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Saudi woman held at Bangkok airport says fears death if sent back


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3 minutes ago, simtemple said:

Appalling that in 2019, before the eyes of millions following around the world, a woman is being deported to honour killing with nobody intervening to stop it. The Thai authorities are so far acting in disgusting complicity with Saudi Arabia, they need to be shamed out if it. 1/2 https://t.co/XIkHJVXptK

Craig Murray 

Retired UK Ambassador

He's quite often wrong despite his alleged pedigree.

Edited by evadgib
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15 minutes ago, anchadian said:

It appears that all the above paras are 'speculative'.  Confirmation please.  We still await the truth.

How perceptive. By using various words like apparently, alleged, claims, speculative (twice), I think I have pretty much covered my ass regards the truth you seek. As prefaced, it was simply a precis of the past 10 pages of speculation addressed to those who typically can't be arsed to read the whole thread, that's all.


With a talking head from (I think) HRW just asserting live on CNN that her passport "was taken by a Thai working for the Saudi Embassy" while offering absolutely no proof (he's in his office somewhere), we can only do so much when it comes to sorting out what's factual and what's fanciful.

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The German Ambassador to Thailand said 'We share the great concern for Rahaf Mohammed and are associated with the Thai side and the embassies of the countries she has approached'.


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17 minutes ago, anchadian said:

However, Human Rights Watch Asia deputy director Phil Robertson told the BBC: "It seems that the Thai government is manufacturing a story that she tried to apply for a visa and it was denied... in fact, she had an onward ticket to go to Australia, she didn't want to enter Thailand in the first place."

He argued that the Thai authorities had clearly co-operated with Saudi Arabia as Saudi officials were able to meet the plane when it arrived.



This the twonk embellishing with relish on CNN. According to what the girl has said herself and as reported by Reuters and already posted on page 8 of this thread, she PLANNED on entering Thailand on a stopover.

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Thai police Major General Surachate Hakparn told the BBC that Ms Mohammed al-Qunun was escaping a marriage.

Because she did not have a visa to enter Thailand, he said, police had denied her entry and were in the process of repatriating her through the same airline she had taken - Kuwait Airways - by Monday morning.

Gen Surachate said he was unaware of any passport seizure.

He told AFP the case was a "family problem" and the teenager "had no further documents such as [a] return ticket or money".

However, Human Rights Watch Asia deputy director Phil Robertson told the BBC: "It seems that the Thai government is manufacturing a story that she tried to apply for a visa and it was denied... in fact, she had an onward ticket to go to Australia, she didn't want to enter Thailand in the first place.

It would seem the Thai Government is aiding and abetting the Saudis on this! How can it be that the Thai Immigration is not telling the Truth, where is Big Joke??

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I would believe that when in transit, your passport is not checked by Immigration – we hear stories about people on run "living" in airport's transit areas – but an airline might check if you have proper travel documents and visa upon check in or boarding.


However reading the article in The Sun, it states, that she tried to enter Thailand, and then she'll pass through Thai Immigration...


Officials said she was refused entry to Thailand on Saturday night because she did not have the proper documents for a visa on arrival.



Rahaf said she had obtained an Australian visa and booked a flight.


She said she planned to spend a few days in Thailand, a popular destination for medical treatment, so she would not spark suspicion when she left Kuwait.


She said: "When I landed at the airport, someone came and said he would process the (Thai) visa but he took my passport.


The moment one try to enter a country, one might be held back by Immigration, detained, checked with home country embassy, and eventually being deported. It seem to be the case here...????

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Can Rahaf speak Swedish as well as the English language or is she using Google translate?


She's just said 'Jag är i en svårt situation, hjälp' (I'm in a difficult situation, help)

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12 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Can Rahaf speak Swedish as well as the English language or is she using Google translate?


She's just said 'Jag är i en svårt situation, hjälp' (I'm in a difficult situation, help)

In which case.... seemingly yes... hope that helps, not that it seems relevant.


Or perhaps she is simply appealing to fully democratic and free countries (and memorized a few sentences)... of which the Baltic states dominate, to raise public awareness to her plight.... whilst actually heading for the land of the free (Oz), which has better weather

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

She had planned a stopover in Bangkok so as not to 'raise suspicion'

That's not how I read the report. I took it to mean that although she had said, before leaving Kuwait (presumably to friends/relatives) that she was going to stay in Thailand, this was merely a way to avoid suspicion, and she never actually intended to enter Thailand. As I understood it, her intention was always to catch a connecting flight to Australia and telling people she was going to stop off in Thailand was just a cover story.

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

And the same people who said "no harm was done" to Jamal Kashoggi in Istanbul.

The problem is we see them as strategic allies, they are anything but, we should starve them to death with sanctions and blockades. Instead, we feed them money and build up their military, while letting them spread their murderous hateful religion.

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Jonathan Head report all quiet at the transit hotel. No obvious preparations to deport.  Thai officials say they want to negotiate. She will be in need of food and water by now.

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Its nearly 3pm in Bangkok.  UNHCR Thailand officials have still not been given access to Rahaf says an injunction has been filed by Thai lawyers to stop a deportation. Concern is once attention wanes another attempt will be made to force her on Kuwait airways.


Reported by Sophie McNeil of ABCNews

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