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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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2 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

He says "don't impose wrong beliefs on others" and in the same paragraph tries to impose his idea of what is real on others.

Yep, a fine example of "do as i say, not as i do ". 555

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of course we all enjoy fantasy, strictly as Entertainment though.

Temporarily suspending or escaping Reality sometimes, being necessary to enjoy such films & books and also perhaps for good mental health.


big sci fi & fantasy fan, hoping some of the positive stuff might one day become fact, but always returning to separate it from known science and other facts.


many aspects of “spirituality” , including meditation, “enlightenment” , ghosts and near- death experiences have already been analyzed and proven scientifically as human biological neural functions. if many why not all ?


all are free to “believe” what they will of course..my 1st post sentence in fact.

just dont ask rational people to consider or deal in bs too though......


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23 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I am not mocking reality and proven facts.

In fact, is a proven fact that "reality " is a broad concept, and it depends on the width of your perceptions.

I can explain this concept to you,  but i can't understand it for you. 

Tell me again that my mind is confused...


Imagine a 2 dimensional creature living on a table. It has width and a length, but no depth. All it can perceive are other 2 dimensional objects and creatures. Let's call this creature WB. Any 3 dimensional objects on this table will be impossible for him to see. He will not be able to perceive a simple glass of water for example. It simply isn't there.

A 3 dimensional creature (width, length and depth) however will be at a clear advantage, because it can perceive both the 2 dimensional as well as the 3 dimensional objects.

WB will talk to the many other 2 dimensional creatures and they all come to the consensus that their 2D world is all there is. 

A small minority of creatures however have evolved into 3D and from that perspective can see the limitations of their former existence as 2D creatures. 

WB will not be happy to be called limited and will fight tooth and nails (if he had them) to deny this fact, which is so naturally evident for all 3D creatures. 


Of course, 3D creatures are equally limited compared to 4D creatures and so on.


So, you're right, even though there is an objective reality, it's our perception of this reality that defines what is real for us and what is beyond our understanding.

Edited by Sunmaster
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3 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

So, you're right, even though there is an objective reality, it's our perception of this reality that defines what is real for us and what is beyond our understanding.

Thing is, some people are (or pretend  to be) content with what they are told, and they think it's cool. 

Others dare to look further, to find out what is there behind the mountain, so to speak. 

It's quite hilarious that we are labelled "unscientific " or "unrealistic " from the same ones who don't dare to explore behind the mountain. 

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4 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

How can we trust any of your "facts" if you're not even able to get my name right? lol

Perhaps he's thinking about the mistress , or the misty stress , while typing,  only God knows..

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10 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

many aspects of “spirituality” , including meditation, “enlightenment” , ghosts and near- death experiences have already been analyzed and proven scientifically as human biological neural functions. if many why not all ?

Is that so? I think you have a very superficial understanding of both science and spirituality, but let that not prevent you from forming a very uninformed opinion. 
Meditiation has been researched by scientists for only a few decades. To say that research in this field is in its infancy is an overstatement. Of course there are biological effects of meditation on the body, this is well known to everybody, and we didn't really need scientists to confirm what we knew already for thousands of years.

This however does not mean that spiritual experiences are a product of biological reactions, far from it. You can not separate the body from the mind, they always interact with each other.

You say it's been proven. Well, please provide actual research papers that state that or it's just another one of your misinformed opinions.

I've listed a number of scientists (neuroscientists, psychologist, psychiatrist...) that have researched meditation, mystical experiences and consciousness. Their findings point towards very distinct common traits in these peak experiences that are not explainable with the usual mechanistic approach used by traditional scientists and certain misinformed forum members. 
Maybe send them your proven facts, so you'll save them time and effort. 


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12 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

of course we all enjoy fantasy, strictly as Entertainment though.

Temporarily suspending or escaping Reality sometimes, being necessary to enjoy such films & books and also perhaps for good mental health.


big sci fi & fantasy fan, hoping some of the positive stuff might one day become fact, but always returning to separate it from known science and other facts.


many aspects of “spirituality” , including meditation, “enlightenment” , ghosts and near- death experiences have already been analyzed and proven scientifically as human biological neural functions. if many why not all ?


all are free to “believe” what they will of course..my 1st post sentence in fact.

just dont ask rational people to consider or deal in bs too though......


Fair enough,  why bother to expand your perception of reality, when this is not useful to your wellbeing?

That's why they say that ignorance is bliss.

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3 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

Is that so? I think you have a very superficial understanding of both science and spirituality, but let that not prevent you from forming a very uninformed opinion. 
Meditiation has been researched by scientists for only a few decades. To say that research in this field is in its infancy is an overstatement. Of course there are biological effects of meditation on the body, this is well known to everybody, and we didn't really need scientists to confirm what we knew already for thousands of years.

This however does not mean that spiritual experiences are a product of biological reactions, far from it. You can not separate the body from the mind, they always interact with each other.

You say it's been proven. Well, please provide actual research papers that state that or it's just another one of your misinformed opinions.

I've listed a number of scientists (neuroscientists, psychologist, psychiatrist...) that have researched meditation, mystical experiences and consciousness. Their findings point towards very distinct common traits in these peak experiences that are not explainable with the usual mechanistic approach used by traditional scientists and certain misinformed forum members. 
Maybe send them your proven facts, so you'll save them time and effort. 


Of course you can seperate the body from the mind. Amputee Phantom Pain being one example.

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4 hours ago, Sunmaster said:


Imagine a 2 dimensional creature living on a table. It has width and a length, but no depth. All it can perceive are other 2 dimensional objects and creatures. Let's call this creature WB. Any 3 dimensional objects on this table will be impossible for him to see. He will not be able to perceive a simple glass of water for example. It simply isn't there.

A 3 dimensional creature (width, length and depth) however will be at a clear advantage, because it can perceive both the 2 dimensional as well as the 3 dimensional objects.

WB will talk to the many other 2 dimensional creatures and they all come to the consensus that their 2D world is all there is. 

A small minority of creatures however have evolved into 3D and from that perspective can see the limitations of their former existence as 2D creatures. 

WB will not be happy to be called limited and will fight tooth and nails (if he had them) to deny this fact, which is so naturally evident for all 3D creatures. 


Of course, 3D creatures are equally limited compared to 4D creatures and so on.


So, you're right, even though there is an objective reality, it's our perception of this reality that defines what is real for us and what is beyond our understanding.

This sounds like scientific gibberish.

Even though an entity exist in a 2 dimension world does not mean they are exempt from the affects of higher dimension. 

As human beings we live in a 3 dimension world but only see in 2 dimension . It is our brain which gives us the perception of a 3 D world. Even in this 3 D world we still experience and see the affects of a higher dimension, the apple that falls to the ground.

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1 hour ago, cleopatra2 said:

This sounds like scientific gibberish.

Even though an entity exist in a 2 dimension world does not mean they are exempt from the affects of higher dimension. 

As human beings we live in a 3 dimension world but only see in 2 dimension . It is our brain which gives us the perception of a 3 D world. Even in this 3 D world we still experience and see the affects of a higher dimension, the apple that falls to the ground.

We may see in 2 dimensions, but we are 3 dimensional beings, at least our body is.

I don't dispute that higher dimensions affect us, quite the opposite actually. These higher dimensions affect us constantly, but most people are unaware of them or simply refuse to acknowledge them.

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1 hour ago, Sunmaster said:

We may see in 2 dimensions, but we are 3 dimensional beings, at least our body is.

I don't dispute that higher dimensions affect us, quite the opposite actually. These higher dimensions affect us constantly, but most people are unaware of them or simply refuse to acknowledge them.

you stated a creature living in a 2 dimension world would not see a 3 dimension glass of water . This is incorrect, the glass of water would be seen but not in its entirety, only the parts that interact in the 2 dimensions would be visible.

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17 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

you stated a creature living in a 2 dimension world would not see a 3 dimension glass of water . This is incorrect, the glass of water would be seen but not in its entirety, only the parts that interact in the 2 dimensions would be visible.

Correct, but that doesn't change the fact that for that creature the glass doesn't exist apart from a circle. 

In the same way some people acknowledge only the 3D part of meditation (its effects on the body), but are blind to its higher dimensions. 

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The title of this thread is "Do You Believe in God?" 


I was just wondering which god the OP is referring to? Historians suggest humans have worshiped around 12,000 gods. But that's only the ones they know about. 


They can't all be right, can they? 




So, what happened to Thor, Odin, Frigg, Balder, Loki, Tyr, Hod, and Heimdall, to name but a few? My point is this… gods come, and gods go, and the current batch will be no different—surely.




Sometimes, I envy those who have deep faith. Other times, I feel they're being controlled by an invisible dictator and pity them. I mean, that's what this would be if God were a man in a palace branding a WOE BETIDE YOU approach to governance. Wouldn't it?




Organized religion controls how its followers think, feel, and behave? 


Punishment for misbehaving doesn't get any worse than burning in the fires of hell for eternity. The threat of purgatory... more generally... is sure to keep a lot of believers on the straight and narrow, and that's the point.


Maybe smart men invented God's laws to make those who disrespect manmade laws behave themselves. A kind of backup plan, if you will. That would make sense.




The authors of holy scripts didn't pluck phrases like Fear of God and God-Fearing out of thin air. Instead, they exist as warnings to anyone tempted to cross the so-called lines of morality or crime.


Also, fellow humans wrote down everything any of us knows about organized religion. Followers then spread the word of god by preaching, a practice that continues to this day.




With so much fear associated with sin, one can't help but question the role of y' man, Satan. I mean, what happens to devil worshipers that haven't been bad enough? Are they sent to heaven as punishment? Could that be a loophole for petty sinners who want a one-way ticket to the man (or woman—sexist!) upstairs?




How the hell do I know? I'm just a poorly educated bloke from a lower working-class background. Thus, my opinions are less informed than those further up the intelligence chain. Therefore, you should take what I write with a big fat pinch of salt. But mere mortals like me are still entitled to an opinion, educated or otherwise.


Either that or be afraid… BE VERY AFRAID!



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21 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

real is real; there is no “idea” of real; no “alternative” reality or multiple “truths”.

Au Contraire - Black holes are real. And if you do not think that the reality in them is different than the reality of living on Earth, well ...

So there ARE multiple truths

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This is a good example of how people experience "Reality"


The parable of the blind men and an elephant originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused. It is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and who learn and conceptualize what the elephant is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a different part of the elephant's body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then describe the elephant based on their limited experience and their descriptions of the elephant are different from each other. In some versions, they come to suspect that the other person is dishonest and they come to blows. The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people's limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.


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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

Au Contraire - Black holes are real. And if you do not think that the reality in them is different than the reality of living on Earth, well ...

So there ARE multiple truths


It is not different truth just different  conditions. If a new thing is found there are not 2 truths. Humans need to think further about what is the best interpretation of truth. Science is as close to truth as we can get but by definition it is not the truth as it is not settled.

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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2 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:


It is not different truth just different  conditions. If a new thing is found there are not 2 truths. Humans need to think further about what is the best interpretation of truth. Science is as close to truth as we can get but by definition it is not the truth as it is not settled.

I agree to a certain point. 
Wouldn't you agree that a truth in 2D (to stay with the current analogy) is true, but that seen from 3D becomes only a partial truth? A science exploring 2D might be correct and true in that dimension/reality, but if you step up to 3D you would need a science that goes beyond 2D and takes into account 3D as well. 
Our current science paradigm is not able to take into account spiritual realities, apart from their physical manifestations. Do you think it would be possible to evolve this paradigm to include those realities as well? 

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2 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

I agree to a certain point. 
Wouldn't you agree that a truth in 2D (to stay with the current analogy) is true, but that seen from 3D becomes only a partial truth? A science exploring 2D might be correct and true in that dimension/reality, but if you step up to 3D you would need a science that goes beyond 2D and takes into account 3D as well. 
Our current science paradigm is not able to take into account spiritual realities, apart from their physical manifestations. Do you think it would be possible to evolve this paradigm to include those realities as well? 

I recall Carl Sagan in Cosmos using the 2D and 3D analogy. 

Science has no bounds as to what could be but bit by bit hopefully gets closer to the truth e.g. dark matter or what happens inside a black hole or some other yet to be found concept e.g. such as a form of spirituality. Testing is shining a light towards the likely truth. In the example above  they don't just feel the trunk of the elephant - they do tests to see if it is just a trunk, an elephant, or something else or just an illusion.


From a different outlook, e.g. inside a black hole or through some spiritual experience,  you might see a different reality .. a bit like in 2001 A Space Odyssey type thing. At that moment there is 2 different levels of knowledge. One is what science can prove within a small degree of doubt.  The second comes from what the individual can experience in that situation but not necessarily prove. That second individual, without scientific methods and testing,   cannot be sure their perception is closer to the truth than what science believes even if it is. They may, justifiably or not,  feel that they are discovering something new but they have to accept the limitations of their subjective experience and that it doesn't meet the objective standards of science let alone being able to defined by themselves as truth .... though it could be the truth.  




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15 hours ago, Stubby said:


In 27 months and 420 pages, even the "believers" still have no idea. Not so much as a definition and not a shread of tangible evidence. Same ol' tired nothing burger, which is they had some personal experience (felt something) and decided it was somehow important...therefore God! They also love using the God-of-the-gaps fallacy. Here's the short answer to catch you up.


There were a handful of monotheists...the bible bangin' Jesus types, but they've been sent packing...searching for greener pastures, filled with gullible Sheeple, to further spread that manure. 


All that's left are a couple pantheists (one who also seems a polytheist 555), whom claim god is everything. It is beauty, a sunset, a feeling, the trees and mountains, a cumulative consciousness...everything.

Yeah sure it is. 


And one now who is stuck on the subconscious and different levels of brain states. While no one here disputes such, he then somehow makes a colossal leap and claims a link to the topic. There is none. No link. ZERO. There is currently no accepted scientific evidence of any state of consciousness without a human brain or after the human brain exoures. To provide such evidence would be the first step. Only THEN, even if that were proven and accepted...THEN the real work would have to begin. Proving that some "god" exists which is the cause or reason or the answer behind it. 


One thing in which they are consistent...they all believe in "gods of divine hiddenness". 


Hope that helps. 

Edited by Skeptic7
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On 7/16/2021 at 12:54 AM, Surelynot said:

Absolutely.......religious schools are the work of the devil....

LOL. I went to 2 religious schools and they didn't convince me that religion was "real".

Religion is only as good or bad as the leaders and that includes schools.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Thinking that consciousness belongs to humans, is more or less like thinking that planet earth is the centre of the universe. 

It makes more sense to think that consciousness exists regardless of human existence, just look how many stars..

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Consciousness doesn't belong only to humans. It's a quality of all life-forms. How can an ant or a worm survive if it is not conscious of its environment?


However, the level and degree of consciousness varies significantly amongst the different species of animals. The human capacity for abstract thought puts us at the top of the pyramid. We can even imagine that a rock has consciousness. ????

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1 minute ago, VincentRJ said:


Consciousness doesn't belong only to humans. It's a quality of all life-forms. How can an ant or a worm survive if it is not conscious of its environment?


However, the level and degree of consciousness varies significantly amongst the different species of animals. The human capacity for abstract thought puts us at the top of the pyramid. We can even imagine that a rock has consciousness. ????

Logic tells me that there are many levels of consciousness. 

Thinking that human consciousness is the top of the pyramid is likely true on this planet, but there must be billions of planets. 

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28 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Logic tells me that there are many levels of consciousness. 

Thinking that human consciousness is the top of the pyramid is likely true on this planet, but there must be billions of planets. 

Of course I'm talking about this planet. I have no knowledge of life on other planets. However, I can speculate and imagine that such life forms exist on other planets, because I'm human with a capacity for abstract thought. However, I don't think worms could speculate about such issues. ????

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7 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

Of course I'm talking about this planet. I have no knowledge of life on other planets. However, I can speculate and imagine that such life forms exist on other planets, because I'm human with a capacity for abstract thought. However, I don't think worms could speculate about such issues. ????

I think you are right about the worms.

My point is, if there's obviously a " consciousness hierarchy " on our little planet, it's logical to think that there's a " consciousness hierarchy " on other planets and therefore in the universe ????

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On 7/17/2021 at 7:05 AM, Skeptic7 said:

In 27 months and 420 pages, even the "believers" still have no idea. Not so much as a definition and not a shread of tangible evidence. Same ol' tired nothing burger, which is they had some personal experience (felt something) and decided it was somehow important...therefore God! They also love using the God-of-the-gaps fallacy. Here's the short answer to catch you up.


There were a handful of monotheists...the bible bangin' Jesus types, but they've been sent packing...searching for greener pastures, filled with gullible Sheeple, to further spread that manure. 


All that's left are a couple pantheists (one who also seems a polytheist 555), whom claim god is everything. It is beauty, a sunset, a feeling, the trees and mountains, a cumulative consciousness...everything.

Yeah sure it is. 


And one now who is stuck on the subconscious and different levels of brain states. While no one here disputes such, he then somehow makes a colossal leap and claims a link to the topic. There is none. No link. ZERO. There is currently no accepted scientific evidence of any state of consciousness without a human brain or after the human brain exoures. To provide such evidence would be the first step. Only THEN, even if that were proven and accepted...THEN the real work would have to begin. Proving that some "god" exists which is the cause or reason or the answer behind it. 


One thing in which they are consistent...they all believe in "gods of divine hiddenness". 


Hope that helps. 

The level of misinformation and intellectual dishonesty is staggering, as usual.

1. You say I'm (I assume you mean me) stuck on the "subconscious". The truth is I never discussed the subconscious. What I've been talking about was "states of consciousness", not the same thing, is it now?

2. "A colossal leap..." It's only appears colossal to small minds.
A quick google search quickly and effortlessly supports the link between states of consciousness and what people experience as God or Cosmic Consciousness or Peak Experience.


A peak experience is an altered state of consciousness characterized by euphoria, often achieved by self-actualizing individuals.[1] The concept was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who describes peak experiences as "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter."[1]:21[2] There are several unique characteristics of a peak experience, but each element is perceived together in a holistic manner that creates the moment of reaching one's full potential.[3] Peak experiences can range from simple activities to intense events;[4][5] however, it is not necessarily about what the activity is, but the ecstatic, blissful feeling that is being experienced during it.


If you'd spend even a little time doing some actual research instead of throwing hissy fits, you would have benefitted a great deal from it. For example, read up on some of the scientists involved in consciousness research (I listed a few for you in a previous post), read the published scientific papers on mystical states of consciousness (SoC), read the scientific experiments made with entheogenic substances, highlighting the very link between SoC and spiritual/mystical/religious experiences that you so eagerly deny.

I'll add some links for you, lest you claim there's no scientific evidence again:





3. "There is currently no accepted scientific evidence of any state of consciousness without a human brain or after the human brain exoures." 
I have no idea what "exoures" means. Again, you're either willfully lying or you have some sort of comprehension deficit. Where did I ever discuss states of consciousness separated from the human brain? They are by definition related to the brain/mind, because it's the brain that's interpreting the objective reality. Depending on what state the brain is tuned in to, we experience different realities. Some of those states clearly facilitate the emergence of mystical experiences, as shown in a multitude of scientific experiments.

Now, for your own good, sit back, relax, take a few deep breaths and let this sink in before going on another rampage. 

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4 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

The level of misinformation and intellectual dishonesty is staggering, as usual.

1. You say I'm (I assume you mean me) stuck on the "subconscious". The truth is I never discussed the subconscious. What I've been talking about was "states of consciousness", not the same thing, is it now?

2. "A colossal leap..." It's only appears colossal to small minds.
A quick google search quickly and effortlessly supports the link between states of consciousness and what people experience as God or Cosmic Consciousness or Peak Experience.


A peak experience is an altered state of consciousness characterized by euphoria, often achieved by self-actualizing individuals.[1] The concept was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who describes peak experiences as "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter."[1]:21[2] There are several unique characteristics of a peak experience, but each element is perceived together in a holistic manner that creates the moment of reaching one's full potential.[3] Peak experiences can range from simple activities to intense events;[4][5] however, it is not necessarily about what the activity is, but the ecstatic, blissful feeling that is being experienced during it.


If you'd spend even a little time doing some actual research instead of throwing hissy fits, you would have benefitted a great deal from it. For example, read up on some of the scientists involved in consciousness research (I listed a few for you in a previous post), read the published scientific papers on mystical states of consciousness (SoC), read the scientific experiments made with entheogenic substances, highlighting the very link between SoC and spiritual/mystical/religious experiences that you so eagerly deny.

I'll add some links for you, lest you claim there's no scientific evidence again:





3. "There is currently no accepted scientific evidence of any state of consciousness without a human brain or after the human brain exoures." 
I have no idea what "exoures" means. Again, you're either willfully lying or you have some sort of comprehension deficit. Where did I ever discuss states of consciousness separated from the human brain? They are by definition related to the brain/mind, because it's the brain that's interpreting the objective reality. Depending on what state the brain is tuned in to, we experience different realities. Some of those states clearly facilitate the emergence of mystical experiences, as shown in a multitude of scientific experiments.

Now, for your own good, sit back, relax, take a few deep breaths and let this sink in before going on another rampage. 

Am semi-conscious with laughter...and nearly unconscious with  boredom. (insert yawn here) 


Talk about rants, tantrums and hissy fits...now there's a doozy! 555


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