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SURVEY: Should Myanmar be forced to take back Rohingya?


SURVEY: Should Myanmar be forced to take back Rohingya?  

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The Rohingya situation has caused contention between countries in Asia and beyond.   In your opinion which of the following is the best solution?


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42 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...Should Myanmar be forced to take back Rohingya?"


Perhaps a better question is should the Rohingya be forced to return to Burma?


If I were a Rohingya, I doubt that I would be willing to return to Burma; the evidence seems pretty clear that the Burmese authorities/military were responsible for driving them out.


Let me offer a fifth option; Burma, as a penalty for driving them out, must pay for their resettlement elsewhere. My suggestion is that the costs be taken out of the Burmese military budget...



The big $$$ is the Burmese Military's cut of narco production & trafficking.

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Theoretically, you are right. But in practice the UN carries a great deal of clout and over time their recommendations tend to be widely implemented.


If you don't believe me do some research, for example, on the roll-out of their UN's controversial Agenda 21 programme (now rebranded as Agenda 2030), which - mostly unbeknown to the billions affected - continues drastically to change public policy around the world.

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32 minutes ago, weegee said:

if Burma is forced to let them return, they also will be forced to recognize them as citizens...

THEN...These Rohingya will have the right for citizenship as well. Following this they will work their way in by way of elections and place Muslims in Government....and on it goes until they have taken a slice of Burma away for Buddist control...Which obviously is their intention all along.

THAT'S why the Burmese Government is rejecting all proposals, from outside influences and such. They rightfully will not allow anyone or anything interfere with their rights to govern their own country...

So in your view genocide is acceptable in certain circumstances ?

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Why would they want to return? Did you see the Jews rushing to 'return' to Germany at the end of WWII? Is there really any difference here? Declare them refugees and settle them elsewhere, somewhere that they'll actually be welcome instead of extermination bait for so-called Buddhists.

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36 minutes ago, theonetrueaussie said:

so the Rohingya started all this by attacking military bases and lighting monks on fire and you are saying that the burmese who had finally had enough and kicked them out should take them back and be subjected to terrorism again.....

Why don't one of the big muslim countries like saudi arabia take them in where they can be with their own people....oh that's right they don't take in refugees they demand western countries do and then build big mosques for them......it's like Troy all over again!

I thought you had made this up. Out of all the millions of google "hits" for the poor Rohingyas being attacked and driven out of their homeland for NO REASON, I see this little article from the Independant putting rather a different light on the situation. Hardly a big surprise, whenever a group of people claim to be perpetual victims, the blame lies closer to home. No why on earth only one media outlet reports on Rohingyas brutally attacking the Burmese authorities I have no idea?



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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

They dont belong in Bangladesh , they have lived in Rohingya state ( nee Arakan ) for at least 1000 years.

I daresay this is rather longer than your tribe has lived in its current location , where would you like to be forcibly removed to ?

The same argument could be applied to the stateless Karen tribes in Thailand who have been forcefully removed from their 'lands' in National forests.  If the world is condemning one, they should be condemning the other too.  'Indigenous' people always get the short end of the stick in this day and age.  Although Western nations love to play the genocide card as they laud 'freedom, democracy, and human rights', they do so while hypocritically ignoring their own history with both their indigenous members of society and the societies that they decimated (civilized) during Imperial expansionism.  The real game is moral relativity.  The end game is control of resources.

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4 hours ago, Basil B said:

Likewise the land that the Rohingya once occupied should be annexed as an independent state protected by international peace keeping forces.

As it once was. Burma annexed it in 1785. Previously known as Arakan.

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Myanmar is lucky to get rid of the muslim problem unlike the rest of the world that seems to love being tortured by these terrorists, yes they are all terrorists, read the koran. Myanmar should do everything it can to get rid of any muslims who are still hiding in their country.

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