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Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion


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Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion

By Andrew Osborn and Natalia Zinets



Seized Ukrainian ships, small armoured artillery ships and a tug boat, are seen anchored in a port of Kerch, Crimea November 26, 2018. REUTERS/Pavel Rebrov


MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine on Monday imposed martial law for 30 days in parts of the country most vulnerable to an attack from Russia after President Petro Poroshenko warned of the "extremely serious" threat of a land invasion.


Poroshenko said martial law was necessary to bolster Ukraine's defences after Russia seized three Ukrainian naval ships and took their crew prisoner at the weekend.


U.S. President Donald Trump said he did not like what was happening between Russia and Ukraine and was working with European leaders on the situation.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Russia's seizure of the Ukrainian vessels "a dangerous escalation and a violation of international law" and called for restraint from both countries.


"The United States condemns this aggressive Russian action. We call on Russia to return to Ukraine its vessels and detained crew members, and to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity," Pompeo said in a statement.


The Ukrainian parliament approved the introduction of martial law after Poroshenko reassured some sceptical lawmakers that it would not be used to curb civil liberties or delay elections scheduled for next year.


It came at the end of a day when Ukraine and Russia traded accusations about Sunday's standoff and Kiev's allies weighed in to condemn Moscow's behaviour.


With relations still raw after Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and its backing for a pro-Moscow insurgency in eastern Ukraine, the crisis risked pushing the two countries into open conflict.


"Russia has been waging a hybrid war against our country for a fifth year. But with an attack on Ukrainian military boats it moved to a new stage of aggression," Poroshenko said.


In a phone call with Poroshenko, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance's "full support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty." Ukraine is not a NATO member though it aspires to membership.


Washington's envoy to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said Russia's actions were an "outrageous violation of sovereign Ukrainian territory" and sanctions on Russia would remain in place.


The European Union, Britain, France, Poland, Denmark, and Canada all condemned what they called Russian aggression. German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the need for dialogue.


The stand-off in the Azov Sea is more combustible now than at any time in the past four years as Ukraine has rebuilt its armed forces, previously in disarray, and has a new generation of commanders who are confident and have a point to prove.


Map of the Kerch Strait bridge - 2PRMbqh



Russia's foreign ministry blamed Kiev for the crisis.


"It's obvious that this painstakingly thought-through and planned provocation was aimed at igniting another source of tension in the region in order to create a pretext to ramp up sanctions against Russia," it said in a statement.


Such a policy was "fraught with serious consequences," it said, adding that Kiev was acting in coordination with the United States and the European Union.


Russia summoned the ranking diplomat at Kiev's embassy in Moscow over the incident, the foreign ministry said.


In Kiev, Poroshenko said intelligence data suggested there was an "extremely serious threat" of a land-based operation against Ukraine by Russia.


"I have a document of intelligence in my hands ... Here on several pages is a detailed description of all the forces of the enemy located at a distance of literally several dozens of kilometres from our border. Ready at any moment for an immediate invasion of Ukraine," he said.


Martial law would allow Ukraine to respond swiftly to any invasion and mobilise resources as quickly as possible, he said.


He dismissed "dirty speculation" by critics that he wanted to use the proposed measure to delay elections next year, where he faces a tough re-election fight and opinion polls show him trailing his opponents. Ukrainian lawmakers held a second vote to confirm the polls would take place as scheduled on March 31.



Russia's rouble currency weakened 1.4 percent against the dollar in Moscow on Monday, its biggest one-day fall since Nov. 9, while Russian dollar-bonds fell.


Markets are highly sensitive to anything that could trigger new Western sanctions, and therefore weaken the Russian economy. A fall in the price of oil - Russia's biggest source of revenue - has made its economy more vulnerable.


The crisis erupted when border patrol boats belonging to Russia's FSB security service seized two small Ukrainian armoured artillery vessels and a tug boat after opening fire on them and wounding three sailors on Sunday.


The Ukrainian vessels had been trying to enter the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea via the narrow Kerch Strait that separates Crimea from the Russian mainland.


Interfax news agency quoted Russia's human rights commissioner, Tatyana Moskalkova, as saying on Monday that 24 Ukrainian sailors were being detained. Three of the sailors were wounded but were not in a serious condition and were recovering in hospital.


The FSB said the Ukrainian ships had ignored warning shots, forcing Russian vessels to open fire for real, after they illegally entered Russian territorial waters.


A Reuters witness in Kerch, a port in Crimea, said the three Ukrainian vessels were being held there on Monday.


Domestic politics in Moscow also add to the combustibility of the situation.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has seen his high approval rating fall because of unpopular domestic policies. In the past, successful military action beyond Russia's borders has buoyed his popularity.

Tensions have long been brewing over the Azov Sea. Crimea, on the western shore, is now controlled by Moscow, the eastern shore is Russian territory, and the northern shore is controlled by Ukraine.


(Additional reporting by Tom Balmforth and Polina Ivanova in Moscow, Jeff Mason, David Brunnstrom, Makini Brice and Doina Chiacu in Washington; Michelle Stine Buch Jacobsen in Copenhagen, Karin Strohecker in London, Joanna Plucinska in Warsaw, and European bureaux; Writing by Andrew Osborn, Christian Lowe and Matthias Williams; Editing by Angus MacSwan and James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-11-27
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19 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Reuters says:

“The European Union, Britain, France, Poland, Denmark, and Canada all condemned what they called Russian aggression. German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the need for dialogue “

Does Reuters even know what countries are in the EU?


So the EU and other countries, some in the EU, condemn this. What don't you understand?

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

So the EU and other countries, some in the EU, condemn this. What don't you understand?


He/She probably doesn't understand that some miss the irony of having a EU spokesperson; or that some keen supporters of EU federalism like to make their own comments, when it suits.


Not to mention the usual slap dash reporting from Reuters that's sadly becoming their new standard.

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5 hours ago, bendejo said:


DT has been saying the annexation of Crimea was Obama's fault, let's see how he handles his boyfriend on this one.

As if it even matters to his fans, only a very small percentage would know what Crimea is.  "Crimea River?"



Crimea River. . . love it!

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Putin is obviously testing the water after Trump's threat to defund NATO. Macron must be rubbing his hands in glee at this unexpected boost to his proposal for an EU army.



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1 hour ago, tumama said:

No. But I'm capable of using common sense. The way the Russian coastguard acted was standard operating procedure for any country. 

Whatever the actual explanation, let's hope all parties involved use their commons sense.

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9 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Whatever the actual explanation, let's hope all parties involved use their commons sense.

Which is precisely why this happened in the first place. Common sense is to obey orders from the coastguard. Especially when they are firing warning shots at you. 

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1 hour ago, tumama said:

No. But I'm capable of using common sense. The way the Russian coastguard acted was standard operating procedure for any country. 

Quite so..but in the United States of Paranoia such rational thinking went out the window long ago.


The current trope that Trump is a traitor and Putin is his best friend is vintage 'Know Nothings' stuff from 1850.


1775 and 1812 too...

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

Well we all know putin has nothing to fear from Donald

It is to be handled by Europe first, Donald should ignore it. That isn't America's problem to solve. We'll give our friends all the moral support we possibly can, but no money and no blood this time around.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Putin is testing "trump" on how far he can bully now. Obviously a lot. Just ask Saudi Arabia.

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Putin is not testing anyone. It was Ukraine who started the trouble not other way around.


Under martial law, coming elections are cancelled and Poroshenko  is third favourite after comedian and some woman.


Ukraine did not even have martial law in 2014-2015 during bloodiest times and all over sudden martial law and Russians invading BUT only in parts of the country ????????

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7 minutes ago, BestB said:

Putin is not testing anyone. It was Ukraine who started the trouble not other way around.


Under martial law, coming elections are cancelled and Poroshenko  is third favourite after comedian and some woman.


Ukraine did not even have martial law in 2014-2015 during bloodiest times and all over sudden martial law and Russians invading BUT only in parts of the country ????????

Spot on.


Poroshenko really wants the West to step in.


The Ukraine has been playing that game since the 1640's with astonishingly dire results.


Wouldn't stop Poroshenko tho'.


May the comedian win.

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World games of chess continues as planned! Waiting for next move, and hopefully the good wins over the bad! (At least those who want us to still pushing the others down. Power to the people who will benefit me and my pention fund. 


Nothing more to hope for

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