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"What if these were your kids?" - ten year olds pictured cleaning school windows on a ledge


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2 hours ago, colinneil said:
2 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I doubt if that is a 'ledge', more likely a long balcony without railings that isn't used as such, hardly 'mission impossible'

Ledge or balcony that is irrelevant, children should not have been up there in the first place.



The children should not be cleaning the windows with our without a proper balcony... that could be considered corporal punishment....


Additionally, an adult should not be doing that work without standard fall protection... its basic common sense... which is quote clearly overlooked here... 


All these 'safety first' signs... what a farce... 

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This was debunked as an old photo taken years ago. It still wouldn't surprise me to see it happen, but this particular one - the one on the left is now a BiB, the one on the right is working in tight shorts on Soi 6, Pattaya.


(PS - I made that last sentence up)

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14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:



The children should not be cleaning the windows with our without a proper balcony... that could be considered corporal punishment....


Additionally, an adult should not be doing that work without standard fall protection... its basic common sense... which is quote clearly overlooked here... 


All these 'safety first' signs... what a farce... 

Standard fall protection, in Thailand, yeah right! 

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22 hours ago, Chippy151 said:

It's ok everyone.

I'm sure the furniture they are standing on is top of the range.

You can be sure that was considered before they were sent out on to the ledge.


And I'm sure a teacher was monitoring the legs on those tables every second to ensure the no table legs are too close to the edge of the ledge.



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23 hours ago, keith101 said:

Someone must be charged with child endagerment for putting these boys lives and probably a lot more at risk and no pathetic excuses .

Nonsense. Kids would volunteer for this kind of thing. Thank Buddha Thailand is not like my home country.

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17 hours ago, tifino said:

Paned me to watch! 

If this was the school my grandchildren attend my Thai son would be all over the director within a few minutes, and the director would listen in fear, my son has much higher professional status, and the director knows it. 


Son has already several times put the mealy mouth corrupt power crazy director on the spot and several things got changed quickly. One time son put him on the spot in front of several teachers and a mob of students, director fled to his car, unseen for several days.



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