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Snarling orange 'Trump baby' blimp to mock U.S. president in Britain, protesters say


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2 hours ago, Becker said:

Yes, let's disrespect those that shirked their duty when their country came calling. Agreed?

It's the same the whole world over. Very few UK politicians have ever been in the forces let alone seen active service. After the lessons of the Great War few sons of the privileged elite were placed in danger if it could possibly be avoided.


The overwhelming majority of casualties are always suffered by men from working class backgrounds. That's why they're referred to as Cannon Fodder.


Our Home Secretary and the Mayor of London were never in the forces either. Neither was Theresa May's husband.

Edited by yogi100
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15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

It's the same the whole world over. Very few UK politicians have ever been in the forces let alone seen active service. After the lessons of the Great War few sons of the privileged elite were placed in danger if it could possibly be avoided.


The overwhelming majority of casualties are always suffered by men from working class backgrounds. That's why they're referred to as Cannon Fodder.


Our Home Secretary and the Mayor of London were never in the forces either. Neither was Theresa May's husband.

I would never criticise anyone for not going into the armed forces voluntarily but you have to seriously question the character of anyone that dodged the draft through duplicitous and morally abhorrent methods.

Especially if they were then running to be the commander and chief of said armed forces.    

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

What impact this has on Trump has yet to be seen, but it’s certainly got a few of his supporters here on TVF blowing a gasket.


What would you have thought had a similar inflatable effigy of the King of Saudi Arabia or the Chinese leader been flown over London when they visited.


You know it's OK cos there will be no comebacks where Trump is concerned that's why. If there were that would suit Khan down to the ground but he'd be OK on his 150,000 quid a year salary and that's without his wonderful pension and other perks that come the way of any mayor of London.


You can't guarantee that that would be the same with the Chinese and the Saudis.


He can afford to be the ignorant, rude, insulting pig that he is but those of us who have to produce wealth don't have that luxury.



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11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You seem to have a problem with the people of the U.K. exercising their democratic right to peacefully protest.


You also seem to have missed the demonstrations with a million plus attendees demonstrating against the UK Government’s current course of action re Brexit.


(Admittedly you probably spotted the  10,000 pro-Brexit demonstrators while ignoring the 1,000,000 pro-Remain demonstrators).


Peaceful, democratic protest is alive and well in the U.K.


Those who protest are not losers, they are participating in democracy.

by not accepting a democratic vote where the majority of voters voted FOR something - you really don’t grasp basic politics do you?

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3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I would never criticise anyone for not going into the armed forces voluntarily but you have to seriously question the character of anyone that dodged the draft through duplicitous and morally abhorrent methods.

Especially if they were then running to be the commander and chief of said armed forces.    

Are you talking about Khan?

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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

What impact this has on Trump has yet to be seen, but it’s certainly got a few of his supporters here on TVF blowing a gasket.

and a few of his critics posting 4000 posts a day by all account!!

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


What would you have thought had a similar inflatable effigy of the King of Saudi Arabia or the Chinese leader been flown over London when they visited.


You know it's OK cos there will be no comebacks where Trump is concerned that's why. If there were that would suit Khan down to the ground but he'd be OK on his 150,000 quid a year salary and that's without his wonderful pension and other perks that come the way of any mayor of London.


You can't guarantee that that would be the same with the Chinese and the Saudis.


He can afford to be the ignorant, rude, insulting pig that he is but those of us who have to produce wealth don't have that luxury.



We don’t discriminate against ANY dictator




and £150k to run London? Bargain. 

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If Brits demand subtlety, wit, irony, sub-text, and refined manners from their leaders, then they should dig up Bernard Shaw, jam a puppeteering pole up his sphincter, and elect him as the new Prime Minister. While highly entertaining, I think, Trump doesn't exist to amuse or edify people. He's there to get things done, period, when none of the rest of the professional politicians have the bullocks to do so. Obama may have all the social graces Trump lacks, but was Obama ever going to do anything about the trade deficit with China? He doesn't have the stomach for it. He'd rather win the popularity contest. If Trump really cared about the vitriol he receives, he'd hide behind his speech writers and image consultants like Hilary did. Brits are more interested in form than they have ever been in function, and this is why British men, once they enter the Kingdom of Thailand, practically fall to their knees in tears, so grateful are they to be able breathe for once in their fatally repressed lives. 

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Don't conflate disrespect for Trump with disrespect for America or Americans. Many would argue that resisting Trump is in fact an affirmation of American values. Trump constantly tramples on American core values, and regularly undermines just about every American institution whenever it serves his selfish purposes. Showing disrespect towards such a man should be seen as an affirmation of American values, and true patriots, those who love democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution should applaud any and all efforts to thwart his anti-democratic and totalitarian impulses.
Yes Brits please make him feel very unwelcome. Whatever it takes. He's an embarrassing disgrace and people of no country should ever accept such an unfit demagogue as a normal American president. He's a very unfortunate aberration.

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Sock it to him, cousins!

If possible, lock him in a room with Assange, see how long they last.

Two men enter, one man leaves!  (preferably NEITHER leaves!)


reason being because it hurts his inflated ego and his narcissistic persona

Balloon?  Inflated?  Love it!  Maybe he'll get Farage to try to sabotage it.




Edited by bendejo
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"The baby always had an element of fun, but we're deadly serious about standing in solidarity with those affected by Trump and the politics he represents across the world," said Sheila Menon, one of the team behind the blimp. "


Should get a few quid in from China and Venezuela, and a huuugggee donation from Iran then. Few roubles too.


All from a  balloon. Well done lads.

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2 hours ago, bizboi said:

by not accepting a democratic vote where the majority of voters voted FOR something - you really don’t grasp basic politics do you?

And you don't don't grasp that remainers refuse to accept the democratic  vote in which the majority voters voted against that same 'something' and would do so again if the rise of the support for Farage's Brexit party is anything to go by.

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are not nearly as many "ordinary" "trump" loving Brits as you think!



And who conduced that poll. YouGov! I'm surprised that it was not 97% or even 100% that found him 'a poor or terrible president'.


Did the same people at YouGov carry out the POTUS polls or the Brexit polls before the actual votes came in?


Is it the same people from that same organisation, that same British government who lied to us three years ago about how the result of the referendum would be 'final and binding'. We're still in the EU!


I was never consulted in this or any other YouGov 'poll' and neither was a single person I know. They probably conducted them at the London School of Economics or some other emporium of further 'education'. 


They've conducted such polls exclusively at universities and colleges in the past. They totally dismiss what Joe Bloggs has to say about such matters considering him to be naturally stupid, bigoted, uneducated and racist so his opinions don't count.


This is despite the fact that he's just as entitled to vote as any left wing champagne socialist who's learned what he thinks he knows about life at some college and was taught it by a left wing or communist lecturer or professor who's never done a real day's work in his life.


But it was American Joe Bloggses who put Trump in the White House, it's British Joe Bloggses who will be supporting Farage in the coming elections and the European Joe Bloggses who are driving the populous movement all over continental Europe.


The fact that Trump ever got to be POTUS in the first place is solely down to the half baked, politically correct agenda of Amercan liberals. And it will be again when he gets re elected in 2020.

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My apologies to the great English people for having to let Donald foul your shores take heart he is a temp soon he will be like a bad memory and Jonny Bangkok spot on fits Donald to a tee

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15 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Your post is silly beyond description.


Of course social protest  can bring about changes.      It's happened all across the planet.


Didn't you ever notice? 

What changes do you think they will achieve?

Do you think a few Brits are going to affect the outcome of the next POTUS election?

If so, doesn't this smack of foreign interference? Maybe we will need a 2 year investigation afterwards.

Yes, now I am just being silly.

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11 hours ago, yogi100 said:

It was not exactly a very just and honourable war

Maybe not, but what wars are?


However to openly criticise an American war hero who did have the guts to go and fight, when Trump didn't, shows the character of this pathetic individual.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


Is there something derogatory about "Brits"?  You seem to take offense at the remark.


Can't you be bothered to write Britons, it's only two letters longer.


I bet you don't use the shortened term for Pakistanis nor the shortened version of Filipinos because doing so is not considered respectful nor adequately politically correct.


I'm an Englishman so therefore a Briton and it's my choice and my right to consider the shorten term for my people to also be disrespectful and politically incorrect. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. I do hope that's OK with you.



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1 hour ago, xylophone said:

Maybe not, but what wars are?


However to openly criticise an American war hero who did have the guts to go and fight, when Trump didn't, shows the character of this pathetic individual.

"Maybe not"


Are you for real. Even some members of the American public castigated US troops when they returned to US soil. Which although it was none of my business I admittedly did not consider that fair nor acceptable behaviour.


But try justifying to older SE Asians the need for the estimated two million fatalities of their neighbouring people that perished because of US involvement in Vietnam. The Thais were only too disgusted by what took place at My Lai because like everyone else they also had a comprehensive media service back then. The whole world knew.


The US wanted the UK to get involved but at least to his credit unlike Tony Bliar our PM Harold Wilson kept us out of it.

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