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Where Have all the Oldies Gone... Long Time Pa.....

Gonzo the Face

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16 years is a long time in the evolutionary scale of forums, especially taking into consideration that Thai visa mostly caters for English speaking westerners staying in Thailand that many will move onto pastures anew and also assuming that the majority are over 50s, so within 16 years a lot will now be departed or very elderly. Or maybe some of the original members are still around but have been reincarnated on TV.


What I have noticed is what seems to be a lack of female posters on the main forums and these threads do seem to be dominated by old Farang males, which gives it a lack of diversity. These days the younger crowds will be more active on facebook that has expanded greatly since TV first begun in 2002. It means that whereas several years ago the most interesting and diverse expat characters were using Thai visa as a mainstream for their social online communications in Thailand, the new blood today are taking to the social media instead and maybe forums in their present formats are being left behind by the times.



Edited by cyberfarang
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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Yes, its important for posters to realise that when they have nothing to say, to stop posting.

  Some posters have nothing to say and just post the same things everyday in various threads , every thread they make the comparison between the O.P and "The Red bull heir"

"The Burmese 2" "Donald Trump"..........."Brown envelopes"  everyday "Brown envelopes not big enough" .

   I do agree with you , people who have nothing to say about anything need to stop posting .

   "Where's Big Joke"

Wouldn't people who have nothing to say about anything simply not say /post anything anyway?


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Some of the trolls have switched to new identities, although IMHO TV seems to be a lot more civil when there is disagreement nowadays. Or maybe it's me that's more civil.

I value the posts of people such as Sheryl, Ubon Joe and Crossy for their specialist knowledge. And an occasional spar with the more fat-headed opinions.

Misandry could be very acerbic; however, you knew what you were going to get.

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All been said. Aside from death, I'd say most moved, stifled by rising prices/naff exchange rates etc or getting kids schooled in the real world. TV itself seemed to have run its course, became increasingly PC and just not much fun. I was a regular from the start, Dr Patpong days, when there were some very interesting characters and one could get away with lots. Everything's changed, though still reckon cm is kinda cool for a visit... hope to be a semi-perm resident again in da future. Avoid languishing in the glorious past, op, focus on the present. ????

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6 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Lack of relevance is why I post so little.

Been here long enuf to know how to do a visa, buy insurance.

My Thai family, and extended family, and their contacts do it for me. Any questions I have about this country I get answers from them.

Fed up with hearing the same old gripes, putdowns, flames and trolling from the same members on the same topics every day.

But it is no different than in the West. There people do the exact same things, say the exact same things, P and M about the exact same things. All that changes is the language.

I have no desire to be around, or read about, or speak to such negative people in my life any more.



Yet you participate on TV nevertheless, on average 2 to 3 posts a day. So I guess you consider yourself as being one of those of who you consider as being the minority of positive posters, when in-fact you sound just like those you are criticising.

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I imagine a lot of the older posters, Brits in particular, will have returned home to Blighty, for many years there were hundreds who were in denial about the exchange rate and even at 50:1 many people were feeling the pinch. Others will have simply become tired of the same cycle of repetitive topics and abusive newbies who know everything. I joined somewhere around 2007 but changed my name over a year ago in an attempt to disconnect from a string of troll-like followers who took much of the fun out of posting. As I recall there was very little click bait in those days, topics were more of a useful nature or they were good natured banter, both of which seem in short supply these days. The other point to make here is that ten years ago we all knew who the experts were in the different fields, today, everyone claims to have lived here forever and to be an expert in all things Thai yet many have never even lived here and that gets to be wearing after a while.

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Probably futile to throw this into such a boiling pot of sour, but, one relatively easy way to not see posts by those who offend, irritate, annoy you is ... to block the posters.


cheers, ~o:37;

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Although I'm a relative newcomer - 4 years a member, I have noticed a downturn.


It's not just the increase of mindless trolls & daft baiting comments, but also to do with that which 'we cannot discuss'.


Yup, tvf is primarily a revenue stream - or whatever the current phrase is; this is what many forums are about.


I was a member on another unrelated forum for 11 years, & that too was a business, but I felt it was also to there to help people & to have a good laugh.


I left for other reasons - not that I kicked the bucket!! :laugh:


I think....????

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2 minutes ago, faraday said:

Although I'm a relative newcomer - 4 years a member, I have noticed a downturn.


It's not just the increase of mindless trolls & daft baiting comments, but also to do with that which 'we cannot discuss'.


Yup, tvf is primarily a revenue stream - or whatever the current phrase is; this is what many forums are about.


I was a member on another unrelated forum for 11 years, & that too was a business, but I felt it was also to there to help people & to have a good laugh.


I left for other reasons - not that I kicked the bucket!! :laugh:


I think....????

Certainly not a grave posting then!

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7 hours ago, orang37 said:

Probably futile to throw this into such a boiling pot of sour, but, one relatively easy way to not see posts by those who offend, irritate, annoy you is ... to block the posters.


cheers, ~o:37;

I have quite a few on my ignore list some of who may well have left or changed names. I try to update the list every 6 months or so.

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3 hours ago, Puwa said:

I just reviewed my stats on ThaiVisa, though I didn't break it down for the Chiang Mai forum. Since joining in April 2005, I've averaged 1 post every 3 days and started 42 topics, about 3 per year on average. 2008 was my peak, with 8 topics started, and 2016-2017 I started zero. Last topic was about the demise of the Prince Royal's flea market, back in 2015. 


I seldom post anymore because 1) ThaiVisa is dominated by complaint topics; 2) most threads unravel into juvenile bickering; 3) too much Thai-bashing and misogyny for me. 


Nevertheless, I try to be helpful where possible and certainly appreciate when another member can answer a question for me. 



I have just done the same thing and I have made 16175 posts since 11 November 2003, an average of 3 posts a day and started (I think) 182 topics.


Having said that I have made 2 posts on this topic today.

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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I have just done the same thing and I have made 16175 posts since 11 November 2003, an average of 3 posts a day and started (I think) 182 topics.


Having said that I have made 2 posts on this topic today.

Just checked mine member since 15th september 2007, post count 8003, that is 1.97 posts per day.

Yet some of the trolls on here have accused me of over posting hogging the threads.????

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