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Woman's airport meltdown: Compatriot says: That's a Thai for you!


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50 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

All bullology. 7 kg why? If you get on as a passanger within the limit on baggage but weighing 150 Kg there is no problem. If the airline make a weight that includes the passanger and their baggage then ok. Otherwise it is an annoyance to people wighing just 60Kg and seeing a passanger with the ssme baggage and weighing 3 times your weight. You people love strict rules. Join the army.

I'm with you, but they are putting something in the water to bugger up people's reasoning. That's why I drink coca cola.

Reasoning then tells me at 75kg I'm ok with 10kg checked luggage so I go with that. Plus an extra two in my jacket pockets for good measure.

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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Must not be able to read, there's a big sign next to her that says 7 Kg.

regards worgeordie


The airport should consider to establish a solution team - if so they may have advised her to dress her self with an additional 7 kg....:thumbsup:

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The airport should consider to establish a solution team - if so they may have advised her to dress her self with an additional 7 kg....:thumbsup:

They we’re oranges though - It would be quite the outfit. “I didn’t know” is not a good excuse. To buy one ticket you also get 3 pages of rules and regulations. The Airlines have been very clear. I just wish they also started using the “frame size tester” again. No weird shapes [emoji13][emoji1787]
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As a very frequent domestic flyer I stick to the one bag less than 7kgs rule. This allows me to offload the second, third and sometimes fourth "hand" bag hauled into the overhead locker onto the aisle and leave the cabin crew to handle the rest. 
Doesn't make me lots of friends but, unless the carriers are not getting tough on this, things will never change. In certain European countries you're charged for any weight exceeding your allowance. 

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Sure, I usually have about 10kg in my carry-on bag, but then I usually travel with only one bag (no checked in luggage) and I keep it within the carry-on dimensions. If they complain, then I just go to the toilet and change from shorts and sandals to pants and shoes and put on a jacket and put something heavy (like a book) in the pockets. That way my carry-on bag is about 7kg when they check the second time... Then after the security check I just change back ???? 

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1 hour ago, LisuLover said:

Im with her. The carrier looks like Air Asia, (like Ryanair, the worst airlines in the world) and they will squeeze you until the pips in your oranges squeak.

On some of the good Ryanair flights you get your spoon supplied so you can help yourself to the baked beans from the trough as it's slowly pushed down the aisle.

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9 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

Part of the problem is the danger if the bag falls out of the locker, much greater if bag is overweight, and the other part is the effect on the trim of the plane with extra weight up high. That’s also why they charge extra at the airport for adding luggage, as well as making more money, as they have to recalculate the freight capacity and the trim. I remember being asked in the US to move seats with several others to balance on a half empty commuter jet. I was one of the lighter passengers!

Mate, this is THAI visa. Stop talking logic

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2 hours ago, LisuLover said:

Im with her. The carrier looks like Air Asia, (like Ryanair, the worst airlines in the world) and they will squeeze you until the pips in your oranges squeak.

Dude, she has two bags, and one is clearly oversized and overweight. This is not about squeezing anyone, this is about a stupid woman not giving a <deleted> about the rules. I mean it's one thing to have one bag and maybe a couple of kg more than allowed, but this? Christ.

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8 hours ago, weejun said:

"That's a Thai for you!"


Really? I would have thought Chinese or something. What makes her so "Thai"? I've seen Western people melt down like this as well.


Weird title for this topic.

I'll help you.


The expression has an implied "typical" or "common" in it. It means their are many Thais who share those characteristics. 


The fact that you have seen westerners melting down does not mean it is as common or as typical in western countries. Nor does it mean westerners meltdown when someone doesn't allow them to break the rules. Often westerners meltdown when they think the rules have not been followed properly. But, it's irrelevant as I mentioned. 

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19 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

It refers to a person who is a member of life's higher society caste society club. You see them daily driving around in 99.9% blacked out merks and BM's and they are convinced that life's rules don't apply to them as they are hi-so. The wannabe patrons of the higher society caste society club are those who come with the title of the not quite so higher society high society caste society club. You'll find these people on golf courses, graft beer bars (where all beers come wrapped in brown paper) and walking around the high society shops like Rimping with their underpaid Burmese slave/hombre buying overpriced strawberries at 800thb to the half dozen. Once their friend/slave has pushed their trolley to the till they'll then demand each of their individual items are double bagged, as their purchases are more important than any other walking thing on this earth, even if it is a Wednesday which all of us in the pasentry castes know that Wednesday is a plastic free day. God and the sweet mother earth, please bless the hi so and privileged castes who campaigned and complained about Rimping not giving out plastic and trying to do a little to stop plastic waste. These people are the true martyrs of today's high/highest society, why does anyone even shop at Rimping for any reason other than to have that status symbol that is the bright orange Rimping bag for all to see? The only bag that's more of a status symbol is the one you get if you've been to a London duty free or 'arrods. You have to purchase something at the duty free so you can get a duty free bag, high society people must then use this bag at all times so everyone knows they've been on a plane and that they've been to London.

Guess that means I'm a Lo-So, which is fine by me

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10 hours ago, weejun said:

"That's a Thai for you!"


Really? I would have thought Chinese or something. What makes her so "Thai"? I've seen Western people melt down like this as well.


Weird title for this topic.

And I've seen check-in staff melt down with downright abuse for simple things - in Texas.

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17 hours ago, Benmart said:

High Society. A common condition that primarily affects people with illusions of grandeur and inflated ego. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: Tantrums, screaming, slapping or punching others, uttering "Don't you know who I am"?; fleeing the scene of accidents, fleeing the country and invoking mystical rituals of immunity.


Appearance varies, but common traits are over dressing, extreme layers of makeup (women and men), copious amounts of hairspray (men and women), bling, designer lables (real or knockoffs), key chain pets and an abundance of flash trash in general.


Best viewed from a safe distance.


This made my day and is spot on. Wonderful, a tip of my hat to you...




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