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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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5 hours ago, tebee said:

 And it's equally annoying to see that most leavers still cannot acknowledge that the majority leave vote was because at the time of the referendum, the public were assured there would not be a cost to leaving the EU, indeed we would all be better off. 


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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Grouse you so often come across as a right snob and ridicule the very people who you seem to be. As a Yorkshire man I would have thought that seen as an outsider from London you would have had a little bit more heart for the working class man, who as we know voted for the leave campaign. Primarily as this affects them at grass root levels. Unless you are one of those landowners who look down at the working man, as you have done well for yourself.????


You say self harm. Well the likes of Sunderland, the fishing communities and industries and farming that have been eroded for years and they feel like they have had 44 years of self harm in the ECE and now EU.  So I applaud them for having the courage to want to leave and have the strength to take whatever happens.


I would like to know from remainers the lie the UK was sold getting into the ECE and the subsequent treaties like the Lisbon and Maastricht treaty. Shouldn't that be addressed, the big lie. Or is it something that seems to be forgotten.


The people haven't forgotten and voted out.

I don't blame the Epsilons at all. I blame the cynical bastards that have led them down the wrong road.


I'm glad you mentioned Sunderland. Do you not see how EU membership has helped them above all? Thatcher and that Minford bastard finished coal and ship building in exchange for nothing. The EU have sprinkled magic dust and brought the area up substantially. The CONs will leave them to rot. I was up at Durham and my mother was from CoDurham farming stock so I know Wearside. Vaux's Double Maxim was a favourite of mine. Several high tech manufacturers in the area benefited from EU subsidies. 

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3 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Grouse, you have the mindset of the EU government,

uncaring, aloof, pseudo aristocratic, looking down on,

and sneering at the poor. The EU will not survive with

that attitude. Already, we see signs of unrest..long may

it continue.

You know very well that I am very pro Scandinavia: egalitarian societies with social justice. I abhor inequality such as is prevalent in both U.K. And USA so how do you square that with uncaring?


Aloof? I communicate with you don't I?


I understand the good that emanates from the EU. I will not be blamed for the apparant isolation of Epsilons from the facts.


The CONs have opted out of many, many EU social welfare schemes.


In short, have a go at me by all means but make sure your facts are correct. Sonny.

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

As another Yorkshire man, I would just like to confirm the above.

Thankfully the majority are proper Yorkshire.

As shown in this recent poll carried out in God’s country.




Take it from me, education is everything. Spend your last penny on your children's education. No good schools? Move! Take a close interest in what your kids are doing; help them, encourage them. It is the only route to social mobility. The End. Fin.

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4 minutes ago, aright said:

Of course they benefitted and so they should we were major contributors to the pool. What's the difference between an EU subsidy and  Government subsidies which I am sure will happen post Brexit. You seem to want to stay in the EU on the basis of the "then".  Most Leavers decisions are based on the "now". 

Italy is now in recession, Germany is very close to recession, France is a basket case and a German manufacturing union is blaming the EU Commission for their mishandling and arrogance, etc..

In short the EU is failing.

Would you consider buying shares in a Company with these problems? 






You think the CONs will continue with the targeted subsidies? Ask Cornwall, Ask the farmers, Ask Sunderland.


You are surprisingly naive on this Aright?

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12 minutes ago, tebee said:

I've not seen, either on here, or in the greeter scheme of things, one coherent point about how Brexit will make us richer.

Now everyone seems to be saying, yes we know  it will make us poorer, but the sovereignty....

Just like everything else then. No agreement.

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10 minutes ago, tebee said:

I've not seen, either on here, or in the greeter scheme of things, one coherent point about how Brexit will make us richer.

Now everyone seems to be saying, yes we know  it will make us poorer, but the sovereignty....

Here's your starter for ten. . .  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-industries-benefit-from-brexit-ben-yi/

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28 minutes ago, tebee said:

I've not seen, either on here, or in the greeter scheme of things, one coherent point about how Brexit will make us richer.

Now everyone seems to be saying, yes we know  it will make us poorer, but the sovereignty....




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30 minutes ago, tebee said:

I've not seen, either on here, or in the greeter scheme of things, one coherent point about how Brexit will make us richer.

Now everyone seems to be saying, yes we know  it will make us poorer, but the sovereignty....

There have been plenty of counter arguments to the Remain economic armageddon propaganda.  You just choose to ignore / disbelieve it. 

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8 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

There have been plenty of counter arguments to the Remain economic armageddon propaganda.  You just choose to ignore / disbelieve it. 

I don't say or think it will be economic armageddon.


If we leave with no deal there will be chaos and a recession - we'll probably all end up 10 - 20% poorer. People will lose their businesses, jobs and houses, there will be shortages, probably a few will die from those, but it won't be  armageddon.


What will slowly chock the UK is it becoming much less competitive to Europe.  Businesses and jobs will be created there instead of here. We will become an economic backwater.


We will be a competitor to the EU, so they won't make it easy for us, little laws and regulations  will make it too expensive to base a multinational company here. They will have us in a slow stranglehold. 

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46 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

All conjecture.


"We'll probably end up 10 - 20% poorer".

That's just a guess from those who don't want us to leave. 


"little laws and regulations  will make it too expensive to base a multinational company here."

On the contrary, we'll be free to make the UK more competitive for multinationals once we're no longer constrained by EU laws. 




Clear tax-free paradise for multinational companies.

1. The tax revenue of the state will be enough then to pay his

existing pensioners and the mountain to steadily growing future pensioners?

2. In order to attract large national companies, however, the wage level has to be lowered to Chinese standards.

3. large companies need large sales markets in order to achieve cost-effective economies of scale. Sorry but the UK will not have tariff free access to the next largest market in its neighborhood.

4. And the whole Brexit nonsense to make yourself dependent again on big multis?

In this case, the Brexit cat bites itself in the tail.



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20 minutes ago, nontabury said:


  Not quite correct, this is what the Bureaucrats in Brussels are afraid of.


"The other members would leave and do the same thing. So you have to prevent this."

Swedish eurosceptic party Sweden Democrats (SW) has issued a dire warning to Brussels, suggesting the Scandinavian country could very well leave the bloc unless eurocrats accept to make substantial changes to its core institutions. A shocking poll in 2017 suggested more than half of The Netherlands would prefer to quit the EU.

Ms Fordwich continued: "There were rumours of Nexit, the Dutch leaving and The Netherlands, and Swexit after the right swing in Sweden.

"That’s the fear. The Dutch and the Swedish are two they fear might want to go."

re Sweden, the SwedenDemocrats, SD not SW, would say that,

but that is a very far cry from what is possible to sell in Sweden, politically - me thinks


also you have AfD in Germany, also hammering in the need to alter the EU organs and their MO.


am not up to speed with developments in NL, should they leave, my guess is that they would

do way better than UK - re trade


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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:


Clearly, when a zebra dies in the savanna, the vultures benefit from the carcass.

And, clearly, when a lion reclaims the savannah, it takes its pick of the wildlife and leave the leftovers for the vultures.


Time for the Brtish lion to come roaring back.

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4 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

All conjecture.


"We'll probably end up 10 - 20% poorer".

That's just a guess from those who don't want us to leave. 


"little laws and regulations  will make it too expensive to base a multinational company here."

On the contrary, we'll be free to make the UK more competitive for multinationals once we're no longer constrained by EU laws. 




More realistic view 



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