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Robert De Niro: ‘Trump is a real racist, a white supremacist’


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6 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

I agree with the Libertarian philosophy but the old guard (of which I am one - held a high state office for a while) is gone and the loons seem to have taken over the Libertarian Party, especially choosing that last nudnik that ran against Trump and Hillary.  


I am a True Conservative.


The State should abolish abortion.  Why? Because the reason to have a government is to protect the rights of Citizens when by themselves they cannot do it.  A baby cannot protect itself from its own mother, so, therefore, there is a reason for the state to intervene.


Politicians should follow their oath.  If not they should be sued and ousted.  


Follow the Constitutuion.  Period.  No cheating.




Well, ofcourse, we all know the question of abortion is at what point is that little collection of cells defined as a human life. 


But thats best left for a different thread.


BTW, DeNiro's movies since Heat are terrible. 

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On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 7:23 AM, Thakkar said:

 He launched his presidential campaign by calling most Mexicans coming across the border rapists and criminals. One of his first executive actions was the muslim ban. Hispanic kids in cages as a deliberate policy choice.


The list can go on and on.

Please show where he said "most" Mexicans, you can't. just stoking the fire.

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28 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Please show where he said "most" Mexicans, you can't. just stoking the fire.


For that matter, maybe someone can tell me how many white supremicists killed the female counter-protester in Charlottesvile? I keep hearing assertions from the Left she was killed by multiple white supremicicts who were supported by Trump but the news articles I have found report it was a lone driver who drove his vehicle into a crowd. The accusation that this proves Trump is racist is a false narrative.


Another example of claims against Trump not being factual.

Edited by GettingBye
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4 hours ago, muffy said:

Deniro is the true racist divorcing his black wife . Hope she takes him for big bucks $$$$E.


Imagine that, divorcing a black person makes you racist!

would it had make you much happier if he stayed married to her and cheated on her with skanky looking porn star? 

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Bobby DeZero has become completely unhinged with a classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome lol.  

TDS actually refers to people that continue to support "trump" no matter how bad he is. In the fullness of time those people will either go in the closet or have lots of 'splainin to do.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:





TDS actually refers to people that continue to support "trump" no matter how bad he is. In the fullness of time those people will either go in the closet or have lots of 'splainin to do.


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





https://townhall.com/tipsheet/zacharypetrizzo/2019/01/07/confirmed-trump-impeachment-syndrome-is-definitely-real-n2538619   ????

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On 1/7/2019 at 11:21 AM, Jingthing said:

We can't know what is in the illegitimate president's heart but we do know his history of tweets and speech. Those are pretty darned racist (birther movement) and certainly pandering to white nationalists and worse. 

In October, a pipe bomb addressed to the actor was sent to the New York warehouse where his film production company hugs an atrium dotted with vintage movie posters.

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50 minutes ago, MONIKATSI said:

In October, a pipe bomb addressed to the actor was sent to the New York warehouse where his film production company hugs an atrium FileZilla Malwarebytes Rufus dotted with vintage movie posters.

We can't know what is in the illegitimate president's heart but we do know his history of tweets and speech. Those are pretty darned racist (birther movement) and certainly pandering to white nationalists and worse. 

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On 1/12/2019 at 9:22 PM, GettingBye said:

The only thing I gave you credit for is not just being another knee-jerk reactionary ruled only by emotion.


I am pretty certain there is not a Conservative anywhere that cares a bit what you think of them and they watch in disbelief that Liberals actually lack the intellect to see that every single country in the world has laws of entry to prevent unregulated immigration. It does not make those Countries “racist”. It does not make Trump “racist” and it does not make those Americans who want immigrants to follow the law of the land “racist”.





Now back to the point, trump has showed that he is racist many times.

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