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EC party-list calculation opens a can of worms

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3 hours ago, Eligius said:

I'm sorry, I have to say this again, as quite a number of Thaivisa posters pooh-pooed my (and others') insistence a number of months back that the 'election' would be rigged. 'Oh no,' people said, 'they cannot do that. That is basically impossible in this day and age. No, they cannot fix the election result'.


Well, was that naive or what?! Also, how naive do the anti-junta politicians have to be STILL to believe that they will have any effective 'legal' redress? Don't they realise by now that the ruling Thai powers and adjudicators are rotten to the core?!


Some of us KNEW (it was not difficult to know, after all) that the militarists would ride back into town (or rather, would never leave it) as the dominant rulers of the land. Some of us were not born yesterday!


Err..the powers that be never left town- hence no reason to ride back into it..


They were in the saloon with Curly Joe (comedy only)



Edited by Odysseus123
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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

The general don't have the guns, the leadership or the willingness to stand against those that do. I cannot blame them either.


Unfortunately IMO, that is what is needed.

It's the only solution unfortunately. The people are Thai so it ain't going to happen.


They are not a race of complainers. They are not a race of fighters. They are a race that has subservience and respect for their elders and, more importantly, betters ingrained in their psyche.


Also, any dissent shown is firmly and sometimes brutally stamped on.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Nobody really talks about that. For fear or reprisal from either the mods, or anyone else. But, it is a glaring reality. Nobody knows how much, but it is bound to be in the billions.

One person has just taken 30 billion plus (USD) from the state coffers and put it in his back pocket.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The general population did rose up in 1973, 1992 and 2010 and was mercilessly put down by the military. The anti junta activists and UDD are also protest fatigue and know too well that they never win against the military and the establishment. I don't see much hope for democracy looking forward. Hopefully the youth of today and party like FFP will be able to generate a movement peacefully to erode the military dominance in politics. 

There were more uprisings, but it seems none of them were big enough. I hear some Thai talking about the need for much more massive uprisings nation wife. Though the fear would be that with 10-100 times the size of any protest we have seen before, the number of casualties could also increase exponentialy. Where is the breaking point that the army can no longer kill off it's people and be ousted from politics and civilian affairs once and for all?

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9 hours ago, webfact said:


The results are likely to set up a period of coalition building, since neither the pro-military bloc of parties nor a "democratic front" opposition alliance so far has enough votes to elect a prime minister under rules written by the junta.

that means the country has no PM ???

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9 hours ago, Spidey said:

A right stitch up! Anyone surprised?

not a slightly bit, the contrary would have been a BIG surprise

Edited by batata
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Yes it's rigged, however, a lot of Thais did vote to keep a military junta in place. Tells you what kind of country Thailand and it's inhabitants are. Zero votes for usurpers would have been the only just result. Up to you if you want to stay here.

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4 hours ago, neeray said:

How the general population can live with this sh^t is beyond me.


I wonder what country leaders will congratulate them. (I can guess one)

Because they have the democracy they allowed to happen and voted for with the constitution. that's if the voting also wasn't fudged by the junta.

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8 hours ago, Spidey said:

YMMV. Can't see how it could affect me any time soon.

If you cannot envisage how a lack of democracy and thus government accountability might impact the circumstances surrounding where you live that says more about your lack of vision than anything else. You haven’t  noticed the recent issues surrounding visa extensions that have impacted many....or maybe you simply think because they don’t your circumstances now that will never change? 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

When they rewrote the constitution, they appointed all of those 250 crony senators, for just this occasion. Even though the army was soundly beaten, and the Thai people have made it known they are despised, disapproved of, and considered to be incompetent and phony, they end up with another five years. No surprise there. I cannot even begin to imagine what this nation will look like five years from now, but I virtually guarantee it will be a shadow of it's former self. The army is only going to get more incompetent, as that is all they know.

will  they freeze our bank accounts? yikes!

Edited by malibukid
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