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A permanent solution for Thailand’s straying dogs


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Thai government could round them up and take them to Thai prisons to keep the inmates fed, or sell the meat, which would help pay for the cost of rounding them up.  

I love pets also, but semi-feral, feral , unvaccinated dogs and cats should not be allowed to roam the streets.  The idea that they can all be spayed or neutered is a pipe dream



Edited by Skallywag
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33 minutes ago, evadgib said:

The idea nonetheless worked for Rabbits, Foxes, Pigeons, Corvids, Squirrels, Mink etc on the whole until the touchy-feely brigade put a stop to it.

It hasn't worked with rabbits or foxes in Australia.

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4 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Children can play in the Soi's , Parks,  Fields, Beaches,  and out side of home again. 

Lets get rit in the same way of the sexexpats also, then REALLY Thailand would be a safe place for children again .... 

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I go walking and i am terrified of the dogs The big stick comes in handy Anyway help might be on the way soon. In Cambodia, there is a bad drought and the rice crop failed Maybe with a bit of luck these Cambodians might come into Thailand They love eating dogs What is the old saying if The Cambodians come "Doggone"

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1 hour ago, 0815 said:

All soi dogs are killer dogs ?
Another one who has no clue about dogs ...

I agree with you.

Some here who think packs of killer dogs are roaming about waiting to attack everyone are deranged.

How many die from dog bites compared to snake bites, but no one wants to eradicate the snakes.

Stay off the booze and drugs for a few hours each day and come back to the real world

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Give a date for people to claim streer dogs and house them  properly 


Any out in the street after that take then away for good.


If you  want a dog to protect your  property then buy  one feed it train it look after it


Dont rely that a street dog might bite soneone that yoi dont like



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8 minutes ago, monkeycu said:

I agree with you.

Some here who think packs of killer dogs are roaming about waiting to attack everyone are deranged.

How many die from dog bites compared to snake bites, but no one wants to eradicate the snakes.

Stay off the booze and drugs for a few hours each day and come back to the real world

You and a small minority hope that is the case & have opted for the familiar 'slag 'em all off' chestnut.

Good luck with it. I'm not interested.


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34 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

Where I live, people can't go by bicycle or a slow motorcycle without being attacked by all the dogs, and even school children have been attacked by packs of dogs roaming in to school grounds, and this is by dogs people "own and care about"... but still let run freely!!!
But hey, this is apparently not a problem for people like you and Anders Guldenskold. 

Well.. it isn't a problem where I live.. there are lots of dogs but they don't attack people.. a few will chase a motorbike but that doesn't happen a lot.  I ride a bicycle here without any problems.. Depends where you live, I guess..   'People like me & Anders' just have had different experiences to you.. 

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"It  seems like the only smart way to get rid of the soi dog problem on the long run is sterilization".


   Who'd have guessed?

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4 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

PIck up your history books and find how that worked out with rats.
Bring in a rat's tail and get a reward.
Not too long and people opened rat-farms to get tails to earn money.

Rats breed rather faster than dogs, and neeed less feeding. Not a good business plan.

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Maybe I'm just bizarre myself.


But regardless of whatever nuisance or danger they cause, doesn't anybody worry about the animal welfare?


Most of us come from countries where you have pets to be loved and taken care of.

In Thailand they just abandon these animals, to let them breed constantly and live a pretty miserable, and fairly short existence 

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7 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

He is not comparing soi dogs with traffic accidents.. he is comparing risk.. the risk of being injured or killed in a traffic accident is far greater than being  killed by rabies.. or a shark for that matter.. or many other things that kill people...   I believe he is right that they provide protection from prowlers at night.  Where I live most of the local dogs are owned and cared for.. if a stranger.. dog or person comes into the area at night the dogs all start barking and don't stop until they move on.. Yes, it can be annoying but it is good protection..  He does make good points.. Sterilization and immunization  is the best solution..  removing animals just creates a space for others to move in.. 

Have a bike  accident avoiding a stray Soi dog and tell me you feel the same way..

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For me as a bicyclist these soi dogs are scary.  I have learned to become friends with some of these dogs but others I try to run over with my car.  They howl at night.  Many pack together at times.  Then sometimes I feel that the soi dogs are more respected than me, the farang.  So it would be great to control this obvious problem in a humane way.  I guess it comes down to owner registration and gathering of stray dogs like in the West.

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8 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

He is not comparing soi dogs with traffic accidents.. he is comparing risk.. the risk of being injured or killed in a traffic accident is far greater than being  killed by rabies.. or a shark for that matter.. or many other things that kill people...   I believe he is right that they provide protection from prowlers at night.  Where I live most of the local dogs are owned and cared for.. if a stranger.. dog or person comes into the area at night the dogs all start barking and don't stop until they move on.. Yes, it can be annoying but it is good protection..  He does make good points.. Sterilization and immunization  is the best solution..  removing animals just creates a space for others to move in.. 

Actually he is not right that the miserable savage strays provide protection - it is the well-bred and well-trained and restrained guard-dogs the protect their owners' property. The mindless, vicious soi dogs chase away your friends and the mail carriers and bite your children and this problem is not balanced out by the fact that they may also discourage a mad person on ya ba from breaking into your home some time.

Two separate issues: if you are concerned about protecting your home and family then you could invest in some thing other than breading soi dogs to run around lose, like real watch dogs confined on your  property

And the allusion to accidents is irrelevant too and as Geoffggi pointed the out these uncontrolled animals do cause a lot of traffic accidents.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

He added that Bali is the proof that culling is not the solution. The authorities tried to solve the street dog problem by killing all the dogs on the island but they still keep coming back since it is impossible to kill them off. The culling prozess is not only ethically debatable but also very costly.


It seems like the only smart way to get rid of the soi dog problem on the long run is sterilization

I doubt there is much financial advantage to sterilization over culling. There are several problems with the soi dogs being allowed to remain that what are discussed. One thing is for certain. This will not be a one push and done solution. There will need to be a vigilant effort over several months to solve this and even then it will need to be revisited unless people stop turning out unwanted pets of puppies once the existing soi dogs are gone. 

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So Anders accepts there are too many dogs on the loose. I dont think we need to hear any more from him. A cull is in order in certain areas.

I recall in Baku the authorities announce when the strays are to be rounded up giving people a chance to capture & secure their pets before the strays are picked up. Unlike various other animals like cattle, goats & sheep the dogs are dealt with away from public view.

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A big part of the problem getting worse is that people still continue dumping unwanted animals. Even some people try to look after, feed and  neuter the strays in the woods where I live there are still more that appear every week. But people trying to do what they can to help these dumped, domesticated animals often get criticised. The other week a small puppy tied up in a bag was thrown out of a moving pick up by the lake. I saw it at the temple one evening and my friend had seen it also and took care of it and did find a home for it few weeks afterwards.

I had a vicious young puppy left/dumped outside my house in the bushes presumably because the person saw that I have dogs. Anyway we found a home for it eventually with other family members but it's difficult.

The neutering and everything else will help but the dumping must stop and nobody's talking about the dumping. 

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1 hour ago, Trollmann said:

Easy solution is to have all female dogs in one shelter or area and the male dogs in another. 15 years later there will be no more soy dog problem

All that will be left is the new ones that are dumped every day.....

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10 hours ago, tonboy said:

Lets get rit in the same way of the sexexpats also, then REALLY Thailand would be a safe place for children again .... 

You sound like someone who does not live in Thailand.

if you did, you would know, child molestation is a home grown disease in Thailand. :jap:

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10 hours ago, Maxcom said:

The neutering and everything else will help but the dumping must stop and nobody's talking about the dumping. 

Everything will just slow the population of soi dogs down, but the dumping needs to stop before the problem can be solved.

No matter what you do now, if new dogs are being added on a daily it will fail.

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Put the dogs down, teach the people to dispose of rubbish properly to stop the rats. I live in a village where dog owners couldn't give two hoots about their dogs which rarely stay in the property or gardens.

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