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VIDEO: Fingerprint and facial recognition now scanning passengers at Don Mueang Airport


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7 hours ago, outsider said:


It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


Right. I said the same thing upon arriving at LAX. The fingerprint scanners were so filthy that I was disgusted.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

I Imagine a Chinese tour group swimming upstream. Credit to the draconian herd handlers at swampy though, I think I've seen them wield a cattle prod to keep the herd intact. Maybe use German shepherds, too.

Like everything else the Chinese are in front here. They've had these in Chinese airports for at least two years. Thailand probably did their feasibility study for this in China.

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17 minutes ago, onthemoon said:

Right. I said the same thing upon arriving at LAX. The fingerprint scanners were so filthy that I was disgusted.

Last time I went to SG the IO had to reach over and clean the bodily fluids off the glass with a rag before it took my prints. Yummy. I'd much prefer a retinal scan.

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48 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Last time I went to SG the IO had to reach over and clean the bodily fluids off the glass with a rag before it took my prints. Yummy. I'd much prefer a retinal scan.




I had a retinal scan during an overnight entry to Abu Dhabi. Far simpler, cleaner and faster.

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5 hours ago, bluepeter said:

I have had operations on both hands. The third finger on my left hand will not register a full print and my little (pinky) finger on my right hand is at 90 degrees. Have the IO been briefed on what to do? I fear the worst.

Yep, pretty sure there was a notice saying if you are unable to scan fingerprints / have an injury to let the IO know.  

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6 hours ago, petedk said:

I just hope it works better than our door lock.


We have just had a fingerprint scan door lock installed and it never works for me. I have had 3 different fingers registered and none of them work. Last night I put my thumb on the scanner 51 times without it being accepted.

If it is like that at the airport, I can imagine the long queue behind me.


Having said that, the finger print scanner to unlock my phone works perfectly. 

You counted them?  51 times?  
We have fingerprint door locks at our office and they have worked perfectly since day one.


51 times?

Edited by josephbloggs
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3 hours ago, jackdd said:

When i left at CNX they scanned 4 fingers on one hand, 4 fingers on the other hand, and then both thumbs. When i entered Thailand at CNX after this they only scanned 4 fingers of one hand.

So it could be that if your first 4 fingers match data in their system, then you don't have to scan the other fingers. Did anybody observe this as well?

Yes, that's how it works.  Both hands and thumbs first time, then from then onwards just the right hand.

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9 hours ago, brain150 said:

Goerge Orwell's 1984 on steroids !!!


Just in case anybody thinks this has anything to do with security - nope !!!

It has everything to do with total control.


Social Credit scores to come next.


A total nightmare to anybody who can still use his brain for just a second - not many left it seems !!!

... the media mind control is working perfectly - babies being treated like babies !!!


but when you see so many people tag the face of every body on facebook pictures...




Smartphone make (so many) people very stupid.

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11 hours ago, ETatBKK said:

Biometric scanning is good, should as soon !


QUEUING is not good ????  last week Friday evening in Suvarnabhumi Airport, it took me 1 hour 45minutes to go through the Immigration.  yesterday, the queue extended about 200 meters away from the duty free shops at the entrance of the Immigration hall.


how it would happen in a less spacious Don Muang Immigration ?


don't get me wrong, new tech is welcome, but someone should manage the queuing order in a more creative way !

I left Thailand last Friday evening, went through immigration around 6pm and only had about 4-5 others Infront of me, took less than 10 minutes,  including having the new biometric scan done, I was impressed, when I leave again next month see what happens.




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12 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

What happens for those who entered haggard, had facial reconstruction (plastic surgery) ??

Grow a beard after entering??

I know mine has refused to let me out of Australia once for some reason, soon sorted by human intervention, but just wondering for those whose appearance has changed

I personally think it is a damn good idea



Facial recognition?  Amazing technology really. 


In no way does it try to compare faces like we do, what it does, is map a bunch of points on your face, measuring exact distances, such as inside and outside of eyes, along with how far is the tip of the chin, lips, etc. etc. and then comes up with a number for you.


Then, if just has to compare your number, with the number given to you previously, by another system anywhere in the world.


You know how fast computers can match numbers, right?


So if you think that finding "you" in a database of even billions of people is going to take a long time, think again.


Ok, to be fair, there are probably thousands of "you" numbers, people who have similar enough faces to yours to be given the same, or very similar number.


But it very quickly narrows you down from billions of people to thousands, (an amazing feat, really) and then goes on to match other known facts about you (male/female, age, and so on), to narrow it down to....   is it you, or not?


If it thinks it is not you (probably), thats when humans get involved to sort things out, or lock you up. 

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14 hours ago, outsider said:


It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


Not to worry, the gym I use in Spain has a bracelet with a identity chip which one places near a scanner, then that activates the fingerprint scanner and if all good in you go! Could the bio-metric chip in my passport be the bracelet? A camera and finger print scanner handy? Perhaps that would work very well?

There can be problems at our gym though, when your finger is too dry or wet and the scanner can't recognise it.....

Hope you didn't injure it..... A bandage....

My phone lets me scan as many fingers as I like so why not here too?
Never mind, there is human intervention available at the gym on a dedicated speaker phone. No queues LOL


This is soon to be replaced with an embedded RFI chip with ALL your personal data, banking etc and a GPS transmitter - world wide.

There will also be a spot of ricin or similar so "They" can kill us if we disobey?


1984 555


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14 hours ago, Basil B said:

Maybe the airlines should hand out sanitized wipes... or even King Power put promotional tubs of them at every scanner.


King Power giving something away ???

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16 hours ago, outsider said:


It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


The sanitary system is working well.

$500,000 deposit towards the new equipment sanitised.

People will still sneak in end out, I wonder if the Burmese will have to use the scanners after they wade across the borders with those packages on their heads??


Overall I hope it does remove some scum.

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15 hours ago, brain150 said:

Goerge Orwell's 1984 on steroids !!!


Just in case anybody thinks this has anything to do with security - nope !!!

It has everything to do with total control.


Social Credit scores to come next.


A total nightmare to anybody who can still use his brain for just a second - not many left it seems !!!

... the media mind control is working perfectly - babies being treated like babies !!!

George Orwell would commit suicide that he was so wrong. 

Edited by Isaanbiker
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You counted them?  51 times?  
We have fingerprint door locks at our office and they have worked perfectly since day one.
51 times?
Haha I counted out of protest.
I now have a key card.

I think maintenance are tired of me complaining.
I am the only one that has real problems with it.
As I said I can unlock my mobile phone first time every time.

Sent from my SM-C710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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I think there is some paranoia being seen here regards fingerprints/sanitation!!


Do you lot worry about handrails on stairs, escalators - hand grips on buss's, the MRT etc. etc.

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I flew into BK last April and they didn't have this at Suvarnabhumi.  I just returned this past weekend and they were in full effect.  I always go through Fast Track and even then, the new system slowed things down.  First it scans your face then you have to place your right 4 fingers on a scan pad then your left fingers and lastly you have to place both thumbs on the pad.  When placing both thumbs, it's a little awkward because the pad is small and you if you you're a big fellow you are forced to bring your elbows in.  

They use similar ones in LAX but much faster.  However, I don't think the ones in LA are as advanced.  I think the facial recognition system used in Thailand uses AI as opposed to just a snap shot of your face like in LA. I believe the Thai immigration purchased their system from China.  They say the Chinese AI system is the most advanced in the world.  Once they do a facial scan, they can track you anywhere in Thailand.  While scanning your face at immigration's, the camera will follow your every move to get your side profiles as well.  It's almost too intrusive.....Now Thai Big Brother has your every move with their "Eye in the sky".  You can run but you'll never be able to hide.

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2 hours ago, Antiparovian said:

Should have them at all Immigration Offices too. Especially for stuff like Retirement Extensions. Might help weed out the Agents.

But, most of the agents are retired immigration officers.  So, that will never happen

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On 5/27/2019 at 2:42 PM, RJRS1301 said:

Fast reentry to Australia now though for nationals

Wow, sabai sabai at it's very best 555, It's been active in Australia for nationals since 2009

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On 5/27/2019 at 2:41 PM, RJRS1301 said:

What happens for those who entered haggard, had facial reconstruction (plastic surgery) ??

Grow a beard after entering??

I know mine has refused to let me out of Australia once for some reason, soon sorted by human intervention, but just wondering for those whose appearance has changed

I personally think it is a damn good idea



Unless you have changed the distance between your eyes or had one removed :crazy:,

i don't see a problem :cheesy:

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it is happening everywhere now,heathrow has the passport scan and photo.sometimes fast and slow.last time at swampy it was about about 20 mins to clear security and into duty free.now they will have a newer system like many.you have to accept it and move on

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Did it when leaving on Tuesday. Queue was under 5 minutes and i didn't have to take my glasses off. The Heathrow passport/facial recognition scanners are slower, take about 3 minutes to work (when they work). Will be interesting to see if they let me back in next month .....

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Population control.
A few months ago Thai immigration details of personal information on foreigners was leaked on the internet including passport numbers, date of birth, names and addresses. Anybody could access and view it easily. It wasn't a hack, just stupidity and incompetence as per usual.
So there is clear evidence they cannot be trusted with personal and private information, notwithstanding the greater worries of what an unaccountable military government chooses to do with that data.

Please explain what the government will do with this data. Even an (as you describe) an unaccountable military government.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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