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Trump announces deal to reopen federal government through Feb. 15


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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I knew Trump would fold. He could not handle the huge drop in approval numbers

Trump also couldn't handle a warning from his guardian Senate Majority Mitch McConnell.

The House version of the budget bill before the Senate had more Senate Republican support than the Senate version had from Democrat support. While both versions failed to get 60 votes to pass, Republican Senators were signalling that it's time for Trump to open the government or face a possible joint congressional veto-proof budget bill.

After the two defeated votes Mitch immediately went to see Trump and now we see Trump conceding a temporary unconditional re-opening of the government.

Trump folding (however temporary) also shows his threat of a Presidential Order to get wall funding is not a serious option.

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12 minutes ago, PREM-R said:

Know when to hold, know when to fold.........know when to walk away!!!

If Trump knew when to walk away, he would have done this weeks ago. In fact, since good poker players are supposed to be able to size up the opposition and the odds, he never would have attempted this in the first place.

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How about stepping back and recognizing that;

-Trump did the right thing in ending this madness;

- Congress works

- The new members of the House from both parties are less  doctrinaire than the people in previous sessions and despite some public statement to the contrary, really do want to do what is best for the USA

- Democracy is alive and kicking in the USA and as stupid as the shutdown was, Americans  are not all idiots.

- 78 year old Pelosi just showed  old folks can still  open a can of whoopass

- Trump can be managed. All it takes is patience, discipline and resolve.


I take a positive message from the results. Maybe the new Congress can rehabilitate Trump.

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5 hours ago, farcanell said:

You need to have a good look at trumps foreign policy and how it effects every country.... from economic sanctions thru nuclear brinksmanship..... then factor in his seeming unadvisedly or illadvised irrational and unpredictable behavior.


and whilst the “wall”, might be deemed a domestic issue, even though it will divide a continent... it’s not the building of it that worries non US citizens, or how much it will cost the US taxpayer... it’s the way and means he’s used to get here, that’s worrying


then, throw in 8000 plus lies or untruths.... this trait of dishonesty might not upset you, or other Americans, but the duplicity does effect other nations needing to deal with yours, and the question of trusting the worlds preminent power, is then a hot topic


trump has made America untrustworthy... the planets supposed most powerful man, is untrustworthy... the planet, not americas, so his actions effect us all, not just y’all.


it effects both allies and enemies, yet his unilateral actions which impact us, are done without notification or consultation, which is the height of arrogance.... and should not be tolerated.


hope that helps


Then after it's built, stand by for the news stories how the folks from the South have found several other ways to enter...



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Only read the first page, yet opening the government for 19 days doesnt seem like a big victory for anyone. House cant re-open after Feb 15 unless the Senate votes for it - and they are Republican led.  Everyone praises Pelosi - yet it was McConnel that got the vote in the Senate, the House wanted the government open from day one.  Trump doesnt get his wall until it all starts again on the 15th of Feb.  Legislature is still ineffectual for the most part, dealing with domestic issues

Edited by Skallywag
wrong date
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7 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

This should be a wake up call for Gov. Workers that even you with a pretty secure job have to save some money. I have friends who also live paycheck to paycheck but they could be saving if they didn't take weekend holidays as soon as they have a few bucks instead of saving.



Thus revealing the true current nature of the economy as felt by the people, not as measured on stock tickers or corporate earnings.  People are barely making ends meet, despite what Wilbur Ross would have us believe.

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Just now, Becker said:

I have decided to take the high road and not gloat over the man-child's misfortunes so............

On second thought **** that! 



What a twerp. My God, I can't imagine the abuse we would have heaped upon a fake like this in my younger days.

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6 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

They will be paid, always have in the past. Those that had to work are pissed off most. 

The government workers... yes


but no one seems to be talking about the associated workers... the contractors etc... those not on a government salary, but reliant on government work, or an income derived from government workers that weren’t there, businesses that are geared to a certain output, which changed, because of this... these people have also been negatively effected.... and will not be reimbursed.


to only consider those 800 000 is head in the sand stuff.... willful ignorance, even.... and no one is out of the woods yet, as it may all be back on again in a couple of weeks, with these contractors et al, in line to loose even more of their annual income.

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