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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Good on him he's self-funded and gave up his job and he's harming no-one - a great British eccentric whose heart is in the right place. Whereas Farage is an opportunist politician who conceived a scheme that was undeliverable. He persuaded members of the public to make sacrifices to further it and recruited millionaires to bankroll it. And when it failed he simply walked away. The MarchToLeave is just a 14-day metaphor for Brexit 

He just typifies the attitude of some moronic remainers, that their opinion is the only one that matters. Shouting down someone who getting interviewed on one of the most important event to hit our country for decades is less than democratic, and the remainers want to be taken seriously about their understanding of democracy.




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25 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

And I don't want to live in a world where the you get on a bus to Brexit and it drops you off at Remain.

Don't do anything drastic then ....life will go on the sun will rise and set whatever the outcome. The world is the world maan ........it's really amazing and that ???????????????????? . Soon this 1000 day nightmare will be over and we can get back to climate change, the housing crisis and what is to be done by the bread and butter things that really matter and stop using Brexit as a metaphor for curing all ills. 

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11 minutes ago, tebee said:


The problem is that both major parties and Teresa May in particular, have approached brexit as if it was only the leavers opinions  that mattered.


Hence we get the divisiveness we now see in the country.


You ignore us and try to push us into a corner, we will fight back.  

This is true in my opinion. Remain is by far the largest group in the country now but are not really represented in Parliament (in any active sense).

Edited by mommysboy
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1 minute ago, talahtnut said:

Remainers you are being deceived..

Jacob Rees-Mogg demands Brexit inquiry over civil servant ...

JACOB Rees-Mogg has demanded an inquiry over claims top civil servants told EU diplomats they could "hoodwink" Leave voters with a "KitKat" Brexit that would keep the UK tied to Brussels for years. Secret tapes revealed Whitehall officials vowing to continue secretly splurging British money on EU projects including the EU army after Brexit.

Isn't it Leavers who are being deceived by this ?


This is only what is being planned to happen if TM's deal is approved !

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5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

There's a HUGE difference between an online petition which is easy to manipulate (using bots, people from other countries voting etc. etc.) and a referendum where each vote has to be cast individually, and mostly in person!

Of course there is this "HUGE" difference between a petition and a referendum but manipulation is manipulation irrespective of how it is implemented. The Electoral Commission proved how easy it was to manipulate the referendum and the fact the referendum was advisory prevented a legal challenge on the result.

TM and parliament are reluctant to revoke Art 50 as they would have to admit they were wrong not to act sooner.

Edited by sandyf
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47 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Remainers you are being deceived..

Jacob Rees-Mogg demands Brexit inquiry over civil servant ...

JACOB Rees-Mogg has demanded an inquiry over claims top civil servants told EU diplomats they could "hoodwink" Leave voters with a "KitKat" Brexit that would keep the UK tied to Brussels for years. Secret tapes revealed Whitehall officials vowing to continue secretly splurging British money on EU projects including the EU army after Brexit.

<deleted>' ell - Oh the saintly man of the people - their galleth knows no bounds....to be sure to be sure....Image result for rees mogg hedge fund

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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58 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

It would be helpful if she could at least please somebody!????


I do agree there really is no compromise position with Brexit- it's a choice now between simply leaving or revoking.

There were compromise positions, neither side would have like them as the would both have been winning something and losing something. 


But the adversarial stance of the government has meant  we didn't discuss this as ordinary, civilized human beings. Instead we formed two tribes, now, I think, never the twain shall meet. 


This is why TM's deal is universally hated.


It's going to end up as one or the other - I still wouldn't like to call.


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1 minute ago, tebee said:



Well if you don't trust the figures, maybe we should make  the people make a written mark on  a piece of paper with their choice, at some special place where only registered voters could do so.


That would be a good test wouldn't it ?  

Cue we've had one already what do you remoaners not understand ? Coupled with veil threats of insurrection if the elite don't follow the will of the people. Well as we are seeing that is going well. Quelle surprise Nigel has turned up at his March (as in Mad as a .....Hare)....



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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 4:45 AM, nauseus said:

That's OK. It merely sets out future EU policy intentions, backed up by Juncker and Macron. Probably just a flash in the pan then?

Policy intentions; not policy directives.


Do you know the difference?

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3 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

4,000,239 signatures


I would have expected at least 48,000,000 sigs..

and a similar amount from Nigeria, North Korea,

South America, Balkans, Pattaya and Putin.

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2 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

I would have expected at least 48,000,000 sigs..

and a similar amount from Nigeria, North Korea,

South America, Balkans, Pattaya and Putin.

Might even be a few remainers in there somewhere.

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:
11 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Policy intentions; not policy directives.


Do you know the difference?

Does it matter?

 Of course it matters; and the very fact that you felt the need to ask that question shows that you do not know the difference!


So, for your benefit: from Oxford Dictionaries:




A thing intended; an aim or plan.




An official or authoritative instruction.


Got it now?





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