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SURVEY: Time to start impeachment proceedings?


SURVEY: Time to start impeachment proceedings against Trump?  

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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:
6 hours ago, atyclb said:



yes, not only that but because of that, it is every candidates strategy to win by electoral votes, hillary included

Not all have the help of a foreign government. 


And then go and admit they had the help of a foreign government. 


true but not russia because kazakstan, greatest country in world meddle erection make trump win


great success


chin qui

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11 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

you seem very emotional and triggered.

If there is no risk to the party, and you have convinced yourself of guilt you can prove,

then why wait? nothing to lose right?

I think "passionate" might be more appropriate than "emotional".

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Born to be impeached.


Here are seven reasons Trump should be impeached

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s presentation last week, although it contained no new information, has renewed pressure to impeach President Trump. You can debate whether impeachment makes sense politically, but there is no doubt that it is justified legally and morally. There is already more than enough evidence for at least seven articles of impeachment – four more than President Richard M. Nixon would have faced had he not resigned in 1974.

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On 6/3/2019 at 2:57 AM, bendejo said:

If they can't see a path to victory they will just be making fools of themselves and will go down in their own disgrace, like the Republicans did with the Bill Clinton impeachment and later on with the semi-perpetual Benghazi inquisition.  Unless there is some sort of revolt in the GOP it'll never pass the Senate.

But they can do some tactical maneuvers at first, like get rid of Mitch McConnell.  The Dems should find a way to get him on that Rusal/Kentucky deal he bulldozed through the Senate, that was an Old South Kingfish tactic pure and simple.  And I'm sure if the Dems look harder they could find other monkey business to nail him with.

As for DT, someone on the Dem side should be nagging them that the Mueller-obstruction-collusion business is only one cupcake on the tray.  I have zero doubt that DT and Family are enriching themselves due to his position, and hey, I'm only a schmuck who reads the newspapers: they have access to much more than I do.  That deal he cut with Chinese businessmen about developing a resort in Indonesia would be a nice start. 

And then there's Mother Nature.  As those of us of a, err, ahem!, certain age are well aware the older we get the more we become aware of our mortality.  DT is 73, Mitch is 77.  When DT does his spot press visits on the WH lawn notice that when shot from certain angles there is an ambulance parked on the grounds, never saw this with any previous president.  Always.  Supposedly the heart attack that took down Scalia was the type called a widowmaker, it's all over in an instant (this was told to me by my neighbor, who has taken a keen interest in the subject since having a heart attack himself). 

Another argument against impeachment is Pence.  The one positive about DT is he is not an ideologue, no philosophical credo or catechism (other than "me me me").  Pence, on the other hand, would be a stooge for conservatives, Christian right, and the big-money interests, leaving the running of things in the hands others, even worse than W.


But back to McConnell, he is the stumbling block on this subject.  He may be back-stabbing and ruthless, but he is also calculating and effective.  He made his announcement of blocking Obama filling a Supreme Court vacancy while Scalia's corpse was still warm.

Gotta think a few moves ahead, folks.  You gotta take out the bishop (or rook, knight, queen et al) before you go for the king.  No one seems to be factoring in the possibility of impeachment or failing health when projecting about the upcoming election.  I'd like to see DT impeached in September 2020, the GOP thrown into utter chaos!



How do you figure? Bill Clinton, was actually impeached.

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On 6/3/2019 at 7:49 AM, berrec said:

OMG the American people had their day in 2016 and voted for a candidate that was not of the typical Washington DC establishment to get the country moving again and take on the swamp and all those blood sucking politicians.


He has done what the Americans voters wanted him to do in spite of the deep state attempts to take him out.


Facts will always Trump fiction and fake news.


Give the guy some credit for his achievements.


Mueller’s investigation, a complete hoax fabricated on the insurance policy from the deep state... 

Take on the swamp? He re-polulated the swamp with his own crocodiles. How are guys like Mnuchin, Ross, Bolton, Pence, and the rest of this cronies not considered bought and paid for swamp creatures? When has Trump EVER said no to a lobbyist? MAGA? Seriously? You guys are still buying this PR gambit?



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