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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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23 hours ago, talahtnut said:

If it went the wrong way, it would be classified as advisory.

If it went the right way, it would be the will of the people.

If Brexit is not to your liking, you are welcome to go and

live in Paris, Malmo, Berlin, Athens, Rome, etc.

But beware the riots, water cannon, and rubber bullets.


Those with no constructive answer always try and promote their pet paranoia, addressing the point in question was obviously too difficult.

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Here is a BBC reporter on the street showing how biased the BBC can be, twisting the truth to suit their own beliefs and not being independant as they should be, the video is prior to the referendum, but it just shows how they try to influence us all.



Edited by vogie
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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

Those with no constructive answer always try and promote their pet paranoia, addressing the point in question was obviously too difficult.

So sorry you didn't like my opinion in reply to your

hypothetical, utterly pointless question on a 'reunification

referendum', however issuing insults can be taken as

a sure sign of the frustration of losing.

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

The only question that matters was: In or Out? and that has been emphatically answered. Game over.

Sorry I'm late guys but I only got the data today for last week. This is for w/e Monday 21st 2019 at 2am. Liverpool poll.


55% just leave
20% accept May's deal
15% stay in/second vote
10% don't know/care, undecided, spoilt vote paper, too drunk to understand the poll or tick the boxes.


Opinions are hardening people.

Edited by owl sees all
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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

So , if the general consensus was that the British public were unaware of what the referendum wasall about , those that voted for Remain, were also ignorant ?

   Or are you just saying that it was just the Brexiters that were ignorant and the Remainers were well informed ?



remainers read

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15 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Sorry I'm late guys but I only got the data today for last week. This is for w/e Monday 21st 2019 at 2am. Liverpool poll.


55% just leave
20% accept May's deal
15% stay in/second vote
10% don't know/care/undecided/spoilt vote paper/too drunk to understand the poll.


Opinions are hardening people.

Ah! Yes. Liverpool, home of the underclass. Let's do what they think!

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

Here is a BBC reporter on the street showing how biased the BBC can be, twisting the truth to suit their own beliefs and not being independant as they should be, the video is prior to the referendum, but it just shows how they try to influence us all.



That will be Victoria Ayling who lost her seat (ended up in third place in the election) and then left UKIP! She has now given up on politics to pursue other interests.  Nice try Vogie!

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

That will be Victoria Ayling who lost her seat (ended up in third place in the election) and then left UKIP! She has now given up on politics to pursue other interests.  Nice try Vogie!

What has that got to do with the BBC not being biased. Listen to what she has to say before you start to dig the dirt.

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16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, your one point seems to be that remainers are intelligent and know all about the effects of Brexit and exiters are stupid people who know nothing about the effects of Brexit .

    Typical righteous small minded approach that is associated with the Left . 

Ever considered that maybe you are not as well informed and intelligent as you think that you are ?

You must be new to the Brexit threads, so I'll take a minute to explain.


I had a great education for which I am very gratful, and I still read extensively to keep abreast of things and also to investigate matters that I am not au fait with.


This is not to do with intelligence per se but more to do with education and aquired knowledge. Of course intelligence is required to interpret all this.


No, wishing to remain is correlated closely with tertiary education.


To answer your question, no, I have never considered that I know more than I do. How about you?


BTW I may well be quite righteous but I am not self righteous which is probably what you meant. At least I know the difference.


Now, please, back to specifics.

Edited by Grouse
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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

What has that got to do with the BBC not being biased. Listen to what she has to say before you start to dig the dirt.

First of all I am not defending the BBC.  We all know they are biased.  I am laughing at your choice of interviewee.  The ridiculous Victoria Ayling typified the lunatics in UKIP, most of them now kicked into touch.


There are better examples of BBC interviews with Brexiteers from the proper political parties.  Using UKIP is never a good idea.

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

First of all I am not defending the BBC.  We all know they are biased.  I am laughing at your choice of interviewee.  The ridiculous Victoria Ayling typified the lunatics in UKIP, most of them now kicked into touch.


There are better examples of BBC interviews with Brexiteers from the proper political parties.  Using UKIP is never a good idea.

The choice of interviewee matters not one jot, it could have been Attilla the Hun, the modus operandi of the BBC remains the same, which is the message of the post. I never once tried to portray V Ayling as an understudy to Mother Teresa, but showed the tactics that the BBC are prepared to stoop to, full credit to her for her not falling for it.

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16 minutes ago, bannork said:

You can't compare the two. The Remainers live in the present situation. This is how it is now, and has been for many years, we are content with this.

Ignorance doesn't enter the question because they merely wish to continue living as they have done.

The Brexiteers, on the other hand, are the ones wanting to change the status quo, embark on a future path as yet untrod. That requires a clear depiction of where the ship is heading, not just we are leaving and that's it.

Ignorance is inexcusable in this case.


No one knows the future , the future is being discussed now in the negotiations .

Its not possible to know what will happen in the future and any predictions are just predictions which may or may not happen

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Just now, sanemax said:

No one knows the future , the future is being discussed now in the negotiations .

Its not possible to know what will happen in the future and any predictions are just predictions which may or may not happen

So when the people of the UK voted to leave the EU, it was not possible for them to know the consequences of that momentous decision?

That sounds extremely foolish.

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