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"Thailand is safe" - police tell tourists after cop guns down Frenchman in cold blood


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12 hours ago, happy chappie said:

A more comprehensive list..

1 roads

2 the sea or pools

3 balconies 

4 thais

5 disease 

6 pesticides-herbicides in most food

7 asbestos in building

8 electricity

9 police

10 caves,jungle,elephants,snakes,spider and anything else with legs and teeth

11 dodgy expats

12 dodgy tourists

From stepping off the plane you have entered a very dangerous country and if you make it back home without an incident you should consider yourself very lucky.

You forgot the two most dangerous animals in Thailand: Ladyboys and Russians.

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Forget about the specifics of the incident.

Can you find an all night illegal bar full of prostitution in your country? If you could what kind of people would you likely find there? Would you engage in physical combat with such people or watch yourself? (And do people who drink until 7AM start at 6:30AM?, no way, they on a tail-end of a long session).


Thailand is much safer than America, (or France) if you don’t look for trouble in dodgy spots on the other hand do the most wholesome thing imaginable, like attend a Christmas Market, in France you get killed


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16 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe all those scared tourists should stay home. Best case they stay inside their houses and make sure they die at old age in their beds.

Going out on the street is dangerous, traffic is dangerous, planes crash, and let's not forget accidents in kitchens all over the world.


I never know if I should laugh or cry when I read that people are scared of x which might happen to 1 in a million people. But the same people do y and z all the time with a lot higher risk...

Apologist nonsense

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1 hour ago, MartinBangkok said:
15 hours ago, samsensam said:




but if you honestly believe that you need to look at yourself and the thais you are hanging out with. i have a great many thai friends; well educated - many educated abroad, professional, and extremely friendly and generous people.


you are living in this country and missing out on on much. very sad.



Do you really? You are special. I have yet to meet an expat who has any real male Thai friends. I myself have one Thai friend. But he is not your typical Thai. He is very critical to the state of this country and would probably qualify as a Thai basher here on TV. 99% of Thai males I have absolutely nothing in common with. Due to their upbringing and constant brainwashing in school and by the state (TV, radio etc) it is impossible to discuss just about anything with them. And many I have met display an open disrespect of farangs and are just trying to figure out how to screw farangs financially.


What samsensam said.... If your opinion of Thai's is so poor it just lends to the question of where and with whom you have been hanging out.


Much like us... Thai's tend not to tolerate tools, and a number of foreigners can exhibit a vibe of superiority, its hardly surprising that those people who are worth to get to know tend to keep 'new people' at arms length - I too am very much the same until a trust develops... it can take a while, but Thailand is no different from home, real and genuine friendships take time to build... 


Of course, there are Thai's, who, as you mentioned are 'trying to figure out how to screw you financially' but they are easily recognised and usually people of differing demographic with little in common anyway...


Back on Topic: 

Is Thailand Safe?.... as far as day-to-day no confrontationalism... its definitely safer... 


Scratch the surface and things can go wrong quickly.


Ineffective law enforcement and general absence of significant consequence means that when things do go pear shaped, they can do so spectacularly... but for the majority of people, life in Thailand is no less safe than at home with specific regard to 'danger from Thai people - guns, violence etc'... 


However, the 'other dangers'... Roads, pavements, electrics etc is a whole other issue and is far less safe here. 





Edited by richard_smith237
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11 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

where is the thai lady involved with both of them now.gone underground.ask her to tell her side i,am sure then it will be clear

Well, she won't go against the Thai police officer, that's for sure. 


The expat is dead and gone. 


Thais, for all their many faults, are at least pragmatic. 


She'll be over it in a few days and off looking for a new mark. 

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20 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

How is it "apologist"? The comment is true in that crime happens everywhere. New Zealand might be considered relatively safe, but a young backpacker was recently murdered in Auckland.

Pointing out the crime and accidents are not unique to Thailand is not apologising for anything. No one is going to claim Thailand is completely safe as it would be ridiculous to do so, particularly if you include the horrendous road traffic accident rate. But the vast majority of tourists and expats do not experience crime and the likelihood of it happening is no different to other countries with high numbers of tourists, unless they happen to mix with disreputable people or indulge in criminal activities.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yes but to do it endlessly as you and your buddies do-is a apologist nonsense.


Not a great selling point for the place either.

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34 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

How about me? My opinion of Thais at the upper end of the socioeconomic spectrum is worse than my opinion of average Thais. 


I've been in Thailand 30+ years and have worked with and lived among elite Thais. Our company, for example, employs, almost exclusively, Thais with MBAs from top global universities. 


However, I find these Thais with money to be among the worst in many ways. 


For you guys who think you have Thai friends from this class, most are old men being fooled by insincere Thai smiles. The Thais are sticking around because they are getting something material from the relationship. If a farang would suddenly be out of work or out of money, not a single one of these Thai "friends" would help. 


Thais are not and will never be friends of Farang. They are trained from birth for this. 

I agree with that.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:


And he gave a strong message to station chiefs to make sure that officers under their command are behaving themselves. 

, and I guess that's what the station Chief must have forgotten to do, remind his officer to behave himself. But now they have been reminded I'm sure that this particular scenario will not play itself out again. I'm confident the Thailand is pretty safe

Edited by TonyClifton
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50 minutes ago, Jimdandy said:

So is Chicago until you piss the cops off. I just can't wrap my head around the concept of getting into a fight with anybody who is sanctioned by any government to carry a gun and use deadly force, then beat them up and not expect repercussions, 

An off duty policeman is not sanctioned to use deadly force-in most circumstances.


Or do you think they exist 24 hours a day fully armed and rarin' to go?

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21 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Based on current topics in the news sections on here, I would say Thailand is safe as long as you avoid:

1. swimming pools

2. jet-skis

3. any interaction with Thais


So based on the above I expect to have no trouble at all.


You missed out  

Motor Bikes..

Bar Girls...

or Daring to take an Uber...


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22 hours ago, webfact said:

He further asked the Thai people to act as the eyes and ears in helping the Thai police

I took a female Thai to Jomtien police station after my extended family made a citizens' arrest.  The woman had rented my s-i-l's car and sold it.  The accused has done this three times.  The cop refused to move until the nurse owner of the car paid him 10K.

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35 minutes ago, mikebell said:

I took a female Thai to Jomtien police station after my extended family made a citizens' arrest.  The woman had rented my s-i-l's car and sold it.  The accused has done this three times.  The cop refused to move until the nurse owner of the car paid him 10K.

10k that was cheap, I know someone here in Phuket and they wanted 20k 

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It can become more or less unsafe by making different choices. 

If you want to lock yourself away, never go on the roads, never interact, basically become a total bore (imo) then it is relatively safe. 

Its a personal choice. I’m here to live a bit first so I accept the risks that come with it. 



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Thailand has been my Home Base for about 10 years, so I haven't been around as much as some of you, I work outside the country so I'm not there all the time, I owned a restaurant/bar for about 6 years, I would say at least 90% of the customers were forang, Europe, UK, OZ, NZ, Americans, I'm American, it seemed there was non-stop criticizing the Thai people, what I could not understand is, if these people were so unhappy with Thailand, why didn't they just leave, go somewhere else, most would say, it's cheap to live here, ok, as for the topic, is Thailand safe for tourists, as compared to where, it's been my observation that people cause more problems than anything else, I won't live in the US again, I feel alot more free in Thailand than the US, but that's just me, I've personally never had any problems with any of the Thai people, but farangs, some, the only time I ever came close to hurting someone was in Bangkok and he was from Texas, I didn't come to Thailand looking for safety, I guess I have one good friend in Thailand and he's from Belgium, I don't need to have a lot of friends or people for that matter, around me, but when I interact with people, I try to treat them like I like to be treated, you just need to, as we say in the US, know the ropes, that means anywhere you go, you are not going to change anything in Thailand, so I would say, either get over it or move on to someplace you feel is safer. How about Brazil, HA

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