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USA income affidavit

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9 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

For all those who say nothing has changed. True, except for one thing.

Why did Thai immigration hold a meeting for embassy representatives in the first place? What's the reason?

Why did they ask the British embassy to verify more thoroughly the income that is covered by the embassy letters?

Could it be that they are starting to realise that the letters from the embassys verify nothing?

Things are definitely going to change, what it means no one knows. 

Looks like a lot of folks are sweating bullets!

Everyone will know soon enough.

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Why is everyone repeating the same argument.  "My embassy says this", "His embassy says something else", "The xxx embassy have stated - no change"?

It doesn't matter one jot what the embassies say.  Until Thai Immigration state 'officially' that there are no changes and that embassy letters will be accepted as is the status quo, or that changes have/are being made in their procedures, then everything else is 'pie in the sky'.

I'm not interested in what BE are stating until TI have clarified the situation.



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11 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

For all those who say nothing has changed. True, except for one thing.

Why did Thai immigration hold a meeting for embassy representatives in the first place? What's the reason?

Why did they ask the British embassy to verify more thoroughly the income that is covered by the embassy letters?

Could it be that they are starting to realise that the letters from the embassys verify nothing?

They probably did hold a meeting with some embassy representatives....maybe invited everyone, but just some showed up.  Or maybe Thai immigration felt it had a bigger problem with Brits who really didn't have the income they told the BE they had.  I'm sure Thai immigration periodically invites embassy reps to meetings discussing a whole variety of issues....even issues that Thai immigration might like embassies to do.  Governments love to have these type of meetings. 


But discussing "desires" of what Thai Immigration would like foreign embassies to do in support of Thai Immigration polices  does not mean it a directive as in "thou shalt do it!"   Nor does it mean the foreign embassies agree and instead just politely ignore the request and continue on with what they are doing.


The more I read the various threads on the British Embassy decision to stop issuing income letters in my opinion Thai immigration desire for foreign embassies to do "actual verification" of income was just "one more" bullet the BE could use to stop issuing the letter apparently after a British govt audit on some things the BE could do to streamline/downsize BE operations & funding requirements combined no doubt with too many Brits abusing the income letter process.



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29 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

Why did Thai immigration hold a meeting for embassy representatives in the first place? What's the reason?

Why did they ask the British embassy to verify more thoroughly the income that is covered by the embassy letters?



Do you have any idea why, if all this is true,  the Thai immigration only involved the BE in this affair?

Why didn't they involve all embassies that offer a similar income verification letter?


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The heck of it is that I have several million dollars in brokerage accts in the States.   I live quietly and modestly here and I think I am the very kind of guy that Thailand might want to have about.


I politely suggest that you are absolutely the type of person that Thailand does NOT want!  Thailand wants us to bring our money into the country and spend it, not use the country as some sort of cheap-charlie location.


(My comments above are not directed at you - they are my general feeling as to the way the country is heading...)


Simon (cheap-charlie living in Myanmar!)

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Yep its true i just got the email.  Taking the email over to immigration here shortly to see what they want to do.  I am sorry i was lied too.  See post The embassy lied to me.  For the entire letter.  Man, my battle buddy is pissed they lied to him.  Gonna be some bad blood at the embassy for a while. 

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It's official. As a US citizen I received this email just now:


U.S. Mission in Thailand to Cease Providing Income Affidavit

October 26, 2018



As of January 1, 2019, the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok and the U.S. Consulate General in Chiang Mai will cease to provide the income affidavit for the purpose of applying for Thai retirement and family visas and will not notarize previous versions of the income affidavit.  The Royal Thai Government requires actual verification of income to certify visa applicants meet financial requirements for long-stay visas.  The U.S. government cannot provide this verification and will no longer issue the affidavits. 


Please consult the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. and Royal Thai Immigration Bureau websites for information on how to meet the requirements for a Thai retirement visa or extension. 

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