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Teenager who joined IS group in Syria to lose UK citizenship

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52 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Stockholm Syndrome doesn't apply, that is when a hostage gains empathy with their captors. At no time was she a hostage or had captors. Everything she did, including leaving home to join ISIS, she did of her own volition.

True enough.... I’m not saying she has that, but rather that there are phycological factors to consider, and simply used that as an example of how her lack of contrition, which you referenced earlier, could be a product of the last few years of living within that environment.... ptsd would be another factor to consider, I would think.


Guilt might be another.... or self loathing. These emotions can have a phycological effect on outward behavior. A shrink would come up with more fancy terms, I sure, and if she ends up back in the UK, I’m equally as sure that her lawyers will have prepared a long list of these to present as mitigating circumstances


She went freely... ok... but once there, did she become a hostage to  the emergent reality... a reality she didn’t expect? I would think she did, as these child recruits aren’t really aware of the reality that they have volunteered for, which does matter.



9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:
  1 hour ago, BB1958 said:

No it does not! I have no tolerance for ANY "faith" (In a religious context)

I don't spread propaganda based on intolerance - as I am NOT a religious person.


Yes there are remnants of our once great culture that I will agree with. One just hopes that a person will emerge from these "remnants" and steer Great Britain away from the "politically correct" nightmare we seem to have become


You will not understand this: Mr Bluespunk and you will spend your time finding (What for you is) a suitable insult -


However, for the record, I WELCOME citizens of our "Commonwealth of Nations" to join us British in moving forward to a new multicultural destiny - AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT MUSLIM.  


No need to insult you. 


Your last seven words back up everything i said. 


Thank you for the praise, I was not expecting that... 





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  • Confused 1
10 hours ago, Spidey said:

Unfortunately, the group that carried out the London Tube bombings, were born and raised in the UK and carried British passports. AS with the group that carried out a failed attempt to repeat the atrocity a few months later, all uni students.


The answer doesn't lie with preventing Moslems coming to the UK, the answer is to prevent the radicalisation of these youngsters once they are in the UK.

Come down hard on the Mosques/madrassas, expel the evil Mullahs preaching hate and most of all curtail social media from allowing their apps to aid the spreading of these evil doctrines to youngsters.


Zuckerberg, you are giving aid and succour to the most evil, morally bankrupt, terrorists that the world has ever known. You are a criminal. Spending the rest of your sad life in prison is less than you deserve.

Great post Spidey.... I missed it earlier

  • Thanks 1
3 minutes ago, BB1958 said:

Thank you for the praise, I was not expecting that... 







Keep telling yourself that if it helps you. 

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, sanemax said:

Although that was indeed the question a few days ago , that question has been answered and She held joint UK/Bangladeshi citizenship .

  There is a thread about it on Thai Visa

Reading the article on the BBC, my understanding is that she is holding a UK passport, but is eligible for Bangladeshi citizenship because of her parents.


"... Government sources said it was possible to strip the 19-year-old of British nationality as she was eligible for citizenship of another country. "


"... Under the 1981 British Nationality Act, a person can be deprived of their citizenship if the home secretary is satisfied it would be "conducive to the public good" and they would not become stateless as a result. "


Original here: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47301623

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Oxx said:


This viral posting is both inflammatory and substantially inaccurate.  It's debunked at https://fullfact.org/news/muslims-uk-viral-poster-factchecked/



The "viral posting" referred to puts the UK Muslim population figure at four million. Fullfact "corrects" this figure to 3.1 million, based on "an ad hoc analysis" of a 2015 annual population survey. 


A 2016 Pew Research survey of Muslim populations across Europe estimates the UK Muslim population at 4.1 million, or 6.3 percent of the total. With "medium migration", this figure is expected to rise to 16.7 percent by 2050.  

21 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

Reading the article on the BBC, my understanding is that she is holding a UK passport, but is eligible for Bangladeshi citizenship because of her parents.


"... Government sources said it was possible to strip the 19-year-old of British nationality as she was eligible for citizenship of another country. "


"... Under the 1981 British Nationality Act, a person can be deprived of their citizenship if the home secretary is satisfied it would be "conducive to the public good" and they would not become stateless as a result. "


Original here: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47301623

As she is eligible to receive Bangladeshi citizenship , she wouldnt be stateless .

"Stateless" is when no country will give you citizenship , you are not "stateless" if you are eligible to apply for citizenship from a country , but you choose not to do so

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, farcanell said:

Don’t worry, we won’t call you a racist for denigrating Muslims.... the more correct term would be an islamophobic... so we might call you that.


meanwhile, a teenager is being deprived of citizenship for a decision she made when just 15... I’m not sure that that’s a Great Leap Forward for British democracy, but I do understand their POV.


this issue could be either a PR coup, or a PR disgrace... imo, Britain should attempt to make it a PR coup, by repatriating the girl if, for example, she is willing to speak out against the faction she supported against Britain, in an attempt to educate other possible jihadi brides etc.... which is not to say she should get a free pass.

In many Islamic countries, they marry young, following the example of muhamed and Aisha, believing the women are mature enough at that age.
Now they claim at 15-19, she's too immature to be held responsible for her actions? Can't have it both ways.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, katana said:

In many Islamic countries, they marry young, following the example of muhamed and Aisha, believing the women are mature enough at that age.
Now they claim at 15-19, she's too immature to be held responsible for her actions? Can't have it both ways.

Islamics aren’t claiming that, are they?


However, western countries with more enlightened (if you like) laws and mores, do


the girl was 15 years old when she made her decision.... do you really think a 15 year old is mentally or emotionally developed and educated enough to have made this decision.... I certainly wouldn’t have been at age 15


15 is to young to drive, drink, get married or be treated as an adult, in our culture... it’s out culture being tested here, not Islam’s.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

did anybody saw her attitude and body language on the interview.... and she had the face to say that she didn't regretted anything and the Manchester bomb was deserved, let her rotten in hell

No, that's not what she said.

42 minutes ago, sanemax said:

As she is eligible to receive Bangladeshi citizenship , she wouldnt be stateless .

"Stateless" is when no country will give you citizenship , you are not "stateless" if you are eligible to apply for citizenship from a country , but you choose not to do so

I understand the meaning of "Stateless". Was merely quoting the reason that UK government used to deprive her of citizenship. I.e. she would not be stateless as she could apply for Bangladeshi citizenship. 

29 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Islamics aren’t claiming that, are they?


However, western countries with more enlightened (if you like) laws and mores, do


the girl was 15 years old when she made her decision.... do you really think a 15 year old is mentally or emotionally developed and educated enough to have made this decision.... I certainly wouldn’t have been at age 15


15 is to young to drive, drink, get married or be treated as an adult, in our culture... it’s out culture being tested here, not Islam’s.

Call me Islamophobic too if you want. It is precisely Islamic culture that is being tested here. And how it clashes with the Western "mature" societies. Very interesting interview at the beginning of the article I linked. Watch it and maybe you'll understand.


And I spent a big chunk of my life doing contracts in the Middle East.

1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:


The "viral posting" referred to puts the UK Muslim population figure at four million. Fullfact "corrects" this figure to 3.1 million, based on "an ad hoc analysis" of a 2015 annual population survey. 


A 2016 Pew Research survey of Muslim populations across Europe estimates the UK Muslim population at 4.1 million, or 6.3 percent of the total. With "medium migration", this figure is expected to rise to 16.7 percent by 2050.  

Wikipedia corrects it to 2.8 million.

37 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

did anybody saw her attitude and body language on the interview.... and she had the face to say that she didn't regretted anything and the Manchester bomb was deserved, let her rotten in hell

Yes, that was the turning point for me. My 2 kids often attend concerts at the Manchester Arena. As soon as the news broke, I was desperate to contact them/their mother to confirm their safety. As it was late at night, in the UK, it took me a full 12 hours to receive the news that they were safe. Worst 12 hours of my life.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

Call me Islamophobic too if you want. It is precisely Islamic culture that is being tested here. And how it clashes with the Western "mature" societies. Very interesting interview at the beginning of the article I linked. Watch it and maybe you'll understand.


And I spent a big chunk of my life doing contracts in the Middle East.

 I disagree... it’s our culture being tested, not Islam’s. It’s british law about to be tested, not Islam’s.... will our culture be shown to adhere to a higher standard than Islamic extremism, not Islam itself, or will it fail that test?

  • Confused 1
10 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Wikipedia corrects it to 2.8 million.

It does no such thing, and you know it. The Wikipedia estimate is based on a census which is eight years out of date. Try again.


Just now, farcanell said:

 I disagree... it’s our culture being tested, not Islam’s. It’s british law about to be tested, not Islam’s.... will our culture be shown to adhere to a higher standard than Islamic extremism, not Islam itself, or will it fail that test?

You have a lot to learn about Islam. The law of Allah trumps the law of man. Ask any of your Muslim associates, in the unlikely event that you have any.


  • Like 2
11 minutes ago, farcanell said:

 I disagree... it’s our culture being tested, not Islam’s. It’s british law about to be tested, not Islam’s.... will our culture be shown to adhere to a higher standard than Islamic extremism, not Islam itself, or will it fail that test?

Go and read your Quran. you'll find that one and the other are the same. Just check out the definition of Jihad, it says it all.

Personally I despise all religions. Created just to brainwash people.

And British law has very little effect on most Muslims, as they only recognize Sharia as the true law.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, farcanell said:

the girl was 15 years old when she made her decision.... do you really think a 15 year old is mentally or emotionally developed and educated enough to have made this decision.... I certainly wouldn’t have been at age 15

There's no defending her actions if that's what you're attempting. She is older now and has no regrets.


Just as well she can't return; would likely be strung up by the "good 'British' muslims".

  • Like 2
56 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

You have a lot to learn about Islam. The law of Allah trumps the law of man. Ask any of your Muslim associates, in the unlikely event that you have any.


That’s all rather irrelevant isn’t it?


the post is about a girl being stripped of her citizenship by a western country.... which has nothing to do with Islam or allah, but everything to do with how a western country has decided to act.


Ergo nothing to ask of a Muslim, but rather, something  to ask of western society.


again, this will speak to/of our culture, not theirs.... it’s not them that’s stripping this girls citizenship from her, is it?


and really? “In the unlikely event that I have any” (Muslim associates... btw, I prefer Muslim friends)... an infantile jab, at best

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Why aren’t I an islamophobic? That’s a pretty screwed up question, to which the answer is probably maturity, education and personal experience.... I do hate snakes though, but thats a phobia that has little negativity, unlike hating others for their religion.
a reality check? Me? After reading this bile, I’m thinking your in need of pacifying with a frontal lobotomy.... but let’s look at that paragraph a little closer.
prevention technique... so where your again mistaken is in assuming I’m talking about preventing or converting extremists back to peaceful citizens (btw... extremists are the issue, not Muslims as a religion)
No...  I’m talking about education to prevent them becoming extremists in the first place.... a balanced approach, vs the hate your spewing... an positive example to ill informed children, to better inform them of the situation, because what does not work is your hate speech.
meanwhile, she may be 19 now, but she was 15 when she made her fateful decision.... 15 year olds are not mature or well advised, and are oftentimes inclined to impulsive decisions, this may have been just that.... compound this with the fact that at 15, her education stopped, and was replaced by immersion in god knows what... certainly it was not in any form of higher education or mainstream life and the exercise of freedom
I can’t really speak as to her current mental condition... but surely you have heard of Stockholm syndrome, which is something to consider... that said, another member did respond in a not so despicable a manner, to inform me that this child (in mind, if not in body) showed no contrition during an interview, to which I already responded that this would be a negative point in her returning to the UK,  effectively obviating my thoughts about the possibility of using this child’s experience to benifit other children considering similar ill advised decisions.
you might think my previous post a load of crap, but please know that in ten years of reading this forum, you have just posted one of the most outrageous and hateful posts I’ve every read... well done, you’ve reset the bar to a new low
”let her terrorist sprog rot in the desert”.... wow... what a statement... definitely a new and despicable low... are you a Christian, per chance?
Excuses excuses. Stockholm syndrome blah blah blah.
The rest of your diatribe is just typical pro-Islam bs excuses and apologist crap.

Personal experience? Maybe you could visit one of the many Muslim dominated no go zones in UK or Europe and get back to us about your experiences there.
And that kid will obviously be brought up as another ISIS terrorist, raping burning and drowning captives. But hopefully the drones will take care of that.

And not Christian by the way. LOL!

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36 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

There's no defending her actions if that's what you're attempting. She is older now and has no regrets.


Just as well she can't return; would likely be strung up by the "good 'British' muslims".

Of course there’s a defense to her actions.... you might not accept that, and the defense might be weak and flawed, (and fail) but in our culture, actions have the right to be defended, just as a proven murder is defended, including on appeal... that’s what makes the system we have, the best available.


i am not saying she’s nessesarily deserving of a free pass, or should escape justice, but I am saying that she is deserving of a trial, by British law, if she’s a british citizen, and wish’s to return to Britain.


we should all consider the effect of eroding citizens rights, for whatever reason, and fight to maintain those rights wherever possible

They are still not Muslim only areas.
That claim is untrue and used to create fear and prejudice.
Would Muslim-comtrolled areas be more accurate?
I can guess your answer?

And Sharia patrols ARE still happening.

The only ones creating fear and prejudice are some Muslims with their awful behaviour.
And they're STILL uncovering grooming gangs

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7 minutes ago, telboybk said:

Excuses excuses. Stockholm syndrome blah blah blah.
The rest of your diatribe is just typical pro-Islam bs excuses and apologist crap.

Personal experience? Maybe you could visit one of the many Muslim dominated no go zones in UK or Europe and get back to us about your experiences there.
And that kid will obviously be brought up as another ISIS terrorist, raping burning and drowning captives. But hopefully the drones will take care of that.

And not Christian by the way. LOL!

Sent from my SM-G955F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

As far as I’m concerned, your despicable posts and overt displays of bigotry and religious intolerance makes you no better than an Islamic extremist.

3 minutes ago, telboybk said:

Would Muslim-comtrolled areas be more accurate?
I can guess your answer?

And Sharia patrols ARE still happening.

The only ones creating fear and prejudice are some Muslims with their awful behaviour.
And they're STILL uncovering grooming gangs

Sent from my SM-G955F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Explain “grooming gangs” and their influence on children

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