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Whats wrong with Beer Lao anyway


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Hmm.  In a forum full of hatred I’ve never read it about beer Lao ( especially dark) excuse me sir do you have a link lol , since a few posters on here have more links than a sausage factory!!  No one even mentioned the most important thing about beer Lao dark. It’s at least 20% stronger than the other ones at 6%!  Next best in Thailand Japanese  Asahi. Thai beer and Thai monopolies are the worst! 

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3 hours ago, sharktooth said:

In flip land red horse is usually only drunk warm by ladyboys. 

Never tried it as yet , did see in Lotus today My beer and bought a tin of Siam weitzen , should be ok if very cold unlike warm ladyboys that give me hicups.

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48 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Hmm.  In a forum full of hatred I’ve never read it about beer Lao ( especially dark) excuse me sir do you have a link lol , since a few posters on here have more links than a sausage factory!!  No one even mentioned the most important thing about beer Lao dark. It’s at least 20% stronger than the other ones at 6%!  Next best in Thailand Japanese  Asahi. Thai beer and Thai monopolies are the worst! 

I am nor really a beer drinker but certainly like the dark Beer Lao has some taste.

In relation to the Asahi after tasting some draught Asahi the bottled stuff never tasted as good.

In relation to beer or any other alcohol I can’t understand why people become so upset, drink what you enjoy, it’s your money.

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Also like Beer Lao the best from the bottled beers commonly available in Thailand. Our 7-11 even stocked it special for us because the wife always bought their entire stock, nobody else would pay the prices they ask. Now, they've stopped unfortunately, but Villa and Central Food Hall always have it.


We regularly go to Tawan Daeng German Brewery and their tap beers are excellent (Weizen, Lager or Dark all good). And compared to their food prices, the beers are quite reasonably priced.

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The worst beer I have ever tasted, in fact it tastes of nothing and is absolutely disgusting. Any other beer anywhere is better than leo. When it came out it was 25 baht for a large one, I would not pay that now for it. Yes Red horse is good but hard to get, Tapper at 6.5 is good from 7/11, it;s a pity they stopped selling Lao dark in 7.

Edited by Orton Rd
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6 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Madam Moon frequently visits Laos on business trips and always brings back her duty free allowance for me. I enjoy its sharper, more malty flavour to the insipid choices that Thailand has on offer. (at least, those available in the mon & pop stores)


My other alternative choices are San Miquel, Tiger and Federbrau.



One litre.... Whoopee!!

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I am a fan of Beer Lao and is the only drink when in Laos.  Thailand has too much national pride to drink Beer Lao.  The person or people that won the rights to sell Beer Lao in Thailand 4 or 5 years ago must have taken a beating.

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The reason Beer Lao is hard to find is that Singha tried to kill it off by telling their distributors they would not get Singha if they also handled Beer Lao.


Thais buy Singha cuz it's strong, so they get drunk for less cost. Then there is their slogan, "my beer my country," which no doubt hits the heart with nationalistic Thais. (They're not nationalistic are they?)


Singha is a chemical beer, (as are many here), contains, among other things, Formaldehyde (no I can't be arsed to check the spelling!). Formaldehyde is the stuff ants have in their bite which paralyses their prey..... which I postulate explains the behaviour of many a Thai! Formaldehyde is also used by morticians to preserve a corpse.... you make your own comments on that one!

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2 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The reason Beer Lao is hard to find is that Singha tried to kill it off by telling their distributors they would not get Singha if they also handled Beer Lao.


Thais buy Singha cuz it's strong, so they get drunk for less cost. Then there is their slogan, "my beer my country," which no doubt hits the heart with nationalistic Thais. (They're not nationalistic are they?)


Singha is a chemical beer, (as are many here), contains, among other things, Formaldehyde (no I can't be arsed to check the spelling!). Formaldehyde is the stuff ants have in their bite which paralyses their prey..... which I postulate explains the behaviour of many a Thai! Formaldehyde is also used by morticians to preserve a corpse.... you make your own comments on that one!

The can of Sing, as the Thais call it, that I am drinking as I type this is 5% so pretty much the same as other beers. The old Chang was 6.5 % if memory serves me right.

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2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

The can of Sing, as the Thais call it, that I am drinking as I type this is 5% so pretty much the same as other beers. The old Chang was 6.5 % if memory serves me right.

Read my original post... it's not only the alcohol content that causes the mind numbing paralysis displayed by Thais.

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Didn't finish my 1st beer Lao, circa 2015.  It was too bubbly.  I say bubbly because I don't want to use the pretentious term "Hoppy", like I know what I'm talking about, cause I don't.  I shrank sheepishly into my chair as my beer snob mate screeched incredulously, "What?  You DON'T like Beer Lao!  OMG, what's wrong with you?" 


A year later, I forced myself to try another one because I wanted to like it so badly.  I wanted to be "in the club" but failed again.


Dunno, reminds me of getting the shaken 7-Up bottle up the nose interrogation technique from a Tijuana street cop. 

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The reason Beer Lao is hard to find is that Singha tried to kill it off by telling their distributors they would not get Singha if they also handled Beer Lao.


Thais buy Singha cuz it's strong, so they get drunk for less cost. Then there is their slogan, "my beer my country," which no doubt hits the heart with nationalistic Thais. (They're not nationalistic are they?)


Singha is a chemical beer, (as are many here), contains, among other things, Formaldehyde (no I can't be arsed to check the spelling!). Formaldehyde is the stuff ants have in their bite which paralyses their prey..... which I postulate explains the behaviour of many a Thai! Formaldehyde is also used by morticians to preserve a corpse.... you make your own comments on that one!

The Singha and formaldehyde story is a myth which has been around for ages and has been debunked many times.  Formaldehyde can be found in most beers in minute quantities. The WHO says the amounts are well below the acceptable levels. The chemical is also found naturally in fruits, vegetables plus certain meats and seafoods. 


I’m not a big drinker these days, did all that in my younger days. Although I do partake in the odd beer now and again and Beer Lao is certainly a nice beer in my opinion. 

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Beer Lao uck prefer the brewers premium Carlberg both brewed in the same brewery along with Turborg. At a wedding in Laos a couple of years ago one room was stacked to the cieling with you guest it Carlsberg. The laos didn't like beer lao.

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3 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Beer Lao uck prefer the brewers premium Carlberg both brewed in the same brewery along with Turborg. At a wedding in Laos a couple of years ago one room was stacked to the cieling with you guest it Carlsberg. The laos didn't like beer lao.



The French export Piat d'Or........................... but wouldn't be seen dead drinking it.....

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1 hour ago, transam said:

 does he honestly think all Brits are the same, like the taste of beer... ????

Yes. Brits are cool though. Except Arsenal fans.

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1 hour ago, Caine said:

Nowt wrong with beer Lao lad. But suspect a pint of Tetley’s Bitter would put most Yanks under the table. Stick with the fiss water lad.

*winner* LOL

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1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The reason Beer Lao is hard to find is that Singha tried to kill it off by telling their distributors they would not get Singha if they also handled Beer Lao.


Thais buy Singha cuz it's strong, so they get drunk for less cost. Then there is their slogan, "my beer my country," which no doubt hits the heart with nationalistic Thais. (They're not nationalistic are they?)


Singha is a chemical beer, (as are many here), contains, among other things, Formaldehyde (no I can't be arsed to check the spelling!). Formaldehyde is the stuff ants have in their bite which paralyses their prey..... which I postulate explains the behaviour of many a Thai! Formaldehyde is also used by morticians to preserve a corpse.... you make your own comments on that one!

Sorry need to correct you on what ants use to sting you with, it is formic acid not formadehyde. The thais I know tend to drink Chang never see a Singha on the table unless it is a promotion, Singha is a bit expensive for most Thais as is Beer Lao

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