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Tesla's Musk says British Thai cave rescuer's defamation case should be dismissed


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23 hours ago, Card said:
On 12/28/2018 at 5:58 AM, JLCrab said:

If the Musk defense team shows this video in court, the case might end right there.

Nonsense. There is a difference between telling someone what to do and telling someone what they are.

By saying what he said then you are telling someone without doubt what he is....

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1 hour ago, neeray said:

I guess I am late age (at 70) but I did not consider the Musk comments as a "generalisation" of my character.

Like you, I am in my 70's.

But I do think that Musk's comments was generalising.

More often as not the older expats living in Thailand are painted as sexually deviant figures, in the press, in documentaries, and because of that thought to be so by many of the public.

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i think musk and everyone in general should be allowed to speak smack without crybaby defamation. His pedo comment was based on a stereo type. A lot of people associate kiddy fiddlers with this country. People always pick stereotypes to make fun of other countries. Who cares? grow a set!

People should be more worried about why this coach was with these boys in the cave in the first place. ill leave that right there.....

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4 hours ago, JLCrab said:

If the Musk defense team shows this video in court, the case might end right there.


Here is an image of the cave which seems to support the theory that Musk's capsule couldn't navigate the bends. This image comes from the book "The Cave" by Liam Cochrane where he describes the cave rescue as a "shambles" and "chaos". Interesting story.


Tham Luang cave.jpg

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One can’t help but wonder what e musk would do, if comments were made about him,( to the effect that he rapes children and is a deviant)  and splashed such across a broad international platform.


one cannot help but wonder what a Californian court would make of a case brought by e musk, against a foreigner, given (perceived by me, at least) widespread xenophobia in the US.


anyway... like most, I didn’t take it personally, as an expat, but I can certainly see that others might see it as an attack on all expats, even if it was far from that.... When telling people that I live in Thailand, it often amuses me to watch the reaction pass across their faces, like a dog chasing a ball... lol, You can tell when they are trying to formulate a question, which often amuses.


that said, in general, something needs doing about the growing trend to say, or allow people to say, whatever the hell they want, about whoever they want, on social media, regardless of consequences, which might include violent attacks on others.... and  the US rampant litigation system seems to be the logical place for that, especially given that most of these social media sources are US entities.


suppress hate speech... don’t encourage it.... likening and reposting tweets encourages it. IMHO, award unworthy a dollar per “like” on the tweets made (which slander his name)... . That would make a statement ????

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33 minutes ago, unamazedloso said:

i think musk and everyone in general should be allowed to speak smack without crybaby defamation. His pedo comment was based on a stereo type. A lot of people associate kiddy fiddlers with this country. People always pick stereotypes to make fun of other countries. Who cares? grow a set!

People should be more worried about why this coach was with these boys in the cave in the first place. ill leave that right there.....

Disagree...any one who calls me a paedo IN PUBLIC is going to feel my fist.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Musk stated that you (as a Westerner living in Thailand) only choose to live in Thailand to have sex with children .

  Musk also has never retracted that allegation 

what about a class law-suit , anyone interested to join ?

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

We visited the new memorial pavilion at the caves on Boxing Day. Rather good, there is an impressive larger than life bronze statue of a rescue diver, with 13 wild boar piglets frisking around his feet. There is a large mural painting telling the story. The centre is a portrait of the man who died, which is as it should be. Just about every aspect of the operation is depicted, starting with the row of bicycles outside, every nation and contribution features, and some of the key players, Thai and foreign. It really is rather impressive.


No sign of Mr Musk or his submarine.


Purely a personal view, but I think that it is a great shame that this rescue, which brought together Thais and Foreigners in a combined co -operative effort to achieve what it did, displayed such bravery and dedication, and involved for one brave man the ultimate sacrifice should have ended up as the stage for such a law suite.

Well said!

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5 hours ago, JLCrab said:

As mentioned in OP, a hearing is scheduled for April 1, 2019 and, despite Mr. Unsworth's lawyer's protestations as to the basis of the appeal, the case may never get beyond that point.

Nope. Musk wont skate before a trial. BTW, it isnt an appeal, its a hearing on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, a decision denying same  is not appealable as a matter of right.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

They also said Musk's "over-the-top" comments came amid a "schoolyard spat on social media," including Twitter, where participants "expect to read opinions, not facts," and that no one could have reasonably believed they were truthful.

Quite interesting , Musks Lawyers seem to be admitting that his allegations had no basis in fact and are trying to downplay the allegations as just being juvenile behavior  

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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Like you, I am in my 70's.

But I do think that Musk's comments was generalising.

More often as not the older expats living in Thailand are painted as sexually deviant figures, in the press, in documentaries, and because of that thought to be so by many of the public.


So that makes it all OK / fully acceptable to make a specific statement that a man who did so much to save these kids and let's not forget put his own life at risk can be called a phedo, with no evidence whatever offered.  Wow. 


"More often as not the older expats living in Thailand are painted as sexually deviant figures, in the press, in documentaries, and because of that thought to be so by many of the public." This is a poor excuse to try to defend musk and yourself. You don't seem to be aware that there's plenty of foreign men who have make LOS their new home with Thai ladies who are similar age, similar levels of professionalism, similar levels of honesty and caring. But the bottom line on this point is that age difference is no reason to say they are sexually deviant (your specific words). 


I guess the bottom line is your just trying to clutch for reasons / excuses why it's all OK for musk to make such statements. 


Can I or anybody make public statements about you, with no explanation, which are blatantly dishonest and insulting? Is that all OK?



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11 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Nope. Musk wont skate before a trial. BTW, it isnt an appeal, its a hearing on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, a decision denying same  is not appealable as a matter of right.

Yes your're right - I wrote that at 5 AM. I would note that Lin Wood's defamation cases have usually involved his clients being accused of murder -- especially the Richard Jewell case -- or criminal activity.


And regardless of what were the chances of Musk's aiding the rescue, the comment by Unsworth that it was a publicity stunt I would think more problematic than his "stick it" comment.

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OOPs computer hiccup



But OK I certainly do not know if Musk's lawyers have the goods to have the case dismissed or if Unsworth and attorney Lin Wood would prevail in a jury trial. I just don't think the case is the slam-dunk that many on here seem to think that it is.


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Never know what will happen....  it might be seen provoked 


To prove defamation in California, you must establish four elements:

That someone made a false statement of purported “fact” about you:

That the statement was made (“published”) to a third party;

That the person who made the statement did so negligently, recklessly or intentionally; and,

That as a result of the statement, your reputation was damaged.

California law recognizes two types of defamation: libel and slander. The main difference is whether a statement was made verbally (slander) or in writing (libel).

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6 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

To prove defamation in California,

This is a US Federal Court case not a State of California case. And I'm not going to get into legal issues that may make statements on here moot point depending upon how a Judge sets the procedural ground rules for the motion to dismiss or any eventual jury trial.

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Not an innocent free speech comment. This was very direct and personal and potentially very damaging, shit sticks. This man could have been labelled and avoided by friends and family. The accusation had nothing to do with free speech. It had a lot to do with Musk's media stunt. What use would a sub be in that situation?  

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