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1 minute ago, BritTim said:

Well, in 1990, that might have been true (though, even then, one would need to add Singapore). Today, countries like South Korea and Mainland China have clearly outstripped Thailand. Countries like Malaysia and Vietnam (even parts of Indonesia) are competitive. Yes, Thailand still has more facilities than countries like Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, but that is not much of a level to aspire to. The fact is that, while the standard of living of Thais has generally improved greatly (an important achievement) the country has gone backwards as far as becoming an advanced economy is concerned.

yes, I agree with that. 


Singapore is south,  hence I didn't include it.  

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17 hours ago, BritTim said:

I 100% agree with you that there is no coordinated effort to rid Thailand of long stay foreigners. However, I also believe that a significant proportion of the Thai elite feel (as in many countries) that their national identity is being eroded by the presence of so many foreigners bringing their own cultures and behaviour into the country. Where that xenophobic group has influence, I do see a trend towards trying to rid the country of those they consider most damaging to traditional Thai society.

That's acceptable.

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17 hours ago, BritTim said:

I 100% agree with you that there is no coordinated effort to rid Thailand of long stay foreigners. However, I also believe that a significant proportion of the Thai elite feel (as in many countries) that their national identity is being eroded by the presence of so many foreigners bringing their own cultures and behaviour into the country. Where that xenophobic group has influence, I do see a trend towards trying to rid the country of those they consider most damaging to traditional Thai society.

That's acceptable.

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16 hours ago, Essecola said:

Cambodia and the Philippines are awful compared to Thailand and Bangkok. Try getting seriously ill in Cambodia and see what medical services are there. Nothing reliable

Malaysia has first class medical care.  check out Prince Hospital in KL

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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Part of it is people haven't got enough to do so just keep scaremongering and the like

I agree. The fuel may anxiety, resentment, general unhappiness and other "substances". 

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12 hours ago, donnacha said:


That is the problem. Uncoordinated though it may be, there is a general consensus among the Thai elites that the country has made a mistake in becoming a destination for "poor" farangs. When they travel abroad, they see that other major destinations attract far richer tourists, and fondly imagine that they can swap out their existing kee nok guests for the five-star travelers they see in Switzerland or New York.

In Thailand, wealth is, in itself, a moral good. They do not see that 40 million "poor" tourists adds up to a lot of money (10% of their GDP), they do not see that their kee nok expats were there to prop up the economy and support entire families back in leaner times. Arguably, the reliable font of farang money pumped into the poorest regions of Thailand for decades has propped up the system and allowed the elites to avoid any real pressure to provide services to the poor.

Like most Thais, the elites dream of sudden windfalls that require no real effort or investment. As their economy falters, they look to apportion blame to someone else. Their unsatisfactory farangs have let them down. They feel no gratitude, they have no sense that much of Thailand's current wealth was built upon decades of Westerners loyally returning every year and spunking away their valuable foreign currency.


Yes, they will cull the herd. They will continue to replace Western tourism with Chinese and, when that falters, Indian. They will continue to make it more complicated and expensive for expats to stay here, all while prices rise and the air quality deteriorates. So, in their uncoordinated way, from different directions, they will all keep hitting the golden goose with hammers.

And, one morning, after the Chinese property bubble crashes, and the despised farangs have mostly moved on to Vietnam, The Philippines, Malaysia and, even, Indonesia, the Thais will wonder why there is so much less money around, and why they have to work so very hard to keep up with their neighbors.

might add that the Thai's do not see large sum of money i put in bank or the fact that i and others do rescue work for animals that they don't  give a #$%^ about.  

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Maybe along with all the other ministries, it might be good to have a ministry of Correct Information and Translation. That way all the ministries that have policies that do have an impact on foreigners can channel their communications through this branch.  

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14 hours ago, donnacha said:

And, one morning, after the Chinese property bubble crashes,

You were doing so well, too.


There isn't a Chinese property bubble. The Government makes sure of that because it's the one and only thing that might depose them.


No sub prime mortgages in China and a fair amount of properties are bought for cash.

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