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Do you believe in God and why

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16 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

See my post #1348 Posted 8 hours ago.

In different frames of reference (with different speed) time passes  different
For instance you have a slow moving mass and a fast moving mass.
Time in the slow moving mass passes slow and in the fast mass faster.
Science fiction often refers to that. When astronauts come back, having been moving fast in space
they might be 10 years older but on our planet may be 100 years have past. They don't meet their family any more only their grand grand children
But the effect can be measured only with speeds near the speed of light - otherwise the difference is so small, you cannot measure. 
When you return after a trip with yourt car you will not be aware of a time shift.
It matters only in astrophysics and particle physics

Two people riding on a train are playing catch.  A person watching the train go by clocks the speed of the ball and a person on the train clocks the speed of the ball.  Are they the same?  This is how my 10 year old daughter explained relativity to me. 


Time is relative to the point of view of the observer as is belief in gods. 

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and where did all that "dark matter" and energy originate? That's what I want to know.

That's obviously impossible to answer because we don't even know if Dark Matter & Energy really exists yet. It's existence is still a hypothesis. It might eventually prove to be the case that our current, accepted theories of Astrophysics, are simply wrong on the grand scale, and need amending.


If you ask the question, where did all the other matter, as well as Dark matter and energy originate, that's like asking, 'Where does 'everywhere' originate?'


If you accept the theory of the Big Bang and ask what existed before the Big Bang, the answer is 'there was no before because time began with the Big Bang, and the word 'before' is related to time.

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5 hours ago, user305 said:

If the bible was written with the help of a god it would have explained the earth was round and that it revolved around the sun.  It would have included fundamental truths that were unprovable then then but discoverable later.  Mathematical constants, chemical bonds, quantum physics, etc.  Instead it's chock full of sadistic moral standards and convoluted ethical guidance based on irrational teachings.  The idea that there is a right way to stone your wife to death or sell your daughter into slavery is pathetic.  Even on my worst days I have never allowed myself to fall to the level of a biblical saint.  You have no way of knowing if Jesus is waiting for you.  None of us know what comes after death, or even what came before the age of two or three.  I can accept not knowing what happens when I die because some truths are simply impossible to study and probably beyond our ability to comprehend.  That being the case I see no reason to make up some imaginary answer that calms my emotions but insults my intelligence.  If god does exist he is the one who gave me this brain and I have endeavored to use it as best I can to separate observable reality from fairy tale nonsense.  If god gave me an organ that has failed in its duties why should I be punished for his oversight?

The Bible indicates that the earth is round. Consider Isaiah 40:22 which mentions the “circle of the earth.” This description is certainly fitting—particularly when the earth is viewed from space; the earth always appears as a circle since it is round.

Another verse that indicates the spherical nature of our planet is Job 26:10. This verse teaches that God has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness. This boundary between light and darkness (day and night) is called the “terminator” since the light stops or “terminates” there. Someone standing on the terminator would be experiencing either a sunrise or a sunset; they are going from day to night or from night to day. The terminator is always a circle, because the earth is round.


Another interesting verse to consider is Job 26:7 which states that God “hangs the earth on nothing.” This verse expresses the fact that the earth is unsupported by any other object—something quite unnatural for the ancient writers to imagine. Indeed, the earth does float in space. We now have pictures of the earth taken from space that show it floating in the cosmic void. The earth literally hangs on nothing, just as the Bible teaches.


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5 hours ago, tingtongfarang said:

At that point the only thing i will be sure of is that science has failed me.

The Bible teaches that the universe obeys physical laws—“the ordinances of heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 33:25). The universe is neither haphazard nor arbitrary; nature conforms to logical, mathematical relationships set in place by the Lord.


The laws of physics and chemistry are examples of these ordinances of heaven and earth. The clockwork precision of the planets as they orbit the sun is due to their strict obedience to God’s ordinances. The stars and planets are never late nor are they early. They do not fail to appear in their proper place at the proper time (Isaiah 40:26).  I'm not certain why you would think science failed you.


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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:

The Bible indicates that the earth is round. Consider Isaiah 40:22 which mentions the “circle of the earth.” This description is certainly fitting—particularly when the earth is viewed from space; the earth always appears as a circle since it is round.  Another verse that indicates the spherical nature of our planet is Job 26:10. This verse teaches that God has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness. This boundary between light and darkness (day and night) is called the “terminator” since the light stops or “terminates” there. Someone standing on the terminator would be experiencing either a sunrise or a sunset; they are going from day to night or from night to day. The terminator is always a circle, because the earth is round.  Another interesting verse to consider is Job 26:7 which states that God “hangs the earth on nothing.” This verse expresses the fact that the earth is unsupported by any other object—something quite unnatural for the ancient writers to imagine. Indeed, the earth does float in space. We now have pictures of the earth taken from space that show it floating in the cosmic void. The earth literally hangs on nothing, just as the Bible teaches.


The Earth is a sphere.  A circle is not a sphere.  A circle is flat because it does not expand beyond two dimensional space.  Nor does the Earth float upon the vacuum of space.  The Earth is caught between the forces of gravity and inertia.










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11 hours ago, sweatalot said:
In different frames of reference (with different speed) time passes  different
For instance you have a slow moving mass and a fast moving mass.
Time in the slow moving mass passes slow and in the fast mass faster.
Science fiction often refers to that. When astronauts come back, having been moving fast in space
they might be 10 years older but on our planet may be 100 years have past. They don't meet their family any more only their grand grand children
But the effect can be measured only with speeds near the speed of light - otherwise the difference is so small, you cannot measure. 
When you return after a trip with yourt car you will not be aware of a time shift.
It matters only in astrophysics and particle physics


Yes, this is 'Time Dilation' in special relativity 

To see the effects you wouldn't need to be travelling at near light speed. If observer A was travelling at half the speed of light relative to observer B on earth, for every 86 days that observer A travelled, then 100 days will have past for observer B.

When approaching the speed of light, time almost stops relative to the observer on earth.


Then there's 'General relativity' where two observer in different gravitational fields experience different time rates.

The stronger the gravitational field the more effects of time dilation. Hypothetically, if observer A was stood next to a black hole, with observer B on earth and they could both see each others clocks, then B would see A's clock tick very, very slowly and A would see B's clock tick very quickly (and would see the earth spinning on its axis very quickly).

From both observers perspective their clocks would appear to be normal running at 1 second per second. 

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11 hours ago, VincentRJ said:

That's obviously impossible to answer because we don't even know if Dark Matter & Energy really exists yet. It's existence is still a hypothesis. It might eventually prove to be the case that our current, accepted theories of Astrophysics, are simply wrong on the grand scale, and need amending.


If you ask the question, where did all the other matter, as well as Dark matter and energy originate, that's like asking, 'Where does 'everywhere' originate?'


If you accept the theory of the Big Bang and ask what existed before the Big Bang, the answer is 'there was no before because time began with the Big Bang, and the word 'before' is related to time.

the answer is 'there was no before because time began with the Big Bang,

If that is true ( and I believe that everything existed before the big bang but had been sucked into a black hole to start over, as this universe will be sucked into a black hole to start again, forever, but that's not really relevant ), you are claiming that matter was CREATED by the big bang. IMO that would make the black hole "God". Just because "God" wouldn't be what humans have always thought, doesn't make "God" less godlike. That seems logical- nothing exists and something is created- seems like "God" to me ( and God CREATED the heavens and the earth ).

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, if someone says "there is no god", the onus is on them to prove it, but if they say "in my opinion there is no god" they don't.

Personally, I'm agnostic.

Many orthodox people speak as though it were the business of sceptics to disprove received dogmas rather than of dogmatists to prove them. This is, of course, a mistake.



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12 hours ago, user305 said:


The Earth is a sphere.  A circle is not a sphere.  A circle is flat because it does not expand beyond two dimensional space.  Nor does the Earth float upon the vacuum of space.  The Earth is caught between the forces of gravity and inertia.










In the case of the earth's shape, scripture never explicitly states the shape of our planet, but it does confirm a round earth implicitly in various places. For example, the Creation account in Genesis 1 describes all the land as existing "in one place" in Genesis 1:9 while all waters are gathered likewise. Geometrically, this can only happen on a sphere, and therefore Genesis 1 implies a round earth.

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38 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Hands up anyone whose initial position-vis a vis GOD-has been influenced by this topic on this site?

I don't think the purpose of this topic was to change positions / believes, even if some try it. At least it was not for me.


For me the purpose is to get an overview about peoples positions regarding this subject and the image they have about God.


The number of posts shows that many people are interested probably because many feel betrayed regarding religion and disappointed about what they as children were made to believe. 

And they might want to find out how many like minded to them are posting here.

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10 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

I don't think the purpose of this topic was to change positions / believes, even if some try it. At least it was not for me.


For me the purpose is to get an overview about peoples positions regarding this subject and the image they have about God.


The number of posts shows that many people are interested probably because many feel betrayed regarding religion and disappointed about what they as children were made to believe. 

And they might want to find out how many like minded to them are posting here.

Oh sure..right..thousands of these topics on the internet but they came specifically to TV to explore whether this thread would provide answers,neh?

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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Oh sure..right..thousands of these topics on the internet but they came specifically to TV to explore whether this thread would provide answers,neh?

Why not? This place as good as any and actually better for those of us here. Personally I don't participate In FB, Twitter, etc. This is basically my ONLY social media...and would expect same for numerous others 


BTW...still here! 

Edited by Skeptic7
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2 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Why not? This place as good as any and actually better for those of us here. Personally I don't participate In FB, Twitter, etc. This is basically my ONLY social media...and would expect same for numerous others 


BTW...still here! 



Have I ever told you that I have never caught a fish-or won a meat raffle-in my life?????


But I am on target (by the evidence of this thread) to catch a great big flathead on Wednesday,,


Keep on truckin' Skeptic..

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11 hours ago, VincentRJ said:

Isn't it obvious that all Gods exist? How could anyone deny that?


They exist in the mind, the imagination, the emotions and the thoughts of all believers and even those who think about the issue. ????

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.



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18 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Very comforting! But make sure you love all your enemies and all your neighbors, otherwise you'll be stuffed for ever more. Don't ever join the armed forces, for God's sake! ????

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On 6/1/2019 at 4:47 AM, Elad said:


Yes, this is 'Time Dilation' in special relativity 

To see the effects you wouldn't need to be travelling at near light speed. If observer A was travelling at half the speed of light relative to observer B on earth, for every 86 days that observer A travelled, then 100 days will have past for observer B.

When approaching the speed of light, time almost stops relative to the observer on earth.


Then there's 'General relativity' where two observer in different gravitational fields experience different time rates.

The stronger the gravitational field the more effects of time dilation. Hypothetically, if observer A was stood next to a black hole, with observer B on earth and they could both see each others clocks, then B would see A's clock tick very, very slowly and A would see B's clock tick very quickly (and would see the earth spinning on its axis very quickly).

From both observers perspective their clocks would appear to be normal running at 1 second per second. 

Very difficult to travel at 1/2 the speed of light. Light can be sped up, and distorted, and even stopped, but it is difficult to slow it down (I have tried). Time on the other hand is dependent upon outside influences.


Personally I do not believe in a 'god' or 'goddess'. Bowing to crosses, dropping onto knees in front of concrete objects (even those painted gold), or kissing mats makes no sense to me. I have thought about this 'on the knees' stuff and have decided I would only do it under two distinctly different circumstances.


I am of Jedi tendency, and worship the beauty of the universe, and nature here on earth. Nature can be vicious, uncompromising and nasty, but never ugly. Nature is what it is, and is interpreted differently by all of us.   

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4 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.



Not comforting in the least. Total WHACK-O load of crap. This sums the Christian fairy tale up nicely...



The belief that a cosmic Jewish ZOMBIE, who was his own FATHER and sacrificed himself to himself, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove sin that It put in all humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.


Makes perfect sense! :cheesy:

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On 4/15/2019 at 1:27 AM, mauGR1 said:

We can't understand the concept of infinite, we can't understand lots of other things.

I think it's logical to think there are superior beings, and an intelligent design.

You don't throw around randomly screws and bolts and metal planks to build an airplane, right ?

People who mock God, mock something they don't understand.

Just like those who believe in something they don't understand.

On 4/15/2019 at 1:28 AM, marcusarelus said:

How about those who deny medical treatment to their children in the name of god?  How about those who stone women in the name of god?  How about those who commit mass suicide in the name of god?  Is that OK?

A big No! not ok but it still goes on in our educated world.

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6 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Not comforting in the least. Total WHACK-O load of crap. This sums the Christian fairy tale up nicely...



The belief that a cosmic Jewish ZOMBIE, who was his own FATHER and sacrificed himself to himself, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove sin that It put in all humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.


Makes perfect sense! :cheesy:

Christianity is about believing that Christ died on the cross as payment for our own sins and rose again. Our sin debt is paid and we can have fellowship with God. We can have victory over our sin nature and walk in fellowship and obedience with God. That is true biblical Christianity.

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10 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Very difficult to travel at 1/2 the speed of light. Light can be sped up, and distorted, and even stopped, but it is difficult to slow it down (I have tried). Time on the other hand is dependent upon outside influences.


Personally I do not believe in a 'god' or 'goddess'. Bowing to crosses, dropping onto knees in front of concrete objects (even those painted gold), or kissing mats makes no sense to me. I have thought about this 'on the knees' stuff and have decided I would only do it under two distinctly different circumstances.


I am of Jedi tendency, and worship the beauty of the universe, and nature here on earth. Nature can be vicious, uncompromising and nasty, but never ugly. Nature is what it is, and is interpreted differently by all of us.   

If you don’t believe that God made the universe, please explain how earth is the only planet that rotates on an axis, at around 23.5 degrees; and has a livable atmosphere, gravity, and life. Why are not any of the other planets livable? Or have life on them?

God supplies our needs in nature; the fruit and vegetable trees and plants supply an abundance of our food; Also for the animals, creatures, rodents, and bugs does He also supply food and shelter for.

Grass, plants, trees, bushes and other living plant-like things are able to grow; But how? They don’t have blood and bones. They have water green stems, and trees have trunks. How can all of these things be so perfected and be an accident or a mistake? It really shows how they have to have a maker or creator. 

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Human beings have been around for some 150,000 years, and the vast majority of their religions have never been documented and have left no trace of, never mind the names of, the various 'gods' that were worshipped. For 148,000 years no one had ever heard of christ, son of a god. 



  Recorded history started circa 5000 years ago.  


So we have thousands of gods throughout history,  And just as past cultures, and civilisations have all but slipped from our memory, so have the gods they worshiped. Defunct gods are relics of the past.

If these gods are remembered at all they are only thought to be quaint relics of a distant, more primitive people.


It's mind boggling how many gods people came up with. And also mind boggling how people today seem to think that everyone has always believed in the christian version of their god who created the universe.

The one and only true god was created by man 3000 years ago. All the thousands of others are /were false gods.


The fact is, as humans change, so do their gods. Gods are human inventions. And live only as long as groups bound by common belief survive. Gods live only in the minds of men and women, and are conjured up to serve very human personal and political needs.


''The day will come when the mystical generation of jesus, by the supreme being of his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter''    Thomas Jefferson 1823.


Correct Thomas, it's happening now, christianity in decline. Especially in Europe.

USA will catch up later.  Will fizzle out one day.   Another quaint relic of the past, and will eventually become as offensive and unacceptable as racism...  


 The Romans believed Minerva came from Jupiters brain after Apollo split Jupiters head open to relieve his headaches. 

Jupiter was the Roman sky god , one of many they worshiped before the christians took over and exported their beliefs to the 4 corners of the globe. Killed or converted millions of pagans that worshiped false gods..  The religion of peace. Thou shalt not kill. 

 Went from zero christians 2000 years ago to 2.3 billion in 2015.

Quite an achievement. The power of indoctrination.  







Edited by yodsak
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On 6/1/2019 at 3:41 PM, Odysseus123 said:

Hands up anyone whose initial position-vis a vis GOD-has been influenced by this topic on this site?

I find it a bit harder to tolerate anyone who believes in god as a result of reading this thread.  

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30 minutes ago, yodsak said:

Human beings have been around for some 150,000 years, and the vast majority of their religions have never been documented and have left no trace of, never mind the names of, the various 'gods' that were worshipped. For 148,000 years no one had ever heard of christ, son of a god. 



  Recorded history started circa 5000 years ago.  


So we have thousands of gods throughout history,  And just as past cultures, and civilisations have all but slipped from our memory, so have the gods they worshiped. Defunct gods are relics of the past.

If these gods are remembered at all they are only thought to be quaint relics of a distant, more primitive people.


It's mind boggling how many gods people came up with. And also mind boggling how people today seem to think that everyone has always believed in the christian version of their god who created the universe.

The one and only true god was created by man 3000 years ago. All the thousands of others are /were false gods.


The fact is, as humans change, so do their gods. Gods are human inventions. And live only as long as groups bound by common belief survive. Gods live only in the minds of men and women, and are conjured up to serve very human personal and political needs.


''The day will come when the mystical generation of jesus, by the supreme being of his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter''    Thomas Jefferson 1823.


Correct Thomas, it's happening now, christianity in decline. Especially in Europe.

USA will catch up later.  Will fizzle out one day.   Another quaint relic of the past, and will eventually become as offensive and unacceptable as racism...  


 The Romans believed Minerva came from Jupiters brain after Apollo split Jupiters head open to relieve his headaches. 

Jupiter was the Roman sky god , one of many they worshiped before the christians took over and exported their beliefs to the 4 corners of the globe. Killed or converted millions of pagans that worshiped false gods..  The religion of peace. Thou shalt not kill. 

 Went from zero christians 2000 years ago to 2.3 billion in 2015.

Quite an achievement. The power of indoctrination.  







BRAVO! The thread should end here. Last and best. ???? Mind boggling that people actually still buy into such nonsense. ????

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