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SURVEY: Is Brett Kavanaugh suitable for the Supreme Court?


SURVEY: Is Brett Kavanaugh suitable for the Supreme Court?  

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1 hour ago, Shouldhaveknownbetter said:

I think whats overlooked here is that there are more than 17000 law professors in the United States and 1000 or even 3000 would be a small percentage.

Please see my post 115

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10 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

OK...tell us the lies from Justice Kavanaugh.


1. His exact words.

2. The exact material and relevant evidence that demonstrates he perjured himself.


Here is the relevant statute, 18 USC 1621


having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or
in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true;
Keep on mind that to the best of my understanding, perjury requires corroborating evidence pursuant to US V Wood 39 US 430 (1840). Its been a long time since I did a perjury case so forgive me if im rusty


One lie we know he told was about how he got into Yale. His actual words were,

“I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country. I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.”


We know his grandfather went there, that would be having a connection there, wouldn't it?  Do you think he forgot his granddaddy went to the same law school as him?


I will keep in mind the US vs Wood ruling, but as it applies only in a case of one persons word against the other, the hard evidence kinds makes it irrelevant, don't ya think?  Did Lewinsky need two witnesses to Bill's cum shot or was the DNA she recovered enough?

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Ford was/is a puppet for the Demorat left. If the Senators degraded me and my family, I'd be a lot angrier than (soon to be) Justice Cavanaugh. I'd love to see every Senator and Congress person subject to the same scrutiny. SWAMP DWELLERS.

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Yes Kavanaugh is qualified.

Both the ABA and YLS asked for a full investigation of the allegations against him, but did not reevaluate their support of Kavanaugh prior to his confirmation.

It’s great there are real lawyers on this forum; it’s sad they are galloping with blinders on, same as the media and the rest of the country.

Thinking long term and about maintaining our institutions - Gorusch will always be tainted in the eyes of the Left.

There was no reason, though, to push a second tainted candidate onto the Court. There are many good SCOTUS candidates who can overturn Roe, and grow executive privilege and immunity to meet Trump’s unique needs.

Putting a person who appears to the Left and women to be a denying sex offender degrades the Court for no better reason than to assuage Trump’s 3rd grade ego.

Do we think Lawrence Tribe’s arguments as to why Kavanaugh must recuse himself from a wide array of cases is without merit?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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25 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

Ford was/is a puppet for the Demorat left. If the Senators degraded me and my family, I'd be a lot angrier than (soon to be) Justice Cavanaugh. I'd love to see every Senator and Congress person subject to the same scrutiny. SWAMP DWELLERS.


Politicians face elections on a regular basis, and are in the public eye  most of their careers. Complete with unflattering details, and criticism. The appointment to the SC is for a life-time term, and comes (or ought to come, IMO) with a higher level of scrutiny.

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Ford was/is a puppet for the Demorat left. If the Senators degraded me and my family, I'd be a lot angrier than (soon to be) Justice Cavanaugh. I'd love to see every Senator and Congress person subject to the same scrutiny. SWAMP DWELLERS.


The swamp has exploded into a verdant smelly extremely green landscape. All the third tier lobbyists pushed out of the Swamp under Obama bet on Trump’s Presidency and are now sitting pretty with their connections to the odd array of losers in the WH.


Meanwhile, the establishment Swamp is desperately trying to build their way into the Administration, the way they always do.


Nothing has changed.


Read Woodward’s Fear - it’s all there.



* * *

Don’t tell me why it can’t be done; show me how it can - Jim Wright

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36 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


One lie we know he told was about how he got into Yale. His actual words were,

“I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country. I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.”


We know his grandfather went there, that would be having a connection there, wouldn't it?  Do you think he forgot his granddaddy went to the same law school as him?


I will keep in mind the US vs Wood ruling, but as it applies only in a case of one persons word against the other, the hard evidence kinds makes it irrelevant, don't ya think?  Did Lewinsky need two witnesses to Bill's cum shot or was the DNA she recovered enough?

Well in terms of your "Yale" point....what does Yale have to say? You know, dont you? So much for that one.


The DNA was corroboration under Wood. So if Bill said "i never had sex with that woman" under oath, and Monica said, "O yeah...well I nibbled that knockwurst, and here is the chowder you drizzled on my dress".  Billy DNA! Lie, contradiction, corroboration.


As opposed to "Hey I had no connections to get into Yale Law School". "Oh yeah, your Grandpappy was an undergraduate there". "Um guys, as the Dean of Doofus here at Yale, I can assure you that it made no difference". Next.


Got another one we can discuss? Maybe you can convince me. 

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17 minutes ago, SuperTed said:

Thinking long term and about maintaining our institutions - Gorusch will always be tainted in the eyes of the Left.

Any Judge Trump appoints will be tainted in the eyes of the left. Should we let the Left appoint them for him?


18 minutes ago, SuperTed said:

Do we think Lawrence Tribe’s arguments as to why Kavanaugh must recuse himself from a wide array of cases is without merit?

Yes, unless he is willing to argue that Ginsburg should recuse herself from any case where executive branch action is at issue and  Sotomayor should recuse herself for any case wherein a Latino/Latina is a litigant or a policy effecting them at issue.


But hey I wear blinkers, unlike soooo many of the open minded folks on here.

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4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Any Judge Trump appoints will be tainted in the eyes of the left. Should we let the Left appoint them for him?


Yes, unless he is willing to argue that Ginsburg should recuse herself from any case where executive branch action is at issue and  Sotomayor should recuse herself for any case wherein a Latino/Latina is a litigant or a policy effecting them at issue.


But hey I wear blinkers, unlike soooo many of the open minded folks on here.


I don't think you're wearing blinkers, but rather being disingenuous. 


SC candidates get challenged. That's how it goes. That's how the system is set up. You wish to paint it as being about Trump? Go right ahead. But obviously, you're quite wiling to ignore your side of choice being into the same sort of antics in the past. And in case you do insist on making this about Trump - cry me a river. Trump's whole presidency revolves around Trump, a bit late (and again, disingenuous) to expect the opposition to treat him as a "normal" president.

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19 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Well in terms of your "Yale" point....what does Yale have to say? You know, dont you? So much for that one.


The DNA was corroboration under Wood. So if Bill said "i never had sex with that woman" under oath, and Monica said, "O yeah...well I nibbled that knockwurst, and here is the chowder you drizzled on my dress".  Billy DNA! Lie, contradiction, corroboration.


As opposed to "Hey I had no connections to get into Yale Law School". "Oh yeah, your Grandpappy was an undergraduate there". "Um guys, as the Dean of Doofus here at Yale, I can assure you that it made no difference". Next.


Got another one we can discuss? Maybe you can convince me. 


Wow, and you claim to have worked in law, how did you arrive at that little one?


The lie was not that he did not benefit from his grandfather having also attended, the lie is that he had no connections there, a clear an undeniable lie.


Do you at least understand what he lied about now?

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The accusations about this guy will continue to flood in, he is damaged merchandise, Republicans should have dropped him when they could, mud sticks and eventually he may well get impeached.

Walk me through what being impeached means please. How it’s done and does that mean he gets removed if he’s impeached? Thanks
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10 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Wow, and you claim to have worked in law, how did you arrive at that little one?


The lie was not that he did not benefit from his grandfather having also attended, the lie is that he had no connections there, a clear an undeniable lie.


Do you at least understand what he lied about now?

Nope. And you dont need to be a lawyer to see it, just intellectually honest.


"Connections" is a term of art in the English language especially in the context of his statement, to wit:

"I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country. I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.”


Was his grandaddy a grad of the Law school or just Yale, not that it really matters.


Try again. No prosecutor in the world, except maybe for the dude that did the Lacrosse Gig, or JIm Garrison, would touch that one.


Did you have any relative that attended Yale?


Bingo. You win.


Carry on. Give me another.



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6 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Walk me through what being impeached means please. How it’s done and does that mean he gets removed if he’s impeached? Thanks


It works the same as it does for a President or Vice President.Federal judges are considered "civil Officers of the United States" under the US Constitution.



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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Nope. And you dont need to be a lawyer to see it, just intellectually honest.


"Connections" is a term of art in the English language especially in the context of his statement, to wit:

"I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country. I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.”


Was his grandaddy a grad of the Law school or just Yale, not that it really matters.


Try again. No prosecutor in the world, except maybe for the dude that did the Lacrosse Gig, or JIm Garrison, would touch that one.


Did you have any relative that attended Yale?


Bingo. You win.


Carry on. Give me another.




Connection is a term of art in the English language?  Really, and just what is it that you think you are saying there? 


Terms of art in law are terms that have particular meanings when used in law, connection not being one of them, so what was it you were attempting to say there, our increasingly amusing "lawyer" friend?

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35 minutes ago, Morch said:


I don't think you're wearing blinkers, but rather being disingenuous. 


SC candidates get challenged. That's how it goes. That's how the system is set up. You wish to paint it as being about Trump? Go right ahead. But obviously, you're quite wiling to ignore your side of choice being into the same sort of antics in the past. And in case you do insist on making this about Trump - cry me a river. Trump's whole presidency revolves around Trump, a bit late (and again, disingenuous) to expect the opposition to treat him as a "normal" president.

No offense but that makes no sense. Kagan and Sotomayor were confirmed with Republican votes. Do you forsee the Democrats going gentle into the good night over Ginsburgs replacement.?

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It works the same as it does for a President or Vice President.Federal judges are considered "civil Officers of the United States" under the US Constitution.

Question was to the poster of the impeachment claim but thanks anyhow.
In these type of circumstances I never ask a question I don’t already know the answer to.
I’ll wait to see if November even gives the dems a chance at impeachment in the house of a simple majority. Then the intrigue will be if they have a majority will they pull the trigger when there’s not a snowballs chance in hell of a 60 vote supermajority in the senate at this time.
Let’s see how many years it will be before there’s a chance of Democrats removing Kavanaugh from the court and will they even remember if and when they hold the levers.
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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

1. The House of Representatives, if the Democrats get a majority, will attempt to gin up an Impeachable offense which is Treason, Bribery or Other High Crime (felony) or Misdeameanor, such as perjury, offense against the person, they have a lot of lattitude..


2. Assuming they find something, they will vote to send it to the Senate where the matter will be tried under the rules of evidence and 2/3 of the senators must vote to remove him. There is no set standard of proof. 


There is no chance whatsoever that Kavanaugh will be Impeached.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but was allowed to stay in office...........

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3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Connection is a term of art in the English language?  Really, and just what is it that you think you are saying there? 


Terms of art in law are terms that have particular meanings when used in law, connection not being one of them, so what was it you were attempting to say there, our increasingly amusing "lawyer" friend?

Google is your friend:





noun: connection; plural noun: connections; noun: connexion; plural noun: connexions


a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.

"the connections between social attitudes and productivity"

synonyms:link, relationship, relation, interconnection, interdependence, association; More

the action of linking one thing with another.

"connection to the Internet"

the placing of parts of an electric circuit in contact so that a current may flow.

a link between pipes or electrical components.

"it is important to ensure that all connections between the wires are properly made"

synonyms:attachment, joint, fastening, coupling

"a poor connection in the plug"

a link between two telephones.

"she replaced the receiver before the connection was made"

an arrangement or opportunity for catching a connecting train, bus, aircraft, etc.

"ferry connections are sporadic in the off season"

a connecting train, bus, etc.

"we had to wait for our connection to Frankfurt"

people with whom one has social or professional contact or to whom one is related, especially those with influence and able to offer one help.

"he had connections with the music industry"

synonyms:contact, friend, acquaintance, ally, colleague, associate;More



a supplier of narcotics.

"she introduced Jean to a number of her male drug connections"

a narcotics sale or purchase.



an association of Methodist churches.


Read my statement again, reading comprehension is important. Glad I can help laymen out.


Let me be blunt: if you are seriously contending that Kavanaugh is guilty of perjury under the scenario you set forth, you clearly know absolutely nothing about the law and are merely parrotting political drivel. I find that amusing.

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1. The House of Representatives, if the Democrats get a majority, will attempt to gin up an Impeachable offense which is Treason, Bribery or Other High Crime (felony) or Misdeameanor, such as perjury, offense against the person, they have a lot of lattitude..
2. Assuming they find something, they will vote to send it to the Senate where the matter will be tried under the rules of evidence and 2/3 of the senators must vote to remove him. There is no set standard of proof. 
There is no chance whatsoever that Kavanaugh will be Impeached.

Not quite right. You can impeach a ham sandwich but can you get a conviction in the senate is the mustard.
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4 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


I know, now go tell it to the posters here claiming that Ford was lying under oath, unlike Brett, we have no evidence that she lied.

I wouldn't go so far to say she was lying, mistaken, or otherwise - she was just not a believable witness...........if her memory was as clear as she wanted us to believe, she wouldn't have had to read from a script of prepared papers, it would have cane from the heart...................just saying

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15 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Walk me through what being impeached means please. How it’s done and does that mean he gets removed if he’s impeached? Thanks

Impeachment is the first step in removing a high official of Government from office, it is a formal statement of charges.

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