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For better or worse? Expats think Thailand is going down the pan, poll


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45 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Are you OK with the 30% tax on your global assets/investments/pension/rental income, including property and pensions derived in other countries?


non reliable source, yesterday googled the Portugal official site regarding visas and retirement and the taxes for retirees are barely existent, one needs to register to get a contribuinte card, with that card one can get free medical and other benefits, https://www.liveandinvestoverseas.com/country-hub/portugal/retire-in-portugal/

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34 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Good-best of luck to you.


One word of advice-do not criticize those who may choose differently to you.


Bad karma.

sounds familiar, heard/saw that here not long ago, keep it up you're doing great LOL

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Others were more positive about the future with one stating about Thailand: "It's only as good as you make it". 

Right. Of course it is. So why did you come to Thailand? Last place of residence no good? Wasn't as good as you make it then?






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5 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

The avocados in Thailand are crap-

As I said, they are not part of my British western diet.

Faddy eaters always pay more, wherever they go in the world.

Learn to eat food that is locally produced, and you will have a much better time touring the world.


I don't have any complaints about the food prices in Thailand, my main winge is the constant VISA rule changes and the many corrupt immigration offices and staff and of lesser importance the exchange rates.

Edited by BritManToo
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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I've been all around Portugal and I do see the appeal but non E.U. people should be aware that very expensive private health insurance is a requirement there so that rules out all lower budget non E.U. retirees. Not sure about Brexit effect yet obviously. 

No idea about non EU medical options, what I know is a doctors visit there are cheaper than here by showing that card, my ex was US citizen stay there for 2 years and had medical coverage at a very low cost...how long ago did you went there? I was there in 2013 spoke to some expats (EU and Non EU) and they seemed very happy with the life there but again different people have different requirements when asked about happiness

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1 hour ago, somtumwrong said:

For me it's not a question of leaving, but rather never arriving. Haven't made up my mind yet if to live in my safe home country or here with family. I'm not in a hurry to decide, but not moving means I won't buy a house here ('for my wife'), I won't invest in a new car here, keeping financials outside the Thai economyu. I keep my house and condos in my home country, and looking at the stability of Thailand, and how the law 'protects' us, better leave it at that. If you move to Thailand, in my opinion, you should always have a backup plan to be able to leave without losing much..


I think life may be better for me in Thailand once they throw out the low life sexpats. Our reputation will no longer be dragged down by their actions. But in general, I don' believe in long term change in this country, rather Vietnam, Myanmar, all other countries are going to overtake Thailand which will just remain the same same. More soap operas on tv, more corruption to rule the lemmings.


"I think life may be better for me in Thailand once they throw out the low life sexpats."


What made you come to the LOS for originally. You surely knew what to expect and that the sexpats as you call 'em are there to stay. It's what Thailand is famous for and why it's so popular.

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:


"I think life may be better for me in Thailand once they throw out the low life sexpats."


What made you come to the LOS for originally. You surely knew what to expect and that the sexpats as you call 'em are there to stay. It's what Thailand is famous for and why it's so popular.


And why it's going down the pan, pretty much as the person you reply to posted.




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17 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

That is incorrect.


In fact my food bill for fresh meat and vegetables is less in Australia.


My electricity costs are just the same.


Prices for cheeses and dairy products  are much lower.


Average cost of shopping for the month (western food) if you cook at home is $200 lower.


The quality is much higher.


Plus you don't have to spew your lungs out breathing in all that Thai fresh air.

Dam, I'm not sure if you already left but with that many downers..hell it might be your best choice.


If your not into Thai food and not speaking Thai. I can understand more why watching "Friends" and buying your clean veggies from the supermarket may be the preferred life back over there.


Fresh meat and vegetables I find to be quite cheap and easy to find everywhere here. As far as cheese and wines..eh I'm not that much burdened by their higher prices here.


Yeah ambiguity and hurdles for visas in Thailand suck.

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12 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

sounds familiar, heard/saw that here not long ago, keep it up you're doing great LOL

Ah..yes..the fella from fantasyland...


"Twas brillig and the slythy  toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.."


You were the person who thought that the Thai should do nothing about the Chinese nationals being slaughtered thru' incompetence and lack of health and safety measures in Thailand,right?


You are such an embarrassment.

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2 hours ago, villagefarang said:

I like living here and it is better than when I first arrived.


Just a reminder of the question that was asked in the poll (which is the subject of the OP and the substance of the thread):


"Would it be better or worse for an expat to live in Thailand in five years?" 



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21 minutes ago, Enoon said:
2 hours ago, villagefarang said:

I like living here and it is better than when I first arrived.


Just a reminder of the question that was asked in the poll (which is the subject of the OP and the substance of the thread):


"Would it be better or worse for an expat to live in Thailand in five years?" 




I mean we already know that it's lovely for you up there at the China Light Mission.



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8 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

Dam, I'm not sure if you already left but with that many downers..hell it might be your best choice.


If your not into Thai food and not speaking Thai. I can understand more why watching "Friends" and buying your clean veggies from the supermarket may be the preferred life back over there.


Fresh meat and vegetables I find to be quite cheap and easy to find everywhere here. As far as cheese and wines..eh I'm not that much burdened by their higher prices here.


Yeah ambiguity and hurdles for visas in Thailand suck.

I speak a crazy mix of Lao and Thai...people fall about laughing..


However,I am at home in Australia now so I have ample opportunity to compare prices between the two countries.As far as Australia is concerned fresh food is much cheaper-tho' I can't vouch for junk food.


Yeah-the visa thing-I knew an elderly German chap-hated the 'Reds'and thought Thailand was the antz pantz until the time came for his yearly renewal..


"Donner und blitzen!Gott in himmel!"


They stuffed it up every time.????

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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Sounds idyllic Bullie..............got room for an old but active handyman??


PS. Do you buy the house and actually own it for that money??

Lock, stock and barrel. My own property, including the land. Lots of bargains to be had around that area.

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16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Why would you retire to Thailand if you didn't want the beer and pussy?

There isn't much else here worth the trip.

I understand that now, and without going into the circumstances of the time, I'll just say that buying lager and cheap sex wasn't on my agenda. I do however find it interesting what people's motivations are/were and what they really think of the place. It doesn't appear to be very much - though to be candid and given my own opinion of Thais (excluding my own family) and Thailand, both of which are pretty well known here, I'm loathe to say the B&P Brigade have it all wrong, in fact, I think their estimate of the real worth of Thailand is much closer to it's real worth than my own estimate. At least they haven't been disappointed.

Edited by HalfLight
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Are you OK with the 30% tax on your global assets/investments/pension/rental income, including property and pensions derived in other countries?


I said I am moving there, but I still pay my taxes elsewhere. One can have more than 1 residence, you know...

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