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UK's May hangs on after Brexit gambit backfires


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2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Her full term hasn’t been implemented. She wasn’t vote to be a temporary PM until further notice. 


I thought we are discussing people demanding her to be replaced before her term ends. Whether that’s June 2019 or July or November (it probably won’t be this month). 

Sorry Fritzy, you don't know enough about the UK rules to preach to us. Back to the EU with you. 
She's only the PM because her party members of parliament made her so. What the CON party giveth, they can also taketh away. She does not have a 'term', only leadership under internal CON party rules. They can be changed as the party membership wishes.

Her time will be up in a few minutes.

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Expected that May will announce her departure date today.  Then all the runners and riders will appear jostling for their pitch.  Some will think that they can win but most will just be there to do deals and pledge their allegiances in return for positions in the next government. It will be messy and dirty tricks will doubtlessly abound. 

Dirty tricks all over the world politically.
Politics is the dirtiest " sport " globally

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Just now, Dumbastheycome said:

Next period of chaos to be the sharp knives out then ?

Donald bring extra hankies...


She was very emotional at the end of speech, nearly choked holding back the tears, left the lectern running for the door...


If it had not been the hell she has put us through in the last few months I would have felt sorry for her.  

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Reports suggest there could be as many as 17 who will throw their hats in the ring.  Probably only about five serious contenders though.  Certainly plenty of back stabbing will go on and we know Johnson and Gove know how that works!  Should be entertaining 

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I agree.  Unfortunately they would never get the Brexit they voted for because (yet again) what they voted for was just a pack of lies.  It's like me saying "Vote for me and I will give you free beer for life!"  Sounds good but it can't be delivered.
That is why we are in the pickle we are in now.  If Brexit could have been delivered as promised then it would have been.  Nobody wanted this mess.
Read the daily express..a certain right hand man of t may tells it like it is.
All she wants is a damage limitation job.

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51 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Expected that May will announce her departure date today.  Then all the runners and riders will appear jostling for their pitch.  Some will think that they can win but most will just be there to do deals and pledge their allegiances in return for positions in the next government. It will be messy and dirty tricks will doubtlessly abound. 

She just did, leaving on 7th of June.


Just saw you posted the date already.

Edited by stevenl
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Well certainly seems her deal is dead...


She was talking that her successor will pick up the reigns of Brexit, but I just can not see any successor getting anything better other than a watered down brexit, and even if say Boris does become the next leader no way is he going to get a no deal brexit past the Commons. 

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

She had an impossible task and was very stupid to take it on when the orchestrators ran away.  She should have seen it as the poisoned chalice that it was but ambition blinded her.  I do feel sorry for her but her naivety led to her downfall.  We are all paying the price for that naivety now.

As I said I would have felt sorry for her, but since falling at the first and second attempt, she continued doing something that was so damaging to the country... 


I won't say she is one of the ones there is a special place in the afterlife, but at this time I do not think I can say anything kinder. 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Donald will have a field day if May is still in place, which she will almost certainly will be.  Some many "I told you so" comments from him and no doubt he will try to talk Johnson up in the process.


The real worry is that one of those moronic leave lunatics will take over and then just run the clock down, meaning that the UK leaves without a deal by default.  They will say they tried to get a new deal but it was too late and it wasn't their fault etc. etc.


As usual we will just be by-standers in all this while the egomaniacs continue on their suicide mission.  Of course the MP's can stop that happening but will only do so if it fits their individual agendas.




Pity you're dun roaming, otherwise you could do us moronic Brexiters a favour and jump ship - preferably taking all the other equally arrogant Remoaners with you.

Edited by Krataiboy
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5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

They didn't discard the vote. They made her the PM. If they had changed their minds about her before making her PM and held another vote to elect someone else then your analogy would make sense.


The key point here is that Remainers are trying to overturn the Referendum result before we've left. Understand the obvious difference? 





If you make a decision and then whilst having great difficulty trying to implement that decision, considerable things change, more information becomes available such that a re-appraisal might be sensible would you:


a) insist on implementing the original decision first ignoring new information and changes, regardless of the consequences. And only then re-consider?


b) re-consider the wisdom of the original decision, put the brakes on and reverse if necessary?


Think carefully.

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7 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:


Pity you're dun roaming, otherwise you could do us moronic Brexiters a favour and jump ship - preferably taking all the other equally arrogant Remoaners with you.


Obviously given up trying to win the intelligent argument.


So resort to playground insults and behavior.


Yep, that's Brexiteers for you,

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Well certainly seems her deal is dead...
She was talking that her successor will pick up the reigns of Brexit, but I just can not see any successor getting anything better other than a watered down brexit, and even if say Boris does become the next leader no way is he going to get a no deal brexit past the Commons. 

A hard liner does not NEED to get it " past the commons "
New PM and all that.

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She had an impossible task and was very stupid to take it on when the orchestrators ran away.  She should have seen it as the poisoned chalice that it was but ambition blinded her.  I do feel sorry for her but her naivety led to her downfall.  We are all paying the price for that naivety now.
All she wanted was s damage controlled Brexit
Read Nick Timothy

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21 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

She had an impossible task and was very stupid to take it on when the orchestrators ran away.  She should have seen it as the poisoned chalice that it was but ambition blinded her.  I do feel sorry for her but her naivety led to her downfall.  We are all paying the price for that naivety now.


Totally agree. I though she was appalling as Home Secretary and never up to the PM job regardless of Brexit.


But she had 2 advisers who apparently wielded real influence over her. I guess they told her she'd be o k as PM because she could exercise the Royal Prerogative and implement Brexit by executive decision. When the Supreme Court rules she couldn't the advised to go for a GE believing she'd increase her majority and hopefully have enough MP's too support her without the hard Brexiters. When that failed she sacked them and has been floundering even more since.


Her career is finished and history isn't going to be kind.


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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Donald will have a field day if May is still in place, which she will almost certainly will be.  Some many "I told you so" comments from him and no doubt he will try to talk Johnson up in the process.

You think Trump will talk up Boris? I'm not sure if Trump will have forgotten Boris' comments from 2015: 


"I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind if he thinks that's a sensible way to proceed, to ban people going to the United States in that way, or to any country. What he's doing is playing the game of the terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That's exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce.

"When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are ‘no go’ areas, I think he’s betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States."



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3 minutes ago, malagateddy said:



A hard liner does not NEED to get it " past the commons "
New PM and all that.

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Yes he/she does.


Parliament is sovereign. Not the PM or cabinet/executive. 


How quickly some forget the Supreme Court ruling.


They new PM could try prevaricating, like May did, and running time out so the UK leaves 31/10 with no deal by default. Almost certain Macron will veto any further extension. 



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Yes he/she does.
Parliament is sovereign. Not the PM or cabinet/executive. 
How quickly some forget the Supreme Court ruling.
They new PM could try prevaricating, like May did, and running time out so the UK leaves 31/10 with no deal by default. Almost certain Macron will veto any further extension. 


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Yes he/she does.
Parliament is sovereign. Not the PM or cabinet/executive. 
How quickly some forget the Supreme Court ruling.
They new PM could try prevaricating, like May did, and running time out so the UK leaves 31/10 with no deal by default. Almost certain Macron will veto any further extension. 
If macron still has a job over in france???!!!

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15 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You think Trump will talk up Boris? I'm not sure if Trump will have forgotten Boris' comments from 2015: 


"I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind if he thinks that's a sensible way to proceed, to ban people going to the United States in that way, or to any country. What he's doing is playing the game of the terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That's exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce.

"When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are ‘no go’ areas, I think he’s betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States."



Trump is like Don King, who famously declared that he "entered the ring with the Champion, and left the ring with the Champion" even when that meant stepping over a horizontal boxer in order to 'rugby-tackle' the bloke who had just knocked him out & was about to become Kings latest cash-cow.


UK can expect Trump to do same with May & her likely successor(s) from next week.

Edited by evadgib
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10 hours ago, CapraIbex said:

Behold, your salvation comes; behold, The Donald is the Messiah, the savior - we're all so blessed!

You think the British / Conservatives will agree before, who will be her successor ? ?

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

You think Trump will talk up Boris? I'm not sure if Trump will have forgotten Boris' comments from 2015: 


"I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind if he thinks that's a sensible way to proceed, to ban people going to the United States in that way, or to any country. What he's doing is playing the game of the terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That's exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce.

"When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are ‘no go’ areas, I think he’s betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States."



A perfect host for Trump…..

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2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:


Pity you're dun roaming, otherwise you could do us moronic Brexiters a favour and jump ship - preferably taking all the other equally arrogant Remoaners with you.

Being a bit sensitive today aren't we ????


I was referring to the moronic Brexiteer MPs who will be putting their grubby hands up and shouting "Choose me".  I've got plenty of Brexiteer friends that are certainly not morons. Even some on TV.  You really should read the posts a little more carefully before having a hissy fit.

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