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Fox News: Democrats projected to win control of U.S. House


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3 minutes ago, wabothai said:

The battle was won, but the war is not over yet.

At least the beast has been put in a cage.


If only it could be a soundproof cage.  I'd love to see Twitter ban Trump from its platform, even though that might actually help Trump.


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1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

Your right, they should be glad. After all who wants to work for a "toxic Trump supporter"?

I am not doing anything that the left didn't do after the 2016 elections.

Sort of like Hollywood blacklisting conservative actors.

I am giving them the opportunity to come out of the shadows and proclaim their freedom as unemployed Lefties.

It is not a punishment. It is emancipation.  

My Money, My Company.

Hope they put it on social media so you don't have to serve those nasty democrats as customers too.

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29 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

I thought early this year, after the claims that Trump would be impeached by Christmas 2017 were a failure, it was posted here that Mueller would finalise his investigation by November 2018


So that will now probably be corrected to November 2019 -2020 - 2021.........

Apparently the scuttlebutt is he is close... could be this month... Jan at the latest.

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47 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Nothing will move now!

I don't think the Dems will be as obstructionist as the GOP was after 44 got flipped in his first term. Many are Republican light anyway, especially in the Senate. They will most likely pass finance and tax bills. Maybe some meaningful work could be done on bipartisan immigration reform. Dems will probably push medicare-for-all and a $15 minimum wage... Maybe election finance reform.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Republicans retain control of the U.S. Senate - U.S. media


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans will retain control of the U.S. Senate, American media outlets projected on Tuesday, even as Democrats appeared likely to capture control of the House of Representatives.


(Reporting by Lisa Lambert and Roberta Rampton; writing by Tim Ahmann; editing by Jonathan Oatis)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-11-07

Well that was unexpected news..... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!   Non news?????

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:

Trump can make executive emergency decisions can’t he still?

The Commander in Chief can always do that. It's just that this one has called the Honduran caravan an 'invasion' and sent troops to enforce something that they are not legally permitted to do. So his idea of an emergency obviously covers a lot more than just being out of paper in the presidential dunny.

Edited by NanLaew
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2 hours ago, PhonThong said:

With the Democrats proclaiming they will defeat the Presidents part 2 of the tax bill and raising taxes to the previous level, I won't need them. You watch. The transportation industry as a whole will start cutting back to pre-2016 levels. Orders for new equipment will start to be canceled. I know my company will cut back. I think it is only fair that those that opted for this should go first. At least I am laying them off and not firing them. This way, they can at least collect unemployment. 

Let me get this straight.

You intend to lay off employees on the basis of how they voted? Absolutely shameless!


I know nothing of US labour law, but I would be very surprised if that is legal.


It is certainly unethical, and makes a mockery of the whole principle of the secret ballot.


Perhaps I can coin a new phrase - a "Trumpian" view of democracy?

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49 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Apparently the scuttlebutt is he is close... could be this month... Jan at the latest.


The last I caught on that recently was -- Mueller was expected to make some kind of report to Congress AFTER the November elections. Not a public report, supposedly. But once it goes to Congress, who knows.


And, that report was not necessarily to be the final, conclusion report of his investigation, but rather, some kind of status report of what had been found and what, if anything, needed further investigation.

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17 minutes ago, Becker said:

He doesn't own a company. It's just hot air from a sulking man-child supporter.

A sort of rehearsal for the paddy throwing, toys out of the pram, temper tantrum Twitter storm we can expect when the new House of Representatives convenes?


Should be worth the wait...

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28 minutes ago, Becker said:

He doesn't own a company. It's just hot air from a sulking man-child supporter.


8 minutes ago, JAG said:

A sort of rehearsal for the paddy throwing, toys out of the pram, temper tantrum Twitter storm we can expect when the new House of Representatives convenes?


Should be worth the wait...

Well these are the snowflakes who pay good money for their coffee machines and their nikes, then destroy them when companies don't support their agendas.  What can we expect?

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2 hours ago, attrayant said:


Even if it takes four more years it still will not be as long as some of the Reagan, Bush and Clinton probes were.



Thanks for posting that screenshot, I notice there is one who breaks all records, on investigations and guilty pleas.


Familiar name to you as well I presume

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9 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

Thanks for posting that screenshot, I notice there is one who breaks all records, on investigations and guilty pleas.


Familiar name to you as well I presume

What the image shows most clearly to me is the extreme shortness of the Russia/Trump line and the massive blot within a single year.  Try not to worry- there will be plenty more lines to come on the Trump scale.

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11 minutes ago, Slip said:

What the image shows most clearly to me is the extreme shortness of the Russia/Trump line and the massive blot within a single year.  Try not to worry- there will be plenty more lines to come on the Trump scale.

I don't know the meaning of such a massive sized " blot" since that size is not explained at the top.


What I do know is that the whitewater investigation had 5 blots in the first year, and a remark that indictments occurring before the investigation aren't even included, and that ESPN ( the owner of 538 )  is anti Trump


By the way, can I borrow that crystal ball of yours that can predict the future of the investigation?

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3 hours ago, Nilats said:

So this will probably be the most dysfunctional government in US history. Could be a recipe for a disaster in case of global economic problems or any other type of problems in regards to domestic or foreign policy where tough decisions need to be made quickly. How is this a victory for anybody?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "new york daily news split happens"

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Well now we can get an honest in depth look at Donald and his money laundry lol taxes perhaps wonder how his base is going to feel when they realize they pay more than him?now that this is over mr muller is out there just getting started with this guy hoping his day of judgment is coming soon!!

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7 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

I don't know the meaning of such a massive sized " blot" since that size is not explained at the top.


What I do know is that the whitewater investigation had 5 blots in the first year, and a remark that indictments occurring before the investigation aren't even included, and that ESPN ( the owner of 538 )  is anti Trump


By the way, can I borrow that crystal ball of yours that can predict the future of the investigation?

Perhaps you could make an inference?  You seem adept at it in the case of defending your tangerine hero.


My crystal ball does not extend to "the investigation" I'm afraid.  (Do you mean the Mueller one?) I was suggesting there will be more investigations on other matters in relation to Mr Trump.  (See I can make inferences too.)

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All in all a god day for America. Trump did amazing considering the full bias of the MSM couldn't foil the democratic system. There is still a large amount of reasonable folk in america that recognize that the left is more and more anti American everyday. Yes the socialists got the house (probably thanks to the illegal immigrant vote) but it is better to give them the rope they need to hang themselves at this point. The parade of crazies should be enough to salt away a solid win for Trump's second term. The Dems will be fully split by then. Snowflakes and Marxist VS classic liberals.
And I didn't hear, did O'crazio Cortez get inaugurated today. I hope so, that is going to be the best entertainment of the year. 
Yeah if by illegal immigrant vote you mean suburban soccer moms vote.

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