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U.N. tells UK: Allow Assange to leave Ecuador embassy freely


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While I think Assange is a political scum who sold his soul, I think he probably should be allowed to go free. US laws are not global laws and each of us should have the right to choose our sides.


In the western word we have our own personal freedoms to think the way we want. Regardless how stupid that might be from others point of view. 


On the other side is how we should deal with the Russian empowered actors, who suppress their people's own freedoms to speak freely and use brute force to push their agenda towards themselves as well as towards us in the western world. 


I think our free will is strong enough to cope with the Assagne type of actors. Even though it seemed for a while that the west was taken down by rather clever actions from the east.


So let Assagne go free and let him be the stick on Russia's butt in the future. Russia is where he is going to head towards anyway, if he is allowed to leave the embassy.

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9 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Just let him go. All he's done is reveal the truth.

No. Assange acted as Russian agent. He was, at the start, seeking to tell the truth, but he changed, like all of us over the years.


He should be allowed to go, not as a truth teller, but as a manipulator. 

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Assange is a Russian agent.


He is deeply implicated in Russia’s manipulation of the 2016 election, and for that he is going to spend very many years behind bars*.


Always assuming the Russians don’t get to him first.

Yes he is Russian agent. Not probably because he wanted to choose the side, which empowered his actions. 


Assange used to be truth teller and Assange did a strategic move and became a Russian asset later on. 


Assange used to be the clear ice person, but he personally decided to support the Russian regime, which hates the truth tellers on their side. 


Assange is not a good person at his heart. Assange is not a person to be presented to our kids.

Assange is a person, who is selfish and works only to himself. 

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10 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Engaged in a criminal activity to access state classified documents.



But why were the classified?


Now that's a tricky question, and going from your comment, you don't like people asking tricky questions.........or reveal the answers by themselves.

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17 hours ago, billd766 said:

But whose justice will he face?


USA, UK but not Sweden as they dropped their charges years ago?


The Metropolitan Police have had a 24 hour police presence outside the Embassy and in February 2105 the costs had come to  




Between June 2012 and October 2014, direct policing costs were £7.3m, with £1.8m spent on overtime, police said.

Scotland Yard confirmed the cost of the operation to UK taxpayers in the first 28 months, until 31 October last year, had reached £9m.

The Metropolitan Police said the costs were covered by the budget for diplomatic protection, which provides policing for embassies in the UK.

'Indefinite detention'

The cost of a further three months policing is now expected to have taken the total bill to about £10m.

The figures - which equate to more than £10,000 a day - were obtained by LBC radio under the Freedom of Information Act.

I have little concern about the cost as I am not a UK citizen or UK tax payer. You?

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6 hours ago, Trouble said:

Why would he want to face a court of law rigged against him at the outset.  Assange has done nothing but publish material. He did not steal it.  Newspapers published the Pentagon Papers (Top Secret Rand Corp study) that Daniel Ellsberg released. The Newspapers were never brought to trial only Ellsberg (acquitted mostly do to the governments misconduct and illegal evidence gathering). Assange is seen by the US government at the evil enemy for publishing but he has never personally stolen the information he publishes. U.S. Government would love to get him and put him in jail to make an example of him, thus stopping people finding out about how governments really work.

Thank you for being a US law and US Government spokesman. Your comments are seemingly without merit unless backed by a credible source within the US Goverment, if such a thing exisits.


Catch phrases and emotional laments are merely fodder for sheeple to echo.

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18 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:
10 hours ago, billd766 said:


Really? And he managed to do all this whilst inside the embassy?

I think you may need to change your doctor and the medicine he gives you.

However I will agree with you when you can provide reasonable links to what and how he did it.

Naturally you also have the proof of what you have said.

Post the links then.

I’m happy with my doctor thank you.

You on the other hand ought to learn a bit about the technology Assange uses to commit his crimes.

It's called the internet.

Assange was strongly implicated in the release of the Clinton emails which greatly helped the narcissistic fool win the presidency. Ecuador removed his internet privileges because of this.  I'm not sure why the Republicans want him in the US, perhaps they want to give him a medal and a slot on Fox

Interesting that Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, the army  man who actually stole the allegedly classified cables, has been released from jail after spending less time behind bars than Assange has been confined to the Embassy. He/she used the time in prison for hormone therapy to assist the gender change. She now makes money from speaking tours and recently tried for political endorsement for the senate.

I think Assange was railroaded with the false rape charges from Sweden,  the use of European and British laws to attempt a political extradition to a third country, and the way over the top, expensive, guarding of the embassy to contain a simple bail jumper.  

While I always considered him to be an arrogant sod, I did believe he, and WikiLeaks, were a much needed conduit to attempt to keep the despots honest. 

That said my personal opinion of him changed with his reported interference in the Presidential election.

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