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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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His ideas live on..STRONGLY..macron's 24 page document was given to every mep a few days ago..being a eu supporter I thought you'd have known that

Jean Monnet died more than 40 years ago, so did his ideas.
As I've already explained, Macron is history, he can produce all the documents he likes, nobody's reading them.....except you! 555

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Let me ask you something..can you remember the last time that the brussels jobsworths or an mep ever asked the people WHAT THEY WANTED?????

Why would I know that? They all put it straight in the bin....except possibly Farage, who, no doubt used it for a bit of fear mongering amongst the gullible.

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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

Let me ask you something..can you remember the last time that the brussels jobsworths or an mep ever asked the people WHAT THEY WANTED?????


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Let me ask you something. When did Farage ask you what you wanted, other than "Bitter or Lager"?

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9 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Exactly; MPs can't or wont decide. I heard on the radio today that Rees-Mogg has now said that campaigning to leave without a clear idea of how to handle Brexit was a big mistake. I agree; they should have had at least some idea of how to handle Brexit if they won; if they had then we probably wouldn't be in this mess now!


But they didn't and we are; so let us the people make the decision with a legally binding referendum in which we are asked to vote for our first and second preferences out of three options:

  1. Brexit with whatever deal has been agreed between the UK and EU,
  2. Brexit without a deal, or
  3. cancel Article 50 and remain in the EU.

If no option has 50% plus 1 of the first preference votes then the option with the lowest number of first preference votes is eliminated and the second preference votes on those ballot papers allocated to the appropriate option.


Obviously, if support for Brexit is still as strong as it was in 2016 then this would favour Brexit as very few, if any, Brexiteers would put remain as their second choice. So I have to wonder why so many Brexiteers are against the idea.


Well, there is the obvious reason, of course!


As has been explained previously, your suggestion has two 'remain' options, so leavers would be forced to vote for a remain option as their 'second choice' - which is why I'm against your 'second choice' idea.


Having said that, I support the idea of another referendum with only the first two options.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Well the first obvious reason is this:-

"Brexit has ceased to be the “will of the people”, analysis of British Social Attitudes Survey respondents has suggested. National Centre for Social Research data found 55 per cent of Brits would vote Remain in a second referendum, with just six per cent of respondents saying they now think the UK will secure a good Brexit deal – a massive reduction from the 33 per cent who were optimistic about the outcome of negotiations when the Article 50 process was triggered in March 2017. The findings have prompted the centre’s senior research fellow Sir John Curtice to warn MPs discussing Brexit in Parliament that: “There is seemingly room for debate about whether leaving the EU is still the ‘will’ of a majority of voters in the UK.“Perhaps the key message for the politicians as they decide what to do is that those on all sides of the argument might be best advised to show a degree of humility when claiming to know what voters really want.” Of the 70 polls conducted since the 2017 General Election only two have given Leave the edge (+1), with five ties and 63 Remain leads. Recent averages for Remain have been between seven and eight points. There also hasn’t been a single poll in almost a year now with Leave lead."


The reason that - given the overwhelming number of polls saying the same thing - there is a fall in the support for leave, may be due to people waking up to the very high likelihood  that it will be damaging to the Economy and their pockets. These figures are from the department that is supposed to be in favour of Brexit.

Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 08.50.09.png

Is this the Sir John Curtice video you are referring to NG. He did an interview on tv yesterday where he stated that most people would vote the same as last time, although a slight swing to remain, but at this time the video has not yet surfaced, I will keep searching though.



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Fallacies NOTHING..all mep's were given a copy of macron's " way forward "..a 24 page document very recently!!!
Suggest you do your homework[emoji6]

you are using two logical fallacies here
1 - Red Herring (ignoratio elenchi)  - typically with some idea or topic that seems to be relevant but isn’t really  This is used a lot  when someone doesn’t like or understand the main argument and hopes a detour into something will reinforce their position - instead it leads the argument off at a tangent.
2 - Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) (commonly used in reference to Churchill in Brexit) here you are trying to use Macron or others.
Looking at most of the postings - especially the Brexiteers, almost all contain fallacious arguments which reinforces the concept that Brexitism arises not out of reason or logic but a collection of fallacies phobias and prejudices

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31 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Fallacies NOTHING..all mep's were given a copy of macron's " way forward "..a 24 page document very recently!!!
Suggest you do your homeworkemoji6.png


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You really don't understand what I posted, do you? they are ARGUMENT FALLACIES, the document itself is irrelevant/tengential to the OP that is why it is an argumental fallacy. It's a basic of critical thinking.

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1 minute ago, wilcopops said:

You really don't understand what I posted, do you? they are ARGUMENT FALLACIES, the document itself is irrelevant/tengential to the OP that is why it is an argumental fallacy. It's a basic of critical thinking.

He won't understand a word of that either. Try this:


"Och away wi ye mon, ye dinna ken a wird, did yea?"

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20 hours ago, Cat ji said:

I suppose the conspiracy started very soon after the referendum came out to be in favour of leaving.

Reminds me, I think it was Denmark, when the people voted against joining EU, the powers-that-be found a way to hold another referendum. ...Then they "arranged" things more suitably.

Brexiteers were seen shredding the evidence...


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9 hours ago, stephenterry said:

From what I've seen, heard and read, it could be that the 'will of the people' has changed. It would be wrong for both the government and parliament to dismiss this, albeit I don't support a second referendum because that is just abrogating responsibility for governing Britain.


Best bet for me a cross-parliament consensus, and for the government to act on that, but without May as PM. 


The rationale is that no further progress would be made with the same PM at the helm. There has to be a change.



Where have you heard and read this opinion. Certainly not in the part of the U.K.where I live. An area that has been greatly effected by the immigration of Eastern Europeans. 



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