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UK's Labour says it will back call for second Brexit referendum


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17 minutes ago, bomber said:

Soros is a trader and gets a lot wrong,he predicted the fall of the euro in 2011 long before brexit,you lot only jumped on the bandwagon 3 years ago,you were all wrong.As for hungary what has he done to them?

Actually I have known about him for many years. Yes was called a conspiracy theorist but guess what, all about him was true.

As for Hungary look it up a very good read indeed.

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Right now the Hard Brexit project by March 30 looks like dead meat or at least smelling a lot, notwithstanding the neo-fascist twitch coming from certain quarters which is somewhat the equivalent of a ritual hara-kiri as far as remaining in the political mainstream is concerned. Strangely, moving on, one might consider that the chances of a HB might be via, wait for it, a second referendum with HB on the menu.

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Actually I have known about him for many years. Yes was called a conspiracy theorist but guess what, all about him was true.

As for Hungary look it up a very good read indeed.

Totally incorrect. See my Snopes piece on Soros. Don't post fake news here please.

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Made the mistake of starting to watch Question Time. My how that program has been dumbed down. Lasted ten minutes and had to switch off. Low rent mob - that's just the panel! Again we have that useless gawky bint Fiona Bruce posing in front of the audience. Why? She has no control. I blame the BBC producer. I guess they try to make the program more appealing to a wider and younger (read Brain Dead) audience. Barry Gardiner is even worse than Diane Abbot. Waste of oxygen. Then we have a German "comedian"; why? And to spice things up a Breitbart style American Nazi from the New "Statesman". Pathetic 

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2 minutes ago, rixalex said:

Always grumbling about immigrants you remainers.


Immigrants who haven't just sauntered in as they please, without establishing what their skills are, what their background is, should be welcomed. Britain needs immigrants. Unchecked immigrants are what Britain doesn't need. And that's what you support.

EU migration from the East of Europe are now leaving. Net EU migration now down 70%. Great.

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:


"I'm not an anti semantic(?), but but but Soros, but but but Rothschilds, but but but global elites".

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist but but but....."


It is with great pleasure that I read this post. It had me trying to figure out what "Anti-semantic" could possibly mean. An anti-semantic I now realize is someone who is against linguistics- see below.

semantics | sɪˈmantɪks | plural noun [usually treated as singular] the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning.  


In Edinburgh we have the REH. Our local hospital for mental problems, (Bi-polar, Alcoholics, Junkies etc) One special ward is devoted to conspiracy theorists. If you mention Soros, Rothschilds, and Vaccination/Autism in the same communication you get sent there. Free accommodation and meals also!

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5 hours ago, tebee said:

.....and of course many people have said students should not be included in the immigration figure as it distorts and inflates the total . But one certain Theresa May, when she was home secretary, vehemently opposed this.


... which is doubly strange as it made the Conservatives target of 100,000 per year migration completely unobtainable  

Well, she is strange.

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4 hours ago, bomber said:

the norweign fund lost money in 2018 and as for boeing in sheffield its only created 52 jobs,that wont replace the 3-5000 airbus jobs that will go with brexit,if the country is doing so well why risk brexit,what ya saying is we are top of the league but need 11 new players to make us better,a very strange ideology.

Norway certainly don't want to risk UK applying to join EFTA!

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

I guess you make your appraisals on what you like to hear, vis a vis, if they don't agree with you they are "low rent mob, morons, brain dead, American Nazi" it is really time you started to listen to other peoples opinion and 'dumb down your insults.


Agree with your opinion on Barry Gardiner, every question is a party political broadcast to him.


But the worst panellist by a country mile was the LibDem Layla Moran, pity she wan't a leaver, you could have done wonders with her name. Why didn't you mention her? The whole audience took an instant dislike to the 'I am right and the rest of you are wrong attitude', what a self rightious person she is, she fits in well with the Lib Dems.



She was crap also. Happy now?


Its not so much the panellists but the useless ring master.




I thought I posted this? Maybe not. This bird would have been a much better choice.

Edited by Grouse
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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

In case readers don't get it re Soros, neo-fascists make sure with the Rothschilds reference. As Hard Brexiteers start to think that March 30 isn't going to turn out the way they want it, the routine switches into blame mode and the Conspiracy guys know the routine. On the plus side, once they are into this, we know and they know they have lost. Well, maybe. Latest odds on no-deal Brexit by March 30: 11/2. 

Image result for bookie images

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

"This bird would have been a much better choice."


Misogynist much? ????


I base this not only on the above post, but also a previous post in which you said something along the lines of QT needed to get another man as the 'ring master'.


Perhaps you now understand why I don't openly 'advertise' on this forum that I'm a female?

I'm no mysogynist; some of my best friends are wimmin!


At 65 years old I'm not going to take lessons from you, Madame.


Finally I don't give a damn what sex you are. The fact is that Fiona Bruce is hopeless compare to Dimbleby or Day

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


"I'm not an anti semantic(?), but but but Soros, but but but Rothschilds, but but but global elites".

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist but but but....."


You appear to have misunderstood my post from your confused emoji. I obviously lacked clarity, apologies. I completely agreed with what you wrote, I was just having fun with the Semantic word which I assumed you were yourself quoting from elsewhere.

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19 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


"At 65 years old I'm not going to take lessons from you, Madame."


You don't give up on your misogynist attitude do you.....


My post wasn't in any way a "lesson", it was only pointing out the obvious.

Your usage of the term misogynist is not the same as mine then. I like women, I don't hate them


I don't consider the word "bird" misogynistic. I don't go for political correctness. I don't use words such as chairperson, ringmistress or womenkind. It's all crap.

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On 2/26/2019 at 5:54 AM, webfact said:

The Remain Labour campaign group, which wants to stop Brexit, said the announcement was "a significant step forward".

Cor blimey if they had brains they'd be dangerous. ????

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