy with mine.

Wherever we are it is still better than those poor people stuck in the UK.

Stay happy.

Oh and by the way -***edit**.

Typical of a farang on Samui. Glad i left it.

Some garbage can be ignored, like some garbage on the beach. It can be cleaned.

The greatest garbage, that coming from the mouths of many farang is a lot harder to ignore.


stick is obviously one of those types who cannot face reality and always has to look on the world

through rose tinted spectacles.

I actually noticed a few years ago that although the sea was not inviting toi swim in at all

that once on a bike the interior of the island was indeed very beautiful. One of the most exotic and tropical islands i had toured around. However when i went back last year i even noticed that deep swathes of a lot of this interior had literally been bulldozed away to make way for construction. Actually huge chunks of mountainside had been taken away. it seems the island had been given a green card for every JCB

and construction crew in Asia.

A tragic site and more evidence for how the island truelly has been raped by callous greed.

If you can name one positive thing that this "progress" has made stick i'm all ears.

only people to have benefitted are greedy developers and expat businness owners..

Koh pahgnaghan was still very nice or at least was.

Forgive me for being a paradise lost type who doesn';t like tropical rainforest and palm trees cut down to make room for that all important necessity,Tescos that noone on a tropical island holiday can do without.

How Robinson Crusoe survived without even a 7/11 nearby is just beyond belief

I couldn't agree more.

90 percent of all thai beaches have gone to the dogs

All those who say its progress are talking sh*te.

If the very things that have bought people here in the first place have been destroyed

then this cannot be progress.

ie tropical seclusion and tranquility

ability to swim in crtystal clear clean waters

ability to escape the madding crowds and commercilaisation of cities

as opposed to the sewage infested murky seas we have now and all the trafiic

and pollution with chaweng appearing like a mini bangkok

if you want tescos and hospitals then why not live in a city

What's wrong with that. I live here for 8 years and when Tesco's opened, the whole island (Thai and Frang) wore a smile for two weeks. Re. hospitals, would you prefer your children to go to that sh*thole called Bandon hospital?

There's absolutly nothing wrong with these additions to Samui. Get real.

There may be some things wrong on Samui and in 8 years many things changed, not all for the better, but these additions are a plus!

There is loads out there on the net but samui has indeed been raped by greedy criminals in the main. Its well known that the island is run my

mafioso families
and many thais won't go there.

Local mafioso families, I assume, since how could they take control otherwise?

It is also thr home of many foreign criminals as well.

Locals have not gained but been forced out due to high prices etc.

How does this qoute work with the local mafiaso families. Are they forced out by their own people?

A lot of locals sold everything they had (land) and lost it due to not being able to handle the newly achieved money.

Progess would mean that the locals standard of living had improved
it hasn't
progress would be a waste water treaetment plant to prevent the sea you want to swim in
becoming an ecoli open septic tank. There is no waste water treatment plant anywhere.

Although I agree that water management would be good, do you have proof of the apparent bad quality of water in Chaweng or anywhere else on the island's beaches?

It has progressed from an idyllic hideaway into a torrid,polluted mess that is now package tour city meaning

the only people to have gained are sad expats, and local and foreign mafia types

I don't onsider my family in law local mafia. Just beacuse they leased land out doesn't make them mafia. You're painting with a very general brush here.

. Shame on anyone who think this is a good thing.

obviously all the people here who think samui has progressed are one the expats profitting from the huge tourist influx.

Strange how its usually expats who ruin these places by letting their greed ruin the very thing they first fell in love with about the place

Why blame this on the expats, many problems are created due to corruption. This is not exclusively the expats at fault.

Imo the top of greed is Thai made on this island, with illegally obtaining land in the Bang Rak land project (the Peak).

Although you bring some interesting points, there's a lot of 'same o same o' stereo typing in your post.

stick is obviously one of those types who cannot face reality and always has to look on the world

through rose tinted spectacles.

I actually noticed a few years ago that although the sea was not inviting toi swim in at all

that once on a bike the interior of the island was indeed very beautiful. One of the most exotic and tropical islands i had toured around. However when i went back last year i even noticed that deep swathes of a lot of this interior had literally been bulldozed away to make way for construction. Actually huge chunks of mountainside had been taken away. it seems the island had been given a green card for every JCB

and construction crew in Asia.

A tragic site and more evidence for how the island truelly has been raped by callous greed.

If you can name one positive thing that this "progress" has made stick i'm all ears.

only people to have benefitted are greedy developers and expat businness owners..

Koh pahgnaghan was still very nice or at least was.

Forgive me for being a paradise lost type who doesn';t like tropical rainforest and palm trees cut down to make room for that all important necessity,Tescos that noone on a tropical island holiday can do without.

How Robinson Crusoe survived without even a 7/11 nearby is just beyond belief

An opinion yes intelligent post no just a typical stereotyped opinion from someone who really does not know Samui or its people at all. You jump on the bandwagon like all the other people who think they discovered it yet most only did in the last ten years.

You stay in accomodation that was yes once a building site and use the roads but how dare anyone else, even worse are the serial complainers who actually built their own houses and are now complaining about construction sites and greedy developers!

You seem to think that all progress is bad some propgress is some is not simple. I personally think that five more hospitals on the island is a good thing. I also think that providing large amounts of employment for Thai people is a good thing alot of that money ends up in the more impoverished regions in Thailand.

Also 7/11 Tesco maybe not your cup of tea but by far the biggest contingent of customers who use them are Thai and they have as much right to munch on a Big Mac here then you do in your home town.

As for your claim that the only people to have prospered are greedy developers and ex-pat bar owners that is just really showing your ignorance. In addition to my above mentioned what about the Thai business owners and developers, what about the local Samui people which I am sure you have never met as your opinions would not be so blinkered and one dimentional. As for the usual opinion they have all been priced out of the market that is simply not true if they are really from samui then they have land.

What is beyond belief that all the serial complainers and bashers still live here or come here if it is such a god forsaken place move on and get a life.

Before I have any of the usual stereo typed responses I am not a developer, I do not own a resort, I do not own a house in fact I have never cut down a palm tree, I do not have a tattoo and I do not shave my head but yes I am english and I still love Samui that is why I live here the day that changes is the day I move on I won't be sat here posting serial complaints on this board!


I just read this in Bill Bryson's book "Neither here nor there" and found it very apt:

Here's an interesting statistic for you; in 1951, the year I was born, there were 7 million international airline passengers in the world. Nowadays [book was published in 1991]that many people fly to Hawaii every year. The more popular tourist places of Europe routinely receive numbers of visitors that dwarf their own population. In Florence, the annual ratio of tourists to locals is 14:1. How can any place preserve any kind of independent life when it is so manifestly overwhelmed? It can't. It's as simple as that.

It is of course hypocritical to rail against tourists when you are one yourself, but none the less you can't escape the fact that mass tourism is ruining the very things we want to celebrate.


south west

i've taLKED TO many locals and thery don't like what ahs happened

indeed one shop owner can't belive people still go to Chaweng beach given how polluted it is.

FACT there are no waste water plants and if you want evidence why don't you just swim out in it.

its an unfortuaate part of modern society that evything is built around growth. tourist numbers have to increase every year otherwise questions are asked, even though new islands are not created to cater for this increase.

I really don't want to know where it will end. fact is tourism has got out of hand and the world is just too overpopulated.

one positive about samui, at least there are no jetskies. One things for sure if you want to tarvel to find a pristine

beach and realx in realtive tranquility your options in the world are pretty ###### slim

south west

i've taLKED TO many locals and thery don't like what ahs happened

indeed one shop owner can't belive people still go to Chaweng beach given how polluted it is.

FACT there are no waste water plants and if you want evidence why don't you just swim out in it.

its an unfortuaate part of modern society that evything is built around growth. tourist numbers have to increase every year otherwise questions are asked, even though new islands are not created to cater for this increase.

I really don't want to know where it will end. fact is tourism has got out of hand and the world is just too overpopulated.

one positive about samui, at least there are no jetskies. One things for sure if you want to tarvel to find a pristine

beach and realx in realtive tranquility your options in the world are pretty ###### slim

You are implying that everyone simply pumps untreated sewage into the sea and that is simply not true FACT.

But at least you seem to have taken onboard all the other points I made i.e.that all progress is not bad and some Thai people and farang people might actualy like Tesco etc.

We are all culprits in the spread of tourism I just get irritated by all the doom and gloom mongers on this board lets get things into prospective here and have some balanced posts.

south west

i've taLKED TO many locals and thery don't like what ahs happened

indeed one shop owner can't belive people still go to Chaweng beach given how polluted it is.

FACT there are no waste water plants and if you want evidence why don't you just swim out in it.

its an unfortuaate part of modern society that evything is built around growth. tourist numbers have to increase every year otherwise questions are asked, even though new islands are not created to cater for this increase.

I really don't want to know where it will end. fact is tourism has got out of hand and the world is just too overpopulated.

one positive about samui, at least there are no jetskies. One things for sure if you want to tarvel to find a pristine

beach and realx in realtive tranquility your options in the world are pretty ###### slim

No jetskies, Yabs?

When's the last time you ever been to a beach on Samui (Chaweng, Maenam, Bophud, Choengmon).

I actually swim on a very regular base (every month) on Chaweng beach, and sofar, never ever, have seen the water that you describe.


Yabs, It's a shame that my most recent post was deleted. I can’t be bothered to grace your gibberish with another reply covering all your points, so I will focus on one alarming observation which has riled me;

The beach.

I promise you, faithfully without bias, that whilst swimming at Chaweng beach, I have never seen any sign of pollution. This is complete and utter crap. On this one analysis, I conclude one of two things;

1) For reasons unbeknown, you are lying.

2) You are delusional

No other explanation possibly exists. It is factually undisputable that Chaweng beach is not polluted. Mods, please do not delete those two points as a result of flaming. I am not. I am serious. Lying, or delusional. My opinion, not a flame (so take it easy on the warnings and post deletions please)

What a crazy notion. I am flabbergasted that you would accuse this beautiful, beach as polluted. I implore any potential tourists reading this thread to pay zero attention to Yabs. If I could recall so much as an empty crisp packet blowing along the shore I would be honest and admit this. But I can not. I am a person who previously (prior to my full time departure) walked on the beach from Chaweng Noi to Amari resort and back every day. Trust me folks. ZERO pollution. I still walk the beach even now from time to time, and I do live there full time right now. Still, zero pollution.

Yabs. At this point, I ponder the credibility of your posts. I am not sure if you are simply a troll. Anyone who has been to Chaweng beach would never dream of describing the sea as ‘swimming in pollution. Crap. Again, you are either lying for strange reasons, or are delusional.

So, the question begs; have you ever actually been to Chaweng beach?

Oh, wait. Just noticed something.


>>one positive about samui, at least there are no jetskies.


Well, case rested. You have most certainly never been to Chaweng beach. At any one time between 8am and 6pm there are several of them bussing around the length of the entire shore.

May I humbly suggest to all folk to ignore Yabs posts. I can almost guarantee this is a troll.

By the way.... Lite Beer. Inteligent post? Yabs post was a simple reiteration of other posts from the 'Paradise Lost' club.

Sticky. Calm down, go put the kettle on and have a nice cup of rosy lea.

Seeing as how the whole point of this thread is to discuss the demise or otherwise of Samui. If every one on here had the same point of view as you it would be all a bit pointless.

Personally I have never liked Chaweng, a total blot on the landscape.

I have seen articles in the local publications accusing various resorts of dumping waste straight into the sea. I cannot remember when or where.

I also think your previous posts should have been left alone . They did not ofend me.

Also plenty of Jet Skis on Lamai beach. Bloody things, nearly as bad as quad bikes.

Anyway its Friday evening, whatever you are doing have a nice one. I shall be sitting on the floor with the locals drinking Chang with loads of ice. Trying not to sit in the cow shit. Polution!!

Oh, Samui, you will like. it for a year or so, as long as you don't go in the ocean. With progress comes waste management, or doesn't that bother you?

Waste management is great. Its waste mismanagement I'll take a pass on.

Yes, that should have been "with progress, should come waste water managment"

Thanks for pointing that out, koheesti.

Is there anyone that "really" know the waste system 1st hand?

By the way.... Lite Beer. Inteligent post? Yabs post was a simple reiteration of other posts from the 'Paradise Lost' club.

Sticky. Calm down, go put the kettle on and have a nice cup of rosy lea.

Seeing as how the whole point of this thread is to discuss the demise or otherwise of Samui. If every one on here had the same point of view as you it would be all a bit pointless.

Personally I have never liked Chaweng, a total blot on the landscape.

I have seen articles in the local publications accusing various resorts of dumping waste straight into the sea. I cannot remember when or where.

I also think your previous posts should have been left alone . They did not ofend me.

Also plenty of Jet Skis on Lamai beach. Bloody things, nearly as bad as quad bikes.

Anyway its Friday evening, whatever you are doing have a nice one. I shall be sitting on the floor with the locals drinking Chang with loads of ice. Trying not to sit in the cow shit. Polution!!

Ok. Fair enough.

I feel strongly about this and I find myself getting wound up. Im off for a cuppa - good call LB.

Could a modorater please explain to me why my last post was completley removed. May I also request that it is re-posted.

I didn't remove it and neither can I find it. Sorry, don't know what you posted but judging by your other posts it was probably verging on offensive. As Lite Beer points out, time to calm down, everybody, not just you Stick.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion yet some people seem find it difficult to allow others their own opinions.

Lets remember that when posting, thanks. (And yes, that is aimed at everyone posting here).


Goshawk - didnt realise i was the sole poster talking truthfully on this thread. Take a look my friend.... many posters are laughing at the type of posts that you and your compatriots are spewing.

You avatar would contribute to a more healthy debate. :o

Goshawk - didnt realise i was the sole poster talking truthfully on this thread. Take a look my friend.... many posters are laughing at the type of posts that you and your compatriots are spewing.

You avatar would contribute to a more healthy debate. :o

Yeah.. its so much better than yours...

enjoy your paradise isle



I suspect kettle has only been to thailand outside of magaluf

and thus has nothing to compare samui againts. Anyone who gets excited about Tescos opening must be a sad c**8.

Kettle educate yourself and read this




oh and this

note the sentence

seafood has to be imported


if you truelly cannot see that samui has been ruined

then you must be blind

in fact that don't you just go to Benidorm and leave Thailand for the people who don't like that sort of destination

I suspect kettle has only been to thailand outside of magaluf

and thus has nothing to compare samui againts.

Wrong again. 22 countries in total, in 33 years of life. Regardless, if it were three countries I had visited, I would remain the superior judge in this matter. You clearly have no clue, which is apparent to a few people who have had the misfortune of reading your posts.

Anyone who gets excited about Tescos opening must be a sad c**8.

I did not get excited about Tesos. Where on earth did you get this strange notion from? What a strange thing to say indeed. However, as you bring it up, anyone who needs to present Tesco as an argument for the 'perils' of Ko Samui must be a sad pillock. Tescos. The destroyer of all things tropical. Ok Yabs. Keep taking the medicine sonny boy.

Kettle educate yourself and read this


No. Why should I review content researched by you? That would be a waste of time, and futile.



See above. I have no intention of wasting my time.

oh and this

note the sentence

seafood has to be imported


Yabs - you are making me laugh. Your opinions are based on.... Visits to Samui? Or your recent apointment with 'Team Google'. Nervously scratching around the internet looking for links.... pathetic.

if you truelly cannot see that samui has been ruined

then you must be blind

in fact that don't you just go to Benidorm and leave Thailand for the people who don't like that sort of destination

Ruined Yabs? Ruined? Ruined as in, Beirut ruined? Bagdad ruined? Don't tell me Beirut went and built a sodding Tesco's. Talk about nail in the coffin.

Go to Benidorm? Let me get this straight. I disagree that Samui is a rat infested, hel_l hole and suddenly my demographic is Benidorm?


Yabba... Sorry, Yabs.... I have more right to be here than you my friend. I appreciate Thailand, especialy Samui and you will never hear me say a bad word about the place. As far as I can muster, your cotribution thus far is to express huge distain for the place. Now tel me Yabba, sorry... yabs.... Who has more right to live in LOS?

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