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SURVEY: What would you do?  

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2 hours ago, seabear said:

Long time ago I saw a 100 sfr note on the floor in a shopping center. I picked it up, looked around to see if somebody was searching for it, then put it in my pocket. Later, the same day, I heard a street musician playing the violin. Very very beautiful. So I put the money in his violin case.

You should write a book, "The Dishonest Philanthropist".

  • Haha 1
Just now, MaksimMislavsky said:

Don't take what was not given. Ignore it. Especially as it is often the starting point of a scam.

Yeah it could be. Scams usually exploit human greed. 

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On 6/15/2019 at 7:11 AM, champers said:

Rather pointless poll, I think. If you steal you are dishonest so when picking your option why not be dishonest?

Personally, I would give it to the nearest taxi driver who could claim all the credit and help tourism in Thailand.


Excuse me whilst I wrench....

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I often find notes washed up on the shoreline when walking along the beach.

Usually 20's or 100's, occasionally 500, but only once a 1000.

Along with swimming goggles, sunglasses, flip-flops (but never a pair), once even a reasonably tidy watch - which is still going strong after 2 years.  On the occasions I've asked people swimming/paddling close by if they lost it, I've never had someone say it was theirs.  I can only assume that most people are honest, and wouldn't say "yes, that's mine", unless it really was.  

Amazing Thailand..!!   


We found ฿40 + a lottery ticket a few months ago in a shopping mall parking structure. We reported to  the information desk and they told us to keep it and just asked our phone number. 


If you were walking home skint at 2.am and see 1000 baht in a darkened soi with nobody around who could have possibly dropped it,

Would you -

A- Run to the nearest 7/11 and hand it in to the cashier.

B-Run back to the bar and get a few more beers.

C-Step over it and go home feeling very honest.


4 hours ago, Scott said:

While working in Iraq while under sanctions, we had submitted a bid to build a bridge to the US Dept. of Defense.   The bid was $150,000, but the bridge came in at under $60,000.   All transactions in the country were in US$ and cash.   I went to the main office, located close to the Turkish border, to get the money.   They did not care that it cost $60,000 and gave me a big box with $150,000 in freshly minted bills.  


There was that moment when I went outside with the big box of money that I looked over toward the border and wondered how long $150,000 would last.   I decided my price was $250,000.   So that was my price then.  


How did you get 250,000 from the 150,000 they gave you?

Does not make sense. 

4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think this is mostly common sense if you weren't raised in a barn.


Money dropped in a store and you see it being dropped. Duh. Tell the person immediately -- hey you dropped your money, lady. Or even be a gentleman and pick it up and hand it over. You're welcome. 


Money found on the street, no wallet, no evidence of who dropped it. Freakin' pick it up. It's yours now. The only issue would be how much is worth bending over for. Like would you bother with a small coin?


Money found on the floor of a store and no idea who dropped it. That's more ambiguous. It's a material thing in a store. The store owns what's in the store. So pocketing that money is perhaps in an abstract way stealing from the store. On the other hand if you give it to the store, they'll probably think you're crazy and the chances of someone coming back to claim I think would usually be remote. They may or may not realize later that they lost money later but it could have been anywhere and money has no identifier on it.


This is something that has never happened to me, seeing cash on the floor of a store. Coins maybe. So thinking about it, if it was coins or a small bill like a 20 I would just leave it. If I saw 1000 on the floor of a store, I'm not really sure what I'd do. To touch it with the intention of turning it in is to get involved somehow with it and yes there are cameras everywhere. Seems like a bit of a risk to try to be a good Samaritan over something rather petty. No good deed goes unpunished as "they" say.  I really don't think I would pocket it as like I said it seems to me it has become property of the store. I say I don't think I would because it's true you never really know what you'll do until it happens.


So I might just leave it there and assume the next person is probably going to pocket it. The one that got away.

No amount of money is worth it to me to bend over....for anyone.

I'm sure you see the funny side of this post.


I've found 50 bucks at work before. Took to admin. They emailed everyone looking for the person who lost it. No takers, thank you from me.


I do wonder though if there could be a setup. Marked note,,,,finders ain't keepers no matter what anyone says as far as I'm aware. What would happen if the 1000 baht note was marked and planted? Cops come looking shortly after?

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is a big difference between finding money on the floor or what that British bloke did.


In that case i would tell the lady she dropped her money, got a few khob khun khaaaas, a big smile and a good feeling.


If i find 2000bht somewhere on the floor on the street or anywhere where nobody is near the money i would keep it. It's that simple.


If it is a wallet, bag, purse or whatever what can be given back to a person i will bring it to the police station.

6 hours ago, connda said:

Most people are honest imho.  

A more interesting poll might be:

You find a Thai bank bag containing 5 million THB laying in the middle of the road.
What would you do?

Definitely keep it, no doubt about it, but I would make sure no one was watching.


If the person that dropped the money was seen by me as in the case of the Brit and the 2000 baht I would pick it up and hand it to the person that dropped it. But if I found the money on the ground and there was no one around I would not give it to anyone, instead I would give the service desk my contact details so that the person that lost the money can contact me and get their money back because if you give it to the cashier it could go into their pocket and they would tell no one.


I will do what a Thai old poor woman did in the middle of a street market when 300 THB fells from my pocket when getting off a tuk-tuk. She did follow me one block to give me the money she found on the street...


If I knew whose money it was, I will give it to them. I would never keep it because for the rest of my life I would know I am sh*t.

Otherwise it is a difficult proposition.

If you give it to the store,or the police  how do you know the store will not keep it?

I  Think I would tell the store that I found some money,  I will not tell them how much or where I found it.

and if someone was looking for it should call me.

When they called I will ask them some questions,  such as "how much" and where they think they lost it. I will return it if I am reasonably satisfied they are truthful.

If nobody called, I would donate the money. 

Not my money, don't want it, don't need it. It is bad karma 


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3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

How did you get 250,000 from the 150,000 they gave you?

Does not make sense. 

Sorry, I didn't get $250,000, I got $150,000.   That was the point that I decided IF I get my hands on $250,000, then I might just take off with the money.   I had never encountered a contract where you come in well under budget and still get the full amount.  



If I found money in the street I’d probably just keep it, but if I saw someone drop money I would definitely give them it back. What that old guy did was despicable.

19 minutes ago, Scott said:

Sorry, I didn't get $250,000, I got $150,000.   That was the point that I decided IF I get my hands on $250,000, then I might just take off with the money.   I had never encountered a contract where you come in well under budget and still get the full amount.  


So basically you are a thieving from the US taxpayer?

Hope the Don doesn't audit you.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, emptypockets said:

So basically you are a thieving from the US taxpayer?

Hope the Don doesn't audit you.

Nope.   Never took a penny, but I know what my price would be.  


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" If I was reasonably sure no one was watching, I'd keep the money. "


that isn't absolutely  an option as for me! i know what i'm talking about


I didn't vote because...The obvious answer to the situation that occurred is not listed in survey...Very Thai?


That answer is say excuse me to the lady & tell her she dropped her money


I would pick the money up and give it back to whoever had dropped it.


I've also kept a couple of $50 notes that were washed up on a Darwin beach. Fish had nibbled at the edges, so I thought finders keepers was fair enough, as the owner was presumably long gone.


I once found a wallet in Australia next to my car at a fish and chip shop, night time. No other cars around, so I concluded a customer had dropped it on the way out. I took it home with me, intending to hand it in at the police station the next day.

When I looked through the wallet, there was about $200 in cash, plus two credit cards and a Repco business card. I phoned the number on the card, and got through to the guy whose name was on the card. I asked him if he had dropped a wallet lately. There was a long silence, then he asked for my address.

He turned up 20 minutes later, and thanked me profusely. Apparently he had been sweating blood because the company credit card had a $20,000 limit on it, and he had been dreading explaining to head office he had lost it. To his credit, he did not check the cash in the wallet.

He did offer me any Repco product in his store at cost price; however, I never took him up on the offer.


A while back I was taking a walk and noticed a 20 baht note on the street in front of a mom and pop market.


There was nobody there, so I was going to leave it on the counter and just leave.   Figured it was from sobody's transaction earlier.


Then just before i left,  the shopkeeper came back.   I signed that found it outside and was giving to them.   She said "Tambun tambun"   so we prayed and put it up on the tambun display.   

15 hours ago, sirineou said:

If I knew whose money it was, I will give it to them. I would never keep it because for the rest of my life I would know I am sh*t.

Otherwise it is a difficult proposition.

If you give it to the store,or the police  how do you know the store will not keep it?

I  Think I would tell the store that I found some money,  I will not tell them how much or where I found it.

and if someone was looking for it should call me.

When they called I will ask them some questions,  such as "how much" and where they think they lost it. I will return it if I am reasonably satisfied they are truthful.

If nobody called, I would donate the money. 

Not my money, don't want it, don't need it. It is bad karma 


A similar thing happened to me a few years back. I had fell on hard times and had a very good pitch near Leyton Station (London, England, near Leyton Orient Fc). A well dressed guy came up, and reached into his pocket for a bit of change to give to me. He dropped a few pennies into my hat. As he walked away i saw that he had dropped his wallet. I limped after him but could not find the guy.


Opening the wallet I found 500 pounds. There was also some little business cards. It turned out that he was a solicitor. I couldn't afford a phone during those times, so i walked to Tottenham Hale (the address on the card). I'd been injured when I'd been set upon by some youths earlier in the week, and my leg was hurting, but I carried on, and hours later I got to his office. It was closed.


Sat by the doorway all night. It turned out not to be a good pitch and my hat was filled with nothing. The next morning a lady came to open the office. I explained that I'd been in the Army and had fell on hard times. Also what had happened with the solicitor guy and o apologized for having to open the wallet, which still had all the dosh in it. She said not to worry, everything would be OK, and took the wallet from me.


I went back to my Leyton spot and just carried on. The following day the solicitor came to me. "Thank you for returning the wallet" he said, handed me a carrier bag and walked away. I looked inside and there was a sign and an envelope. The sign said 'War veteran - please give generously' I opened the envelope and inside was a little note. "Make good use of the 500 quid you thieving <deleted>


But the sign worked well and I never looked back. And here I am in Thailand.


If I know who lost it, I'll give it back, if I don't know, either a 1000 or a million baht, I'll keep it. End of story.


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