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Quick U-Turn on plans to introduce registration of pet dogs and cats


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Thinking outside the square; ok its a flip flop action,many foreign governments do this; canvass an idea; public rejection so dont proceed. If the government here worked on the same levels of ridiculous controls we know about from our countries; life living here would have us uncomfortable and look elsewhere for freedom of government control?

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Flip! Flop! Almost seems part of the standard operating procedure here.

Bring out a cunning plan, introduce it with gusto, then decide its not so cunning, and pull the plug.

Another cunning stunt for a day

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3 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well I guess there are a couple of threads going on about this.

But to repeat myself, it's not like there is an animal control dept, or shelters to actually enforce any of it, so pretty usual Thai worthless proclamation.

Then you come down to the rotten truth, that Thai's don't actually have the same love for pets that most of us in the West do.

At best they get fed, but for the majority they just roam the streets, fend for themselves, and as for veterinary care...dream on!

How many pet owners do you know.. i know quite a few as i got a pet myself and they love the pets as much as i love my dog.  I don't get it why people think Thais are so different from us.. have no feelings.. 


Maybe Bangkok Thais are different from the rest.. that is all i can think of because the people with pets here love them as much as i do. I seen people wait for hours in an good vet hospital to get care for their pet if they don't love their pets why would they go there ?

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I would be happy with a plan that simply sews up all the dogs and cats <deleted> that roam the streets! (The reason they allow them to roam free is so the can deposit their turds in front of your house instead of theirs)

My Thai neighbour only two days ago took his sprayer to a pile of new turds (not his) deposited outside his house after some rain deposited by the dogs of unknown neighbours, to directly in front of my house (I was not there). I returned the favour. Don't you just love the camaraderie and consideration between neighbours.

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33 minutes ago, robblok said:

How many pet owners do you know.. i know quite a few as i got a pet myself and they love the pets as much as i love my dog.  I don't get it why people think Thais are so different from us.. have no feelings.. 


Maybe Bangkok Thais are different from the rest.. that is all i can think of because the people with pets here love them as much as i do. I seen people wait for hours in an good vet hospital to get care for their pet if they don't love their pets why would they go there ?

That maybe so but how many do you see patiently following their beloved pets around waiting for them to turd so they can pick it up and keep the neighbourhood road excrement to an acceptable level. In my town house development...exactly zero!

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38 minutes ago, robblok said:

How many pet owners do you know.. i know quite a few as i got a pet myself and they love the pets as much as i love my dog.  I don't get it why people think Thais are so different from us.. have no feelings.. 


Maybe Bangkok Thais are different from the rest.. that is all i can think of because the people with pets here love them as much as i do. I seen people wait for hours in an good vet hospital to get care for their pet if they don't love their pets why would they go there ?

I am sure some Thais love their pets, but I have seen and fed dogs at different places in Nonthaburi (CP, Max Value, alongside the road) and was even told by a Thai not to feed the dogs, but ignored it.  Even in my village I was out walking with my wife and saw a dog with a huge tumor on its side and told the owner she should take the dog to the vet and she acknowledged that she would, but why didn't she know that herself?  I don't let my cats outside now, since there are so many feral cats in the village which are starving.  Had to take one almost dead to a vet and it died as the examination was going on.  Its heart just stopped beating. Sad.  I fed one starving dog with mange along a road, which I thought  had no owner.  Next time I drove past that dog, it had a collar on. 

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Whilst it is a great idea. This is not legislation to be introduced in the run up to an election. It is something you push through early in you elected term so the kerfuffle can quiet down before the next election.


A simple lesson in democracy for those who struggle with the concept.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Flip! Flop! Almost seems part of the standard operating procedure here.

Bring out a cunning plan, introduce it with gusto, then decide its not so cunning, and pull the plug.

It would be wise to think more about the plans before announcing plans that are obviously rubbish.

Then again thinking is not the strength of the current government.


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Just like corrective measures to:

take care of Soi dogs, defensive driving, driver licenses, helmet laws, noise violations, garbage dumps all over countrysides, poluted beaches and seas, tourists scammers, corrupt passport officials, corrupt police officers.... etc etc ... etc....talk and more talk and nothing will be done ! So business as usual.

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5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Are you sure you don't mean 'pull the pug'?


Well, it sure is a cunning plan, but why make it so tough to start with?


The chip, of course, is a once per dog fee, so not re-'curring'   (no pun intended!).


If folk really feel the need for more than 2 dogs, then they should register as breeders.  


Two dogs is the most allowed in suburban housing in most of Australia.  Three or more and it's 'out to the provinces'.


Maybe high fines, damages costs and medical costs for anti-rabies shots when one of their pets has a piece of someone?

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RE - Quick U-Turn on plans to introduce registration of pet dogs and cats - A rethink on the way forward is now in the pipeline.

Its said better late than never, BUT maybe an idea to start thinking in the first place then there will be no need for all those unnecessary, time consuming and face loss u-turns....:thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

????And how many people could afford to pay 25,000 baht fines and how were they going to police it , it’s October not the 1st of April????

I could almost understand if the fine suggested was 2,500 baht, even that would be a deterrent to most.


25,000 baht could be a second mortgage for some. I actually hope it was a misquote.

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My Thai wife stated what many projected here when they heard the news - a lot of Thais started to dump their pets as soon as they heard about the law.  That fast. 


What I find interesting is that many of us TV members immediately knew that there was no way a plan like that would fly.  The average Thai, especially rural Thais and those city dwellers in the lower income brackets (ie, most Thais) can't afford ฿450 per animal when they don't make that much per day.  And then threaten to impose a 25000 THB fine?  Hell, a Thai can kick a farang in the face unprovoked and only be fined ฿5000.  So what occurs to me is that the 'ruling class' in Bangkok really are totally out-of-touch with the average Thai.  Impose a draconian measure like that just before elections and see former red shirts come out of the woodwork and vote Pheu Thai regardless if they got a Thai Niyon buffalo and other trinkets doled out by the junta while

Prayut and company were election campaigning touring the country to get the pulse of the nation.  :thumbsup:  180 degree turn faster than you can say Som Tum.  Put it on the back burner for after the elections.


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7 hours ago, petermik said:

The government wants total concentration on the upcoming "elections" and no sidetracking on lesser issues......difficult enough here deciding how many chillies in todays somtam without all this to contend with  ????

There is also the ongoing burden of the Pigeon issue that needs sorting out as a National Priotity.

Cant have too many issues at once to sort out, it all gets too confusing

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8 hours ago, james.d said:

Why not just scrap every single law here already passed and any that may be in the pipeline.. would win plenty of votes.

Seems that no law here is ever enforced, except the helmet law so as to extract a few baht from those who (in most cases) can least afford it. ????

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

How many pet owners do you know.. i know quite a few as i got a pet myself and they love the pets as much as i love my dog.  I don't get it why people think Thais are so different from us.. have no feelings.. 


Maybe Bangkok Thais are different from the rest.. that is all i can think of because the people with pets here love them as much as i do. I seen people wait for hours in an good vet hospital to get care for their pet if they don't love their pets why would they go there ?

You may well be right in Bangkok, but outside for the majority in the country, a lot of ‘pets’ lead a pretty miserable life

Edited by GinBoy2
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