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Newly powerful U.S. House Democrats hold off on Trump subpoena flurry


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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

I think it will enough to subpoena (or whatever the term is for such a demand from Congress) to see his tax returns. I don't know why Democrats want to impeach him. With him as an opponent, it's a pretty sure shot for them to get the Presidency. I mean, this last election was a rout for Republicans even with a strong economy as measured by GDP and employment. Trump was clearly the issue.

Absolutely right!!

Parallels are made with the Nixon and Clinton impeachments , but there were some major differences. Clinton had just being re elected and had 4 years of presidency ahead of him, trump has two years remaining.

  Unless further information from Mueller alienated Senate republicans, it is highly unlikely that they will convict, but    even if successful in convicting the process will eat up a large chunk of trump's remaining presidency and it will be a political minefield for the Democrats. The politically expedient thing to do for the Democrats would IMO be to exercise their oversight responsibility making the case of why trump should not be re elected obvious, after he is removed from office by the voters, the legal system can take care of citizen trump. 



55 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

is there?


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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Absolutely not. Mueller is known for being meticulous in his case building, and his integrity. Remember, he is a Republican...the way they used to be - in the traditional admirable way.


There are many actions currently closely related to this one, including a secret Grand Jury case that is being played out behind closed doors. 


And, yes, finally, maybe Mueller has nothing on Trump, but cannot determine that until every strand has been investigated. And if that is his determination, certainly I will live with that. 


Will Trump supporters live with a recommendation to indict Trump or referral to Congress with grounds for Impeachment?

I agree with what you write however if Mueller has anything serious enough that the Republicans would vote to impeach Trump it would have been out by now. I can't see Mueller allowing Trump to continue as president if any of the information he has is seriously damning. Makes me think he doesn't have much on Trump therefore I doubt the Dems will try and impeach Trump while a Republican senate sits.

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The tax returns are 100% the people's fault. You got a guy who did what no president did before and did not release his returns. He made up excuses and the American people bought it, or the electoral college did anyway. 


Everyday I am just amazed to be honest. There was a scenario where Dukakis lost because he wore a military helmet that looked to big on him. Howard Dean got axed because he raised his fist in the air on TV. The things Trump has done and got away with as a politician blow me away, but to be honest, the more power to him I just do not understand why the people are so fickle is all. 

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5 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

Obama lost even worse during his mid term election. In fact Trump did quite well compared to other presidents. 

Latest House results confirm 2018 wasn't a blue wave. It was a blue tsunami

"This year's 8.6 point House popular vote win for the Democrats is the greatest on record for a minority party heading into an election. This dates all the way back to 1942, when the Clerk of the House started listing the House popular vote in its after-election statistics document. That is, the Democratic performance this year was better than the minority party's in the previous 38 elections."


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8 hours ago, generealty said:

It is my understanding that President Trump is the only world leader who does not collect a salary (by choice). By law I believe he has to accept $1 as a minimum which he has agreed to do. To my knowledge no other World leader has ever done that. I wish we had a leader like Trump in the UK draining our swamp.

He could just collect a salary and release his tax paying history. 

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9 hours ago, generealty said:

It is my understanding that President Trump is the only world leader who does not collect a salary (by choice). By law I believe he has to accept $1 as a minimum which he has agreed to do. To my knowledge no other World leader has ever done that. I wish we had a leader like Trump in the UK draining our swamp.

Shortly after Trump was elected he doubled the membership fee to his Mar-a-Lago resort from $100,000 to $200,000.  He has had massive government subsidized visits there, some work others play ever since.


That more than compensates him for any foregone salary.  It's also a blatant conflict of interest, one of many.

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6 hours ago, moe666 said:

I love it when a democrat talks about impeachment of the Rump it is unhinged but when they talked about impeaching Obumer it was ok. 

Trump broke campaign finance law, lied about it, dictated Trump Jr's response to his Russia meeting, lied about it, Trump's organization was in serious business negotiations with Russia while he was running his "let's be friends with Russia" campaign, Trump about it, and we still haven't heard all of what the Mueller investigation has uncovered. 


What did Obama do to deserve impeachment?

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He's imminently impeachable already but the democrats will hold back unless and until there is some big stinky smoking gun that just can't be ignored probably coming from Mueller. 


He really is the worst president in American history and here's someone with massive credibility to back that up --



Harry Reid Has a Few Words for Washington




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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

During a White House news conference, Trump said Tlaib's comment was a "dishonor to herself and to her family."


Darn right!  Now there's a man who knows a thing or two about honor and dignity!



Oh wait, I take back the "or two" part.



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14 minutes ago, bendejo said:


This concept of working without salary became popular during the Silicon Valley boom in the 1990s.  Salary has nothing to do with stock options, bonus, expenses (such as use of the company's private jet and being chauffeured around in a town car).  That salary of a few hundred thousand is nothing by comparison.  And no taxable wages!


There's no doubt this guy is enriching himself.  There are so many involvements the press can't keep up with all of them, and just because certain ones aren't getting covered does not mean they are forgotten, like that Indonesian development deal that somehow had to get the green-light from China ("I get along with Xi very well").  The reason the Mueller stuff has been taking so long is it is not just investigating past deeds, it is dealing with active criminal organization.



Not only him, but his children also. The amount they are making, leveraging the presidency  pales in comparison to the $400,000 he gives back. 

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4 hours ago, bendejo said:


This concept of working without salary became popular during the Silicon Valley boom in the 1990s.  Salary has nothing to do with stock options, bonus, expenses (such as use of the company's private jet and being chauffeured around in a town car).  That salary of a few hundred thousand is nothing by comparison.  And no taxable wages!


There's no doubt this guy is enriching himself.  There are so many involvements the press can't keep up with all of them, and just because certain ones aren't getting covered does not mean they are forgotten, like that Indonesian development deal that somehow had to get the green-light from China ("I get along with Xi very well").  The reason the Mueller stuff has been taking so long is it is not just investigating past deeds, it is dealing with active criminal organization.



Just in case someone would have enough patience to analyse his latest financial disclosure.


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On 1/5/2019 at 10:32 AM, rooster59 said:

"We're going to impeach that <deleted>."


Her remark drew rebukes from Republicans and Democrats.


It is not wrong to call any president a “motherf***er.”

It is wrong to call this motherf***er “President.”

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48 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


It is not wrong to call any president a “motherf***er.”

It is wrong to call this motherf***er “President.”

I agree and it's rich for "trump" fans to complain about an occasional obscenity from the opposition when he's infamous for his vile potty mouth and disgusting, racist personal insults. That said, I don't think it helps the righteous anti-"trump" cause to get down in the orange gutter with him. It's funny nobody is really surprised at all that our illegitimate president is a legitimate impeachment target but the "shock" is about the trivial use of an obscene word. The public gets it by now -- he's a criminally corrupt con man compromised by a hostile foreign power who should have never been allowed in the white house except on a tour. 

Edited by Jingthing
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