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"Morally gross Russian beg-packers" face hail of criticism from Thais and foreigners alike

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What's "morally gross"?... how bout the 3 or 4 Thai woman sitting on the sidewalk at night on Loi Kroh rd.in ChiangMai with 'rental babies' in their laps begging for money. The stupid bitches sitting on their butts every night exposing those children to toxic air and rank atmosphere,they barely look alive.

I curse them every time I walk by,I know damn well its a racket.


Where are those morally superior Thais in this picture?  Ya, its soo easy to condemn a couple of young farangs down on their luck,so to speak. But too shit scared to confront the blatant inhumanity in their own backyards....morally bankrupt people in a morally bankrupt country...same same NOT different.

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I see a mobile phone in his pocket.  Someone should offer an insanely low price and see how serious they are to get back home.  bet they have a laptop with them somewhere too. ????They should be arrested and let to sit in the immigration tank until they can find a way home.  Less people would begpack

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7 hours ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

In Europe there are lots of foreign beggers. 


I’m not saying what these Russians are doing is okay! 


But why is it okay in Europe and if we said similiar things to what is being said in BKK we would be branded racist. 

Although no one mentions that, the fact is racism is rampant here. Or have I misunderstood? 

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Though I was reminded in a not too polite way that in this place only english writing was admitted

I would agree with post of the posts here

As I was student and bagpacker in Greece I never thought of begging that was out of my mind

But russian people ( if these ones are) are famous (most of them) to be rude, non educated and when drunk very agressive people ( that I can attest as they nearly killed me just for one drink at 140 baths!)

So definitely, I do not understand why there are so many russian people in Thaïland except that they arrive in numbers not far behind the chineses!

That is thaî décision, abd the more russians, the less french or english or german or swedish or norwish or...

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I don´t understand why people travel without enough money. Ok, Russia is a 2nd world country too like Thailand, but when I see people from western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and so on, 1st world countries, begging people from a 2nd word country for money I become angry.

It seems begging and GoFundMe is the newest trend for people without enough money to travel all over the world. Or becoming an influencer at Instagram ????

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2 hours ago, HaleySabai said:

What's "morally gross"?... how bout the 3 or 4 Thai woman sitting on the sidewalk at night on Loi Kroh rd.in ChiangMai with 'rental babies' in their laps begging for money. The stupid bitches sitting on their butts every night exposing those children to toxic air and rank atmosphere,they barely look alive.

I curse them every time I walk by,I know damn well its a racket.


Where are those morally superior Thais in this picture?  Ya, its soo easy to condemn a couple of young farangs down on their luck,so to speak. But too shit scared to confront the blatant inhumanity in their own backyards....morally bankrupt people in a morally bankrupt country...same same NOT different.


the 2 russian beggars are doing a smarter style. well groomed and well dressed as thai's typically judge by image not substance, the russian guys are likely doing well on donations

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1 hour ago, CNXexpat said:

I don´t understand why people travel without enough money. Ok, Russia is a 2nd world country too like Thailand, but when I see people from western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and so on, 1st world countries, begging people from a 2nd word country for money I become angry.

It seems begging and GoFundMe is the newest trend for people without enough money to travel all over the world. Or becoming an influencer at Instagram ????

'I don´t understand'.


Should have quit while the going was good.

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They just did not do it correctly , most all YouTube video bloggers beg for money and some are making good money doing it, a couple of the You Tubers beg through their entire video and they do not pay Thailand taxes but live in Thailand and talk about how Thailand is still a poor country , these two young men just need to buy a phone that has video capabilities go to Pattaya and video the bar girls, add a few words like it takes money to do these video's for you and let the money poor in. 

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Blacklist them before they enter.....The Land of Smiles.


It’s seems to be becoming a rash. .... sure there are some people

that legitimately need help. If your on a trip even low budget be prepared if something goes sideways. 


I’ve seen it here in the NE but I’m sure it runs rapid in BKK.


When I was lived in the US I do t mind helping if someone is in trouble maybe have kids ...I will give something if I have it.


If im on the border if are they sincere or a scam. I would say I

will buy them something to eat at a place within within a short 

walk. Many of them no want cash... bye bye 

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13 hours ago, essox essox said:

thought there was a law regarding beggars....I just read it this morning!!!

so why NOT round them up and put them in clink??

Because they have no money to pay off whoever to get out.

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As long as they are not sitting on the ground in the middle of a path where many people walk along and thus would risk that people trip over them, i don't really care about beggars.

Edited by jackdd
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Of all the things to be ‘enraged’ about, this is one of them?

Small-minded curtain twitchers gossiping like grandmothers posting b0ll0x onto social media..... that’s the real outrage 

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17 hours ago, mok199 said:

This style of travel is promoted in a TV series called ''the kindness diaries''where a spiritual man travels around the world ''on the kindness of strangers''.....I call it freeloading

Tell that to The Buddha...... it any monk while your at it. 

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17 hours ago, moontang said:

loitering is not a right.  Being indigent in a foreign country could easily be a deportable offense.  They have a consulate or embassy...Of course I do not do business with the very dark skinned, but the russians are a classic case of dont trust people that are too white.

Of course you don't. What racist would? 

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16 hours ago, Kevin mcbeath said:

Cops should check their finances bank balances, visa also when they entered the kingdom etc etc. there is always a few Beg packers operating in Phuket. 

This should apply to all those who enter Thailand? The wait at immigration will be a sight to behold. 

Or are you only talking about Russians?  Or only young people? 

An elderly non Russian white guy would never come here to survive on a meagre pension,  would they? 

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I wonder why Big Joke clamped down on immigration? Could it be he wanted to rid of the non-contributing members of the expat community. Nobody in their right mind likes chaps like this around

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You’re missing the main point - the "just ignore them and move on if you dont like it” brigade need to remember they are contributing to the evidence of Thais that believe foreigners are not worth having in the country!! Its scroungers like them that give the authorities a reason to make us keep 800,000 baht in the bank for VISA purposes!!

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30 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I'm surprised some of the usual suspects haven't demanded the guys to be crushed.

That seems to be one of the only three responses they are capable of,to anything,  ban, tax or crush.

Be sure to give them a hug for me too when you see them!

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What makes this particularly unpalatable for me is, that when I came to live in Thailand 4 years ago from London, one of the many things that first struck me, was a complete lack of begging. Most Thai people, unless they have had a Government job will not receive a state pension, and consequently, as most of you will know, have to continue working until they shuffle their feet into the next dimension.


Where I live (Hua Hin) there is a very old lady, bent over a small trolly at 90° unable to stand upright, trudging the Soi’s looking for plastic bottles to try and get a few Baht for. I feel an obligation from my relative place of comfort, to stop and give her a few Baht when I see her, but it is not much I know, and there are many like her in Thailand. So it sickens me to see these two young men begging when a frail, crippled old lady is too proud to. I hope they are arrested, prosecuted and banned from ever entering the Kingdom again. I also hope other things for them, but somethings are better left unsaid ..... PEACE

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42 minutes ago, bizboi said:

You’re missing the main point - the "just ignore them and move on if you dont like it” brigade need to remember they are contributing to the evidence of Thais that believe foreigners are not worth having in the country!! Its scroungers like them that give the authorities a reason to make us keep 800,000 baht in the bank for VISA purposes!!


Are you for real? You think a couple beggars are going to drag the.image down more than the hundreds of thousands who come here to exploit their women? 

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21 hours ago, giddyup said:

It's a scam. IMO they are just trying to raise money to supplement their holiday. Let them ring their parents if they need money to get back home. Bludgers.


Regardless, begging is a criminal offense in Thailand. If they really need help, go to the Russian embassy, surrender passports and be repatriated. End of story. 

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Some of these bitter twisted posters will be in a similar situation in the future, their state pensions going less far each year, the exchange rates not providing the minimum for a visa anymore, their wives no longer wanting someone who only pisses their little.money up the wall.  The very same posters calling for those who cant support themselves to be banned, jailed or worse, will be posting on TV that they are destitute and its all Thailands fault.  Just wait and see if you dont believe me, we've seen it so many times before, you would imagine the expat community would grow some empathy, but no, they just get more bitter and twisted and lash out at anyone they percieve to be different.

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