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Trump proposes wall-for-DACA in bid to end U.S. government shutdown


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4 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Because with enough time and resources, any wall can be eventually overcome that is proof that walls dont work? 


How does this even resemble actual logic. Everyone knows that walls can be overcome eventually, the point is to create a bottle-neck and add much needed time to stop people from crossing. 


Anyone that says that because walls wont stop everyone and everything 100% all the time that they are somehow "ineffective" is flat lying. 


Ask the Israelis how many tunnels they have found under their "impenetrable" wall. It might be interesting to know how much that wall has cost.

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4 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Its ALWAYS been about shutdown blame. 



You specifically stated "his racist base" like 4 times in one post in a topic on border security, and building a wall. You're saying his base is racist. Its clear as day. Im part of his base and youre calling me, a part of his base, a racist. Are you denying this? 


If you don't have the testicular fortitude to explain yourself to a part of his base as to why you think they are all racists, then you really shouldn't say such nasty things and then play dumb. It makes you look weak. 


There is nothing even remotely racist about protecting your borders. None at all. And no amount of screeching at people about racism is going to make it so. It just makes you look like an overly emotional liberal who's trying to appeal to emotion and guilt. 

I’m sure that while much of Trump’s base is racist, some is not.


Why you jump to the conclusion that I refer to you personally when I mention Trump’s racist base is not something I need explain to you.

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5 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


The year is 2019 and he has changed his tone dramatically. It is time for a deal.

Coulter mocked the plan’s “amnesty,” noting sarcastically that maybe Trump could finally get an entire border wall if “we grant citizenship to a BILLION foreigners.”


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humpty dumpy sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty took a great fall

humpty dumpty is cracking apart


pelosi had fun in the sun and has him on the run ???????????? keep going till you get a deal, I say.


as for trumpists trumpeting a trump deal... ppphhhht... they’ll suck anything... suckers, as trump well knows


trump took away dreamer protection.... the courts have acted to protect dreamers against trumps xenophobic policies, so what’s he really offering, by suggesting he will give back what he took away....absolutely nothing!


pelosi is 100% right in dissing this as trump is giving nothing, whilst maintaining his previous demands.... it’s simply an effort to change public perception about the trump shutdown... c’mon America, surely y’all arent that stupid.


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Trump has ordered Thousands of Government Employees back to work without pay.

Why do they not tell him where to shove their jobs and find employment elsewhere???

I presume thousands have, and they are the the better employees who will find it easier to get other employment, when this is over there will be a hell of a problem filling vacancies. 

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Really crappy salesmanship and poor negotiating techniques by Trump. He made a big deal (as usual) of an announcement, and we all thought he was going to either go nuts and call a national crisis (more his style), or put an offer on the table of substance that would make the Democrats look bad if they didn't accept.  He did neither. 
Instead he offered to give back what he had already taken away. Foolish waste of political capital, and piss poor negotiation technique. 

No, as long as Trump gets what he wants, he does not look bad dragging things out. Any disingenuous offers he makes are just being a “tough negotiator”.

He does not care who blames him for the shut down. This is all about retaining the base - those who stuck with the GOP in the mid-terms. His base does not care the government is shut down - they hate the government. If benefits stop coming, they will care, but we are not there yet.

Every time a balanced article is written on this topic, it helps the GOP:

- Why is Obama allowing 700,000 illegal immigrants (in particular Hispanics) to become US citizens? Obama isn’t President anymore!

- We are a nation of laws!

- I don’t need illegals taking my opportunities

- their parents are not with them so they will turn to crime

- Dems want to keep them because they will vote Dem, etc, etc

And Schumer/Pelosi look like <deleted> Zombies; every time they show up on TV, talking about no wall, Dems go downhill. A message of No is always a losing message.

Trump will go down as literally the worst US President in history, but he is media savvy.
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Yes , let's spend all our resources building a wall , with no one to monitor it or ro react to incidents. While all our other points of entry where the majority of illegals and drugs come from remain underprotected. All to placate trump's fragile ego.   

Please do share source materials showing where illegals enter the US.
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14 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Well if you're a liberal then nothing apparently. You'd be totally ok with the US spending hundreds of billions of dollars to support illegal immigration, but be aghast at the thought of spending a measly 5.7 billion on implementing measures to combat it. 


Dont forget to call everyone who disagrees a racist though. 


If your a conservative, you'd think the above liberal position is complete insanity (which is is). 

Funny though, as it is the Americans not indigenous to the continent who are doing the shouting... 

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25 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Your statement at #127 was ignorant of the facts.

They want to pass legislation that does NOT include border security, and specifically state that they WILL NOT negotiate.”


I can’t change gat, but you can. Go read the Government Funding Bill you’ll have facts to discuss not uninformed nonsense.



But but.... removing the uninformed nonsense will leave them speechless.... oh... I see... good plan ????

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Trump has ordered Thousands of Government Employees back to work without pay.

Why do they not tell him where to shove their jobs and find employment elsewhere???

I presume thousands have, and they are the the better employees who will find it easier to get other employment, when this is over there will be a hell of a problem filling vacancies. 

It's not that simple. If they've been. there awhile they may be invested in expecting future government pensions. Government jobs generally pay less than equivalent private ones but they do have some perks like pensions and more job security. At least they used to. This later mess is hardly a recruiting tool for getting good people to apply in future.


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