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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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The old village Priest is invited to dinner at the house of a parishioner. The Priest sits at the table with the family. The mother requests her daughter, age six, say grace before the meal. She sits in silence. "It's okay, dear," the mother calms her. "You can do it. Just repeat what you heard daddy say about Christ and religion before breakfast this morning."
The little girl folds her hands, bows her head, and says in a loud voice, "Oh Christ, why did you invite that boring f**king religious geek of a useless senile bl*&dy Priest over for dinner tonight? He should be in an old folks home or a jail for peedos not inflicting himself on us."

Edited by scottiejohn
can't spell!
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Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other off.


I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week.. I phoned her up to arrange a date but unfortunately she’d popped her clogs.


My son swallowed a wrist watch.  We gave him some Epsom salts to help pass the time.



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A wife goes to the police station with her next-door neighbour to report that her husband is missing. The policeman asks for a description. She says, "He's thirty-five years old, six foot four, has dark eyes, dark wavy hair, an athletic build, weighs 185 pounds, is soft-spoken, and is good to the children."
The next-door neighbor protests, "Your husband is five foot four, chubby, bald, has a big mouth, and is mean to your children."

The wife replies, "Yes, but who wants him back?"

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