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Three men sentenced to death for murdering British expat and wife in northern Thailand


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Put all property/assets in your wife's name and keep paying generously to one and all in terms of day to day expenses/allowances. Even the dumbest relative will then recognize that there is nothing to be gained by your death, but a lot to lose in terms of living costs once you have expired.

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11 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Put all property/assets in your wife's name and keep paying generously to one and all in terms of day to day expenses/allowances. Even the dumbest relative will then recognize that there is nothing to be gained by your death, but a lot to lose in terms of living costs once you have expired.

...or...just don't get married. Lots to lose and nothing to gain by being married in Thailand.


You don't even qualify for citizenship after a while, as you do in many Western countries.


I could never understand the obsession some guys have with being married anyway, but then that's up to them.

Edited by Andrew65
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4 hours ago, z42 said:

Can't fault the justice system on this one. Swift, harsh justice for all concerned in this dreadful crime.


Hopefully it'll deter other cash hungry relatives in Thailand from trying any such acts to make a fast buck

Can i pull the trigger

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1 hour ago, Benroon said:

The sheer ludicrousness of that defies belief - so find me a country where the lets say less well educated do not commit a proportionately higher rate of murders ? Upbringing clearly plays a major role in any life of crime.


With the exception of Lord Lucan I think you'll find that's the case everywhere but don't let that fact prevent you from cementing your reputation on here 

Fair enough, but by your own logic, show me another country where foreign men come in droves to marry women far lower down on the socio economic and education ladders than themselves. 

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Let's hope the sentence gets carried out, for justice's sake. These vermin don't deserve to live. I don't care if it doesn't work as a deterrent for other criminals – some people just deserve to die.

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Problem is if you kill a murderer, sorry, "execute" a murderer, regardless of tittle or rank, you are not much better than the criminal him/herself. Just put them away for life with no chance of getting out.

Killing, murdering, executing, what ever name you want to use, the person dies. 

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He will kill his own sister and not only kill her but beat her he in with a wrench.....SICK.


I hope they come back and haunt the 4 of them for eternity.


Never make yourself worth more dead than alive.........especially here.

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10 minutes ago, Moo 2 said:

Problem is if you kill a murderer, sorry, "execute" a murderer, regardless of tittle or rank, you are not much better than the criminal him/herself. Just put them away for life with no chance of getting out.

Killing, murdering, executing, what ever name you want to use, the person dies. 

Thailand has about three times the prison population than the UK, a country with a similar sized population. The Thais are trying to reduce this.


Also, if all the Thais either in prison, in the monk-hood, or doing national service were "released", imagine what it would do to the unemployment numbers!? The 1% unemployed that the Thais quote is a joke anyway.

Then again, lifers for murder probably make up quite a small %'age. Not locking people up for drug offences would go a long way to reducing it, especially for cannabis. (I'm not a user, BTW).

The war on drugs has been a failure.

Edited by Andrew65
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Death Penalty is definitely a deterrent..........in most cases.


I live by........“Without penalty........expect no change”


If someone walks up and hits u over the head every day and nothing happens........why should they stop doing it?


If they hit u over the head and get hit back twice as much and twice as hard........it will stop.

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12 minutes ago, Benroon said:

I doubt there is one - how is that connected and its certainly nothing to do with what I posted earlier - we were talking about the likelihood of being murdered by educated/non educated people - you've swerved off into mixed marriages for some reason (presumably you're not insinuating now that gives you a higher level of being murdered?)

I don't know, if you are more likely to be murdered by someone lower income or uneducated as you seem to have agreed, wouldnt it stand to reason that there is a greater risk to individauls who come to Thailand and take wives from such families?


It all seems related to me. 

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5 hours ago, inThailand said:

Show me a Thai family that doesn't love money. 

and yet, money obviously has nothing to do with scum bag Thais who not only kill their sister, but because of their lack of impulse "bludgeon" and kill those who somehow disagree with their infantile, childish, and immature thinking. No wonder why any "reasonable" Thai woman will steer away from Thai males. Time bombs that no one would or should want have anything to do with.

Edited by TMNH
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1 hour ago, Moo 2 said:

Problem is if you kill a murderer, sorry, "execute" a murderer, regardless of tittle or rank, you are not much better than the criminal him/herself. Just put them away for life with no chance of getting out.

Killing, murdering, executing, what ever name you want to use, the person dies. 

Tie him to a stake in his village.  Cut his nuts off and let him bleed out and put it on the news. Bet that would be a deterrent. And don't say that that would be an animilistic form of punishment.  He has already display animilistic tendencies so send him on the way as a warning to others.

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6 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I know what you mean and do not disagree with you. 


However, you will not be able to show me almost ANY reported murders by the middle class or better Thai families of Farangs.


Sure, there are not many such couplings, but the point stands. 

Nonsense.. Wealthy biz folks put out hits over money as much, maybe more, than poor ones.. Poor ones just do it spectacularly badly and make the news.. 

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