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"Foreigners throw trash too, you know!" - Thais reject notion they are solely to blame


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Thais can barely walk anywhere more then 50 meters let alone clean up the beach.  They figure the only time they use the beach is to sit under a tree near by and pull out their glongs, plastic spoons, straws, fish sauce in bags have a nice meal and then leave the evidence so the next Thai will be able to see the good spot they found to repeat.  They also are embarrassed to be seen carrying around a bag of trash so why would they dare be seen cleaning up their picnic spot?  Low so Mak!


When they sit around in their empty restaurants and resorts waiting for the farang to show up and spend money they just need to understand we are a bit busy at the beach cleaning up their mess.  They will never understand us and neither will we understand them.  I guess that's what makes the orient so mysterious... lol.  


No worries in a few generations when the water is a few meters higher there will be no beach to clean up.  Just cement break wall after break wall for the next piles of plastic to build up against.   

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What Thailand should do is jettison the great Chinese tourism ideal and get the Japanese to come in droves. They are super clean, super polite and friendly. Remember the Japanese staying after a World Cup losing game to clean the stadium? That is the norm. I've personally experienced their cleanliness in my previous workplace every single time I had to deal with them.

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18 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Oh come on,i have seen large groups of Thai's all sit down to eat and leave all the foam/plastic box's cup and plastic cutlery in a big heap under a tree,not many foreigners do that.


Don't make fun of their national religion:  The Trash Fairy comes to collect all garbage left by devout Thais.  

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I am presently travelling in Mexico. Years ago Mexico was much like Thailand today. There was litter everywhere and filthy beaches. This trip l was pleasantly surprised.  Very little litter and emaculate beaches. At our home in Thailand l bike 20 to 30 km daily. It is a disgrace along the roadways. Rubbish and construction waste dumped everywhere. Very few foreigners there ,so can't be blamed. Another pleasant surprise was the lack of street dogs in Mexico. Very very few. The tourism here is vibrant and growing.

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13 minutes ago, neeray said:


What a shame that you generalize. I have a Thai friend in my home country. She keeps her home neat, clean and tidy, inside and out.

And I have many Thai friends in the Kingdom. None of them keep their homes the way you describe.

Hmm......Must be the company that you keep, the circles that you travel in.

With that said, I am fully aware of the ones who don't practice good housekeeping and proper garbage disposal. Pity.

Well generalizations are always just that, generalizations.


Now the Thai’s we know in the US are not dirty in any way, and in point of fact my wife borders on the neat freak extreme, drives me nuts.


But, in general Thai’s in Thailand are awful when it comes to this. You'd have to be blind to not recognize the crap and garbage dumped everywhere.


Now it’s not everyone for sure, but it’s an order of one or two in magnitude, the garbage dumped in the road compared to most Western countries.

Denial of that places you firmly in the apologist wing of TVF


It actually tragic in my mind that such aesthetically beautiful country is so spoiled by something which is in reality totally avoidable


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Every week for all the years that I have lived here I see locals throwing trash by the roadside, throwing bags of trash in the beautiful nature. Never ever have I seen a foreigner doing that, ever. Not even once. I have collected trash on beaches, and I didnt see any Marlboro, I didnt see any Camel brands. But I did see alot of SMS brand and Wonder brand, tourists dont smoke those. We found alot of Yakult plastic container and Instant Noodle containers, also not something foreign tourists are eating. So there is no question in my mind where this trash is coming from. And its a real shame.

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Note: Thais in the rural towns are more conscious about keeping their neighborhoods clean and not leaving litter around.

Sorry to disagree but around when i live in a very rural area  they are like pigs local workers on farms eat lunch from plastic bags etc then just dumped

seemingly the whole population travelling by motorbike or saleang has to be drinking or eating them chucking the rubbish onto the road

I do give them the due that large bags of rubbish all secured are  now just thrown into ditches hedgerows

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As there are nearly 70 million Thais in Thailand, one may presume most rubbish and refuse originates from the Thai people, and not from the farang.

But, of course, do it yourself and blame someone else.

Easy prey, the foreigners.

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18 minutes ago, scotinsiam said:

As I read this thread I can see the women down from my apartment pouring greasy, oily gunk down a drain in the street from her food cart - what a moron.

Unfortunately this happens 1,000’s of times a day in Thailand.

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I agree with the rule being on education.


We are all waking up to the fact that the world cannot continue in the downward spiral of our Oceans and seas choking on plastics along with their sea life.


Thai people and guests to the country need to wake up to the fact that plastics have been the norm for packaging products for a long time now and gone are the days where food came in a banana leaf and could be thrown away and consumed by the forest and the surrounding natural habitat.


That being said, the Thai government is one of the world's worst for reaping the huge benefits of tourism and putting the least back into the economy. That can be in the form of automated machinery to clean high tourist spot beaches and walkways, such as Phuket and Pattaya and Koh Samui etc to ensuring smaller beaches in Cha Am etc have adequate facilities such as well sized and easily accessible litter bins within easy reach. Sure, signage in multiple languages, and fines for littering, but only AFTER they have made sure they have done their OWN JOBS for the adequate disposal of litter.


How long have the seas around Pattaya and Phuket been nothing short of open sewers with thousands of hotels dispensing their untreated garbage into the waters which now means you risk various filthy diseases by even attempting to swim there?


Others can also play their part, such as food vendors being held responsible for the ' zones ' they rent and beach patrols to ensure they also are not just taking profit, but behaving responsibly.


It seems to me the Thai government is trying to blame everything on the public, be them Thai or foreign and not picking up the tab for adequate and safe removal and disposal of waste. They are happy to take massive profits but they don't want to give anything back, in the words of waste, IT STINKS! How long has the waste garbage incinerators in Koh Samui and other massive tourist income destinations been out of action?


It harks back to the days in Bangkok, with sill uneducated policemen running around fining people 2,000 baht for throwing a cigarette butt on the streets of Bangkok, whilst ignoring the fact that there were ' hawkers ' leaving filth and trash behind on a daily basis, not to mention the dross left behind from market stalls of Patpong swarming in vermin.

Edited by Scouse123
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As to the assertion that much of the rubbish comes from ships at sea, under the MARPOL convention, rules and regulations all merchant vessel discharges overboard of any substance are closely monitored.  Records are kept on board of all discharges overboard and regularly inspected by Port State Control Inspectors of the flag state through which the vessel is passing

From the nature of the rubbish, ie, plastic cups, plates, straws, cutlery, etc, it would appear that it is more likely to be domestically generated, in this case from Thailand itself. Where this is from Falangs or locals cannot be reasonably measured.  Let's all just stop doing it!

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20 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well generalizations are always just that, generalizations.


Now the Thai’s we know in the US are not dirty in any way, and in point of fact my wife borders on the neat freak extreme, drives me nuts.


But, in general Thai’s in Thailand are awful when it comes to this. You'd have to be blind to not recognize the crap and garbage dumped everywhere.


Now it’s not everyone for sure, but it’s an order of one or two in magnitude, the garbage dumped in the road compared to most Western countries.

Denial of that places you firmly in the apologist wing of TVF


It actually tragic in my mind that such aesthetically beautiful country is so spoiled by something which is in reality totally avoidable


Wow, you're really on the defensive. Is your skin a bit thin?

"Well generalizations are always just that, generalizations."

Can't agree with you. A generalization is painting with a broad brush. You painted ..... ! You own the words.

Your second paragraph contradicts your original post.

"You'd have to be blind to not recognize the crap and garbage dumped everywhere."

There you go again, "everywhere" . It's not everywhere. My vision is 20/20 and by observation is excellent.  I even acknowledged that some Thais don't practice good housekeeping and proper garbage disposal (in my post # 87).

If my comments  "places you (me) firmly in the apologist wing of TVF", I'm okay with that. I would sooner be "generalized" as an apologist than a Thai basher like you.


"my wife borders on the neat freak extreme, drives me nuts." I am sorry for you that your marriage has turned out so badly. Thank God, my Thai wife is a moderate who runs a nice home without driving me nuts.

Have a great day, in general.




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2 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

OK, I'd say at any one time the ratio of falang to thai is 60 to 1, so the trash/litter is also about the same ratio.  So .0167 percent of the trash is falang generated, I suspect way less but OK.


I am not following your reasoning and mathematics here?

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27 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Don't make fun of their national religion:  The Trash Fairy comes to collect all garbage left by devout Thais.  

Look at the lawns surrounding the parking lots at the Hat Yai International Airport before or after the traveling to the Haji. Garbage, food leftovers, one way plastic containers and bags everywhere. Disgusting.

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Thais reject notion they are solely to blame

Exactly what a child would say: "well they do it too!"

So why doesn't the government implement education about trash and many other things? I can only conclude that it isn't really very important and concerns about public service is nil. 

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Well opposite my house at a Thai local market used entirely by THAIS, the rubbish is so bad, after complaining they made the person running it put in Large litter bins, yet the small rubbish is still there an eyesore, dropped purely by THAIS !!!!!!!!


Their argument, not my land ………….go figure, they even insulted me because I complained. .. Thainess at its best …..!!

Edited by Khun Paul
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I am sure that there are some foreigners who throw trash....I am also sure that there are some Thais that don't throw trash. However when you loom at the cleanliness of some foreign countries like Japan or the UK or Singapore you see that the Thais throw more trash on the floor than any of these nations. You do not see Japanese driving along throwing bags of trash out of the window which is a common sight here in Thailand. It is a filthy place and one of the best things TAT could do to encourage more tourism is to clean the place up.

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Dear Thai people, I have to say that this accusion is utterly Bu**sh*t!!!

You are the ones who trash your sh** everywhere, litterally! And you know that very well!

Yes, I love this country, but I als hate your stupidly arrogance about everything! You don't care about nothing, even not your own health - regarding to all this trash in the streets, klongs & even your own neighborship! Now I only miss to blame tourists for your billions of big fat rats all over Bangkok!

Oh yeah, the tourists & foreigners are guilty for your polluted poisoned beaches in Pattaya or Rayong - sorry, I forgot to admit that!


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1 minute ago, Pedrogaz said:

one of the best things TAT could do to encourage more tourism is to clean the place up.


This should be implemented by the army chief at the top and be incorporated in his 20 year plan.

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